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PIHIevOSOPHI CAI. TOWSB& DV FREDDIE GItEKN'S HIM, WILLIE D. GOOD. TOWSER' S FINISH. in,,ei there grill ,i ,I'ig htIXS name wux Towner an' he srtU in orful kind ilorg fur fun Kvry day 1 tartar tit* maY tin prui on his tail to see him run it. hear the can blimp, lie got so he jew liked to hate me do 11 to him. en wtul wait f.-r mi* in bark if 1 didn't Mini out. We hid I." nf fun until hla tall ware out ami nil tbe cans wus burlt'i!. Then he died.
1/14/1905 The Seattle star.
PIHIevOSOPHI CAI. TOWSB& DV FREDDIE GItEKN'S HIM, WILLIE D. GOOD. TOWSER' S FINISH. in,,ei there grill ,i ,I'ig htIXS name wux Towner an' he srtU in orful kind ilorg fur fun Kvry day 1 tartar tit* maY tin prui on his tail to see him run it. hear the can blimp, lie got so he jew liked to hate me do 11 to him. en wtul wait f.-r mi* in bark if 1 didn't Mini out. We hid I." nf fun until hla tall ware out ami nil tbe cans wus burlt'i!. Then he died.
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OF THE the bride; AIctte lliitkner and Nils Klorinun. Mr. Arnnyl nnd his bride will be away on their wedding trip for the itrcuter part of the summer, but they will return to New Vork In the fall. Mr nnd Mrs. O. De Lmroy Coster have gone to Tennfl, N. .1., where they will be for part of th summer, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Klngsfonl havo recently been visiting In Storkbrldge, Mass. Mrs. Henry K. Dltnock left Washington, D. C. a few dys ago for a visit with Mrs. Frederick F. Thnmp- BBBBaaVr ' ( ml JaBBBLHH ' ' JHbLiMPSSLH K:, t , iifBtmKM UfiS3 aHallllHH lJaaaaV9iMbaaH a - w ' 1 3f& ""'liLVRaLHS aLLLi )iaaaaKCKa9KlBH m!?'- hh Wk l, vVBRbIbHSIbbbdbbH rv xJkTr m 4mJmm 4- vaHLI BBBBBBBBBBBVA' "V flf V JtPEjVflBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBH I S-Vwi'3k SC "?BH 'BBBBP'awjaBB laBBBBBBBBli. T SH JjaVawTValVBlSBflBBBBBBBH I 1 1 ff frW BBBBBBBBBH iA4r ' 'IMilBaJBBBBB Hpr 4IVv 'tBBnBSaMMBBBBBl I vv&lLJy' b' ' HnHi R'e'. fyiw m '3bbHLb1bbBbbBbbbbbbbbbW vHTlf JaBBBBBaBuKlBEnBflBVBW Rf JH;ri 1IkcVHHbH9bbibLbbbW lmJ11) bbbbbbbI yi;t PPLHiVtHH BBBBBBBBBBhKI' v 1iJ!bB JBBBlBBBBUBBHBPBBBr XBBBBf ' ' b31bBL v "K f BBBBBBBBBBHaffiflBBHfi 'i '.KtKKtl ' ''''MA ' 4 rP0-tX tt PEGINALD E.WIGHAM. Photo gy Campbell stucio. son in Canandalguu. N. Y and later she will go to Dar Harbor. Mr. and Mm. Frederick Roosevelt will, as cus tomary, pass the summer in Skune ateles, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Howard, Lois S. Hllss. Harriet M. I Smith and Lydln S. Chapln. Mary Frances Taft will be the llower girl. 1 Reginald I.. Whitman will be hi bi other's best man. Tho ushers will be f. Morton Whitman, Harold Whitman, Oswald Pfnelicr, Dudley P. Itnnney. Paul It. Wlthlngton nnd Will 'hhi P.. MncColl, ninth street, on Wednesday after- roon at 4 o'clock. The bride will have Mrs. Franklin A. Reece for her matron o! honor, and the other attendants will 1 be the Misses Coru Weir, Agnes P.itie daugliter Jtk'' W lecn completed I Arcliibald Maclay. will K for thei wedding of Mildred I to Orlnnell Hurt. of Mrs. . B (laughter of and Mrs. P. Uurt of Warwick, N. Y.. nt the .HB I Thomas C. Meadows, to ' home of her father. 39 West Sixty- KbBVVVFIbWMSV Ileutter of this cltv. It will be cele-, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhE,. WiiiHBBBnBS,miaieB t t m jr LS N. BBBBK' I IHIISSVBBBW-WW "lBBBBt :B.nlBBBBl rW''' ivi- WEEK-SPRING SOCIAL I BWIi& ' M BbbvbV i Helen MncQtiolJ, daughter of former j Mnjor and Mrs. MarQuold of Roselle. N. .f who was married to E. Burd (Jrubb. Jr., son of the late den. K. Uurd (Irubb of Edgewnter Park, Mlnlxter to Hpalu under President Harrison. The wedel'ng took place In St. Luke's Church. Elizabeth, N. .1.. on June 3 1 and was followed by n large reception.! 7 brated in the chantry of St. Thomas't, Church on the afternoon of June 27 and will be followed by a reception at the homo of the bride'. pnrent. 1 1 Eaet Sixtieth straet. The bridal at wedding of Miss Eleanor Sawyer Purdy, daughter of .Mis. William llalstcd Purdy of 350 West Eighty-fifth street, and Francis Mnlbonc Hlodget. son of Mrs. Samuel C. Pleidget of East Greenwich, Jt. 1 It will be iclebiated to-morrow afternoon In .Ml Angels' Church. Mls Purdy will be attended by Miss Anna Moore and Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck. Howard Carter Davis will wait on Mr. Blodgct as best man and the ushers will be Samuel J. Keator. T. t.vman Pun nell. Francis Wlsner Murray, Jr., and James Mill duck Ethtldgc, Jr. Another wrtldlug to-morrow will be that of .Miss Allele (irenet, daughter of V &SZ ;iNV MPS. E. BUI3D GRUBB. Mr. and Mrs. August J. Grenet of 214 West Ninety-second street, to Wllham Mills Stevenson, ton of Mr, and Mrs. William W. Stevenson. It will take place; at the Hotel .Majestic and t ,e ceiemouy will be followed a 01 II. let- J. F O" tie.-
6/11/1916 The sun.
OF THE the bride; AIctte lliitkner and Nils Klorinun. Mr. Arnnyl nnd his bride will be away on their wedding trip for the itrcuter part of the summer, but they will return to New Vork In the fall. Mr nnd Mrs. O. De Lmroy Coster have gone to Tennfl, N. .1., where they will be for part of th summer, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Klngsfonl havo recently been visiting In Storkbrldge, Mass. Mrs. Henry K. Dltnock left Washington, D. C. a few dys ago for a visit with Mrs. Frederick F. Thnmp- BBBBaaVr ' ( ml JaBBBLHH ' ' JHbLiMPSSLH K:, t , iifBtmKM UfiS3 aHallllHH lJaaaaV9iMbaaH a - w ' 1 3f& ""'liLVRaLHS aLLLi )iaaaaKCKa9KlBH m!?'- hh Wk l, vVBRbIbHSIbbbdbbH rv xJkTr m 4mJmm 4- vaHLI BBBBBBBBBBBVA' "V flf V JtPEjVflBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBH I S-Vwi'3k SC "?BH 'BBBBP'awjaBB laBBBBBBBBli. T SH JjaVawTValVBlSBflBBBBBBBH I 1 1 ff frW BBBBBBBBBH iA4r ' 'IMilBaJBBBBB Hpr 4IVv 'tBBnBSaMMBBBBBl I vv&lLJy' b' ' HnHi R'e'. fyiw m '3bbHLb1bbBbbBbbbbbbbbbW vHTlf JaBBBBBaBuKlBEnBflBVBW Rf JH;ri 1IkcVHHbH9bbibLbbbW lmJ11) bbbbbbbI yi;t PPLHiVtHH BBBBBBBBBBhKI' v 1iJ!bB JBBBlBBBBUBBHBPBBBr XBBBBf ' ' b31bBL v "K f BBBBBBBBBBHaffiflBBHfi 'i '.KtKKtl ' ''''MA ' 4 rP0-tX tt PEGINALD E.WIGHAM. Photo gy Campbell stucio. son in Canandalguu. N. Y and later she will go to Dar Harbor. Mr. and Mm. Frederick Roosevelt will, as cus tomary, pass the summer in Skune ateles, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Howard, Lois S. Hllss. Harriet M. I Smith and Lydln S. Chapln. Mary Frances Taft will be the llower girl. 1 Reginald I.. Whitman will be hi bi other's best man. Tho ushers will be f. Morton Whitman, Harold Whitman, Oswald Pfnelicr, Dudley P. Itnnney. Paul It. Wlthlngton nnd Will 'hhi P.. MncColl, ninth street, on Wednesday after- roon at 4 o'clock. The bride will have Mrs. Franklin A. Reece for her matron o! honor, and the other attendants will 1 be the Misses Coru Weir, Agnes P.itie daugliter Jtk'' W lecn completed I Arcliibald Maclay. will K for thei wedding of Mildred I to Orlnnell Hurt. of Mrs. . B (laughter of and Mrs. P. Uurt of Warwick, N. Y.. nt the .HB I Thomas C. Meadows, to ' home of her father. 39 West Sixty- KbBVVVFIbWMSV Ileutter of this cltv. It will be cele-, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhE,. WiiiHBBBnBS,miaieB t t m jr LS N. BBBBK' I IHIISSVBBBW-WW "lBBBBt :B.nlBBBBl rW''' ivi- WEEK-SPRING SOCIAL I BWIi& ' M BbbvbV i Helen MncQtiolJ, daughter of former j Mnjor and Mrs. MarQuold of Roselle. N. .f who was married to E. Burd (Jrubb. Jr., son of the late den. K. Uurd (Irubb of Edgewnter Park, Mlnlxter to Hpalu under President Harrison. The wedel'ng took place In St. Luke's Church. Elizabeth, N. .1.. on June 3 1 and was followed by n large reception.! 7 brated in the chantry of St. Thomas't, Church on the afternoon of June 27 and will be followed by a reception at the homo of the bride'. pnrent. 1 1 Eaet Sixtieth straet. The bridal at wedding of Miss Eleanor Sawyer Purdy, daughter of .Mis. William llalstcd Purdy of 350 West Eighty-fifth street, and Francis Mnlbonc Hlodget. son of Mrs. Samuel C. Pleidget of East Greenwich, Jt. 1 It will be iclebiated to-morrow afternoon In .Ml Angels' Church. Mls Purdy will be attended by Miss Anna Moore and Mrs. A. Cuyler Ten Eyck. Howard Carter Davis will wait on Mr. Blodgct as best man and the ushers will be Samuel J. Keator. T. t.vman Pun nell. Francis Wlsner Murray, Jr., and James Mill duck Ethtldgc, Jr. Another wrtldlug to-morrow will be that of .Miss Allele (irenet, daughter of V &SZ ;iNV MPS. E. BUI3D GRUBB. Mr. and Mrs. August J. Grenet of 214 West Ninety-second street, to Wllham Mills Stevenson, ton of Mr, and Mrs. William W. Stevenson. It will take place; at the Hotel .Majestic and t ,e ceiemouy will be followed a 01 II. let- J. F O" tie.-
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2/10/1917 Chicago eagle.
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A USEFUL ADDITION TO THE AMERICAN NAVY M JwsgjpfflKsy7;as.TO tef?-"- The United States Navy Department will soon have a number of scouting dirig ibles, or " blimps," as an added and useful factor in the general programme of coast defence. Hundreds of these small dirigible balloons are used by the Allies for coast patrol and submarine hunters, in which sphere they liavc proved to bo most useful, The machines are designed to operate from shore bases, but could rest on the surface of the water in good weather.
4/5/1917 Perrysburg journal.
A USEFUL ADDITION TO THE AMERICAN NAVY M JwsgjpfflKsy7;as.TO tef?-"- The United States Navy Department will soon have a number of scouting dirig ibles, or " blimps," as an added and useful factor in the general programme of coast defence. Hundreds of these small dirigible balloons are used by the Allies for coast patrol and submarine hunters, in which sphere they liavc proved to bo most useful, The machines are designed to operate from shore bases, but could rest on the surface of the water in good weather.
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A USEFUL ADDITION TO THE AMERICAN NAVY The United States Navy Department will soon have a number of scoutiing dirigibles, or “blimps,” as an added and useful factor in the general programmeof coast defence. Hundreds of these small dirigible balloons are used by the Allies for coasts patrol and submarine hunters, in which spheres they have proved t> be most useful. The machines are designed to operate from bases, but could real on the surface of the water In good weather. T. K.
4/5/1917 The Alaska daily empire.
A USEFUL ADDITION TO THE AMERICAN NAVY The United States Navy Department will soon have a number of scoutiing dirigibles, or “blimps,” as an added and useful factor in the general programmeof coast defence. Hundreds of these small dirigible balloons are used by the Allies for coasts patrol and submarine hunters, in which spheres they have proved t> be most useful. The machines are designed to operate from bases, but could real on the surface of the water In good weather. T. K.
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( FRENCHMAN COMES TO HELP U. S. WAR BALLOON MAKERS Henri Juliiot. Henri Juliiot, the noted French ingineer, will superintend the coiv itruction of several huse Blimp type non-rigid dirigible balloons which are oein? constructed for the Urrted I t"" .. M...Annnnf ll-,An f 'V 1 " VC . ho Q J vi dirizible construction in the va ( lis labor in this fiold " . ly -r -T , i CL.X ms m ; W. .
5/5/1917 Bisbee daily review.
( FRENCHMAN COMES TO HELP U. S. WAR BALLOON MAKERS Henri Juliiot. Henri Juliiot, the noted French ingineer, will superintend the coiv itruction of several huse Blimp type non-rigid dirigible balloons which are oein? constructed for the Urrted I t"" .. M...Annnnf ll-,An f 'V 1 " VC . ho Q J vi dirizible construction in the va ( lis labor in this fiold " . ly -r -T , i CL.X ms m ; W. .
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A “BLIMP,” WITH ITS ENGINE TEMPORARILY OUT OF GEAR, OBTAINS A FRIENDLY TOW HOME This picture, drawn for the London Sphere, shows a British destroyer giving a helping hand to a British dirigible of the “Blimp” pattern; that is, one fitted wit^ an aeroplane body under the cigar shaped gas container. The ‘‘Blimp,” as this composite type of weapon is familiarly termed, has e.\|*erienced engine trouble while on duty patrolling a waterway and has been able to get in touch with a British destroyer. A line is passed to the seacraft and a member of this new arm of the service is to - - - - •
7/13/1917 The Alaska daily empire.
A “BLIMP,” WITH ITS ENGINE TEMPORARILY OUT OF GEAR, OBTAINS A FRIENDLY TOW HOME This picture, drawn for the London Sphere, shows a British destroyer giving a helping hand to a British dirigible of the “Blimp” pattern; that is, one fitted wit^ an aeroplane body under the cigar shaped gas container. The ‘‘Blimp,” as this composite type of weapon is familiarly termed, has e.\|*erienced engine trouble while on duty patrolling a waterway and has been able to get in touch with a British destroyer. A line is passed to the seacraft and a member of this new arm of the service is to - - - - •
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Flies in Uncle Sam's EVENING of Amor "Third Admiral in than the Duik the secre permitted made by being «to PnllSh the death , machine America of were made Ohio where f'om lie w n,a new type con Duckworth's O. K. being In Wash * that Files!" to make naval of. the woods At'ontic. "put, tu pilot mini prob who»: stranger on a 2 . 0 Ö 0 - dress in caps, where beim" where Jackies where when they the movies, ami the a week ' First Blimp, "at the Post" and in Flight! m A ♦re ♦ s * »V ' J'V A. « V IT, \ v \ M wet «ÄÖvSSs&ä Vi I * -A «*. Vv : ( x* *» WM ; < - • <> ' ' L \ JL r i ft L#Ç. : : : * - A--> % 1/ . y »- V//C*. ■ :. Mm A*-* * - ; ■ ■ - ■ Swj -,V, the Correspondent Duckworth »nd „aval "Blimp" in which he witnessed the trial trip. Above is the "Blimp' lust starting Its flight; below is the 'car of the tiler, showing Duckwo-th forward with Pilot Upson in center. majestically sailed aloft. In ten I 3.000 ' we spsas I minutes the barograph read I feet. Below us many miles ahead was In the other direction, an Canton. hour's trip by auto, lay Akron. Descending to the 2,000-ft. turned around with a slight roll, prettily as a destroyer, for a speed nautical level we .1 : trial between pylons, on-» I mile apart- -land buoys, one set in a ] farmyard snd the other in a potato ; patch. Seamen with stop watches and 'phones checked us up. By crabbing j the course," to use a cryptic naval term, we made a fast run—just \ vthat 1 may not tell. ! Away In the west black clouds were [rolling up so Upson pulled some ropes land we commenced to drop. Floating 300 feet over the trees surrountiing the we slid to earth. aero
8/3/1917 Evening journal.
Flies in Uncle Sam's EVENING of Amor "Third Admiral in than the Duik the secre permitted made by being «to PnllSh the death , machine America of were made Ohio where f'om lie w n,a new type con Duckworth's O. K. being In Wash * that Files!" to make naval of. the woods At'ontic. "put, tu pilot mini prob who»: stranger on a 2 . 0 Ö 0 - dress in caps, where beim" where Jackies where when they the movies, ami the a week ' First Blimp, "at the Post" and in Flight! m A ♦re ♦ s * »V ' J'V A. « V IT, \ v \ M wet «ÄÖvSSs&ä Vi I * -A «*. Vv : ( x* *» WM ; < - • <> ' ' L \ JL r i ft L#Ç. : : : * - A--> % 1/ . y »- V//C*. ■ :. Mm A*-* * - ; ■ ■ - ■ Swj -,V, the Correspondent Duckworth »nd „aval "Blimp" in which he witnessed the trial trip. Above is the "Blimp' lust starting Its flight; below is the 'car of the tiler, showing Duckwo-th forward with Pilot Upson in center. majestically sailed aloft. In ten I 3.000 ' we spsas I minutes the barograph read I feet. Below us many miles ahead was In the other direction, an Canton. hour's trip by auto, lay Akron. Descending to the 2,000-ft. turned around with a slight roll, prettily as a destroyer, for a speed nautical level we .1 : trial between pylons, on-» I mile apart- -land buoys, one set in a ] farmyard snd the other in a potato ; patch. Seamen with stop watches and 'phones checked us up. By crabbing j the course," to use a cryptic naval term, we made a fast run—just \ vthat 1 may not tell. ! Away In the west black clouds were [rolling up so Upson pulled some ropes land we commenced to drop. Floating 300 feet over the trees surrountiing the we slid to earth. aero
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Navy Accepts Latest Air Titan After Thrilling Night Flight Over Big City a Only Officers and Crew Are Aware of Dirigible, Which Hovers for Eight Hours Over Theater Goers, dart ing Taxies and Slumbering Workmen—Built by Great French Engineer. WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept 22nd.—The Navy Department announces today its acceptance from The B. F. Goodrich Company of Akron of the first of the two huge Blimp type noo-riffid dirigible balloons which that preat corporation had been constructing under the personal direction of Henri Julllot, the noted French aeronautical engineer. In laconic form does Uncle Sam dismiss the scintillating romance that attaches itself to the tes how the dirigible roam against vagarious clouds, flirting with twinkling stars passing with purring motors at low and high altitudes over unsuspecting metropolis. Below the cabarets and taurants flung their lights into the low hanging night mists, the crowds moved lackadaisically hither and yon and save for the dozen or so silent naval officers and experts who stood circlewise searching the firmament no one suspected the presence of an astral visitor—from which conclusions might be drawn why it is difficult to discover Zeppelins in night »ids over England. Up Eight Horn». For eight boors the «readnaught of the air rrmàned aloft, and all the time It bung over the great city "Some where in America.'* For eight hours the critics stood in the chill night air, sometimes convers ing in low tones bnt for toe most part remaining silent with eyes glned to the sky. À djramatir pic ture, indeed, waa .Jnlliot, the "Super Zeppelin of France, who maintains that his aerial experi ments and Ruccoeees an tedate those of the late Count Zeppelin, moonbeams canght him In restl Stantly pacing to and fro and stroking his im per*.a' and breaking and then into vivacious K h in French. Al [h most of the "lighter than air" craft now in use on the Brit ish and French coast* are the results of his handiwork, his eagerness to convince the Amer ican government, of his great ability apicuons. when the naval office«* had announced their rec «Birnen dations, tears of hr streamed down hie «heehs and his whole frame shook with r - . u f* Ulf ■ *'.i . v « mm s & .'t.'V' < ■ •nSfp it >• & iMB to the very construction Itself— the heavens at night brushing . Wft AD 'i 7 74 ? It « Ï/ I ' jj. V i * ' . //; ISJ* : .i m Hw -Henri Upper pictan JuIIiot, builder. Center—Porigble .p«ft . ; iÿÜ 3k* - . rin« oat te kl * Lower left —R ot Knsbmfthue, pilot. SM/trpmi Lower right — Dillooa • a -y., -i tearing ita hangar f.'j V, H. % 1 'Y*! SR The LYi.qrr-ç : po»«, con - AV • ' ï m '■ m orV* j >-■ tmJ j£ 'N À > 4.4' >■ LM m i I . g At lengto. M il .t cl w •- 1' mi Boy Knabenshne ws* Dm pitot. Promptly «t S designated hour — for obvi ous reasons a night flight w«a the engineers that it was capable of required speed. the envelope fo contra ct . Then again in experiments I hare found that in the sun lighted air yon Soarae from that of fhe wind h( opens the gas cocks of the bai and seeks a lower strata of air of
9/22/1917 Evening journal.
Navy Accepts Latest Air Titan After Thrilling Night Flight Over Big City a Only Officers and Crew Are Aware of Dirigible, Which Hovers for Eight Hours Over Theater Goers, dart ing Taxies and Slumbering Workmen—Built by Great French Engineer. WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept 22nd.—The Navy Department announces today its acceptance from The B. F. Goodrich Company of Akron of the first of the two huge Blimp type noo-riffid dirigible balloons which that preat corporation had been constructing under the personal direction of Henri Julllot, the noted French aeronautical engineer. In laconic form does Uncle Sam dismiss the scintillating romance that attaches itself to the tes how the dirigible roam against vagarious clouds, flirting with twinkling stars passing with purring motors at low and high altitudes over unsuspecting metropolis. Below the cabarets and taurants flung their lights into the low hanging night mists, the crowds moved lackadaisically hither and yon and save for the dozen or so silent naval officers and experts who stood circlewise searching the firmament no one suspected the presence of an astral visitor—from which conclusions might be drawn why it is difficult to discover Zeppelins in night »ids over England. Up Eight Horn». For eight boors the «readnaught of the air rrmàned aloft, and all the time It bung over the great city "Some where in America.'* For eight hours the critics stood in the chill night air, sometimes convers ing in low tones bnt for toe most part remaining silent with eyes glned to the sky. À djramatir pic ture, indeed, waa .Jnlliot, the "Super Zeppelin of France, who maintains that his aerial experi ments and Ruccoeees an tedate those of the late Count Zeppelin, moonbeams canght him In restl Stantly pacing to and fro and stroking his im per*.a' and breaking and then into vivacious K h in French. Al [h most of the "lighter than air" craft now in use on the Brit ish and French coast* are the results of his handiwork, his eagerness to convince the Amer ican government, of his great ability apicuons. when the naval office«* had announced their rec «Birnen dations, tears of hr streamed down hie «heehs and his whole frame shook with r - . u f* Ulf ■ *'.i . v « mm s & .'t.'V' < ■ •nSfp it >• & iMB to the very construction Itself— the heavens at night brushing . Wft AD 'i 7 74 ? It « Ï/ I ' jj. V i * ' . //; ISJ* : .i m Hw -Henri Upper pictan JuIIiot, builder. Center—Porigble .p«ft . ; iÿÜ 3k* - . rin« oat te kl * Lower left —R ot Knsbmfthue, pilot. SM/trpmi Lower right — Dillooa • a -y., -i tearing ita hangar f.'j V, H. % 1 'Y*! SR The LYi.qrr-ç : po»«, con - AV • ' ï m '■ m orV* j >-■ tmJ j£ 'N À > 4.4' >■ LM m i I . g At lengto. M il .t cl w •- 1' mi Boy Knabenshne ws* Dm pitot. Promptly «t S designated hour — for obvi ous reasons a night flight w«a the engineers that it was capable of required speed. the envelope fo contra ct . Then again in experiments I hare found that in the sun lighted air yon Soarae from that of fhe wind h( opens the gas cocks of the bai and seeks a lower strata of air of
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Blimp in Jh| | IhBSSHSHHI Note the result of six months of mili tary training* Compare linos A-A and
3/12/1918 Wausau pilot.
Blimp in Jh| | IhBSSHSHHI Note the result of six months of mili tary training* Compare linos A-A and
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,-LI- x 1 X j 1cit..l mot mi linat Ma SIGNALLING FOR OUR BIRDS TO RETURN HOME Here is an interesting photo of a sailor aboard a scout destroyer signalling Blimps and aeroplanes to return to the base at Long Island. This is the first photo to be released since the declaration of peace of naval operation on our shores.
12/11/1918 The Daily Ardmoreite.
,-LI- x 1 X j 1cit..l mot mi linat Ma SIGNALLING FOR OUR BIRDS TO RETURN HOME Here is an interesting photo of a sailor aboard a scout destroyer signalling Blimps and aeroplanes to return to the base at Long Island. This is the first photo to be released since the declaration of peace of naval operation on our shores.
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mmSifi fJMMBiM ill'. Ii'ffipill CENTRALNEWf PHOTO SERVICE. NEW YORlC . SIGNALLING FOR OUR BIRDS TO RETURN HOME ,- Here is an interesting photo of a sailor aboard a scout destroyer signalling Blimps and aeroplanes to return to the base at Long Island. This is the first photo to be released since the declaration of peace of naval dperation on our shores. ' -
12/30/1918 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
mmSifi fJMMBiM ill'. Ii'ffipill CENTRALNEWf PHOTO SERVICE. NEW YORlC . SIGNALLING FOR OUR BIRDS TO RETURN HOME ,- Here is an interesting photo of a sailor aboard a scout destroyer signalling Blimps and aeroplanes to return to the base at Long Island. This is the first photo to be released since the declaration of peace of naval dperation on our shores. ' -
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1 r -vis vwetH 7 0r T v t ! r- kH 1 k' 'OF i AMERICAN DIRIGIBLE MAKES LONG FLIGHT The CI. America'. Urgest Blimp type, snapped a. it gyT- "S!! on its last leg of a journey from Far Rockaway. N. Y, to Key WJ beach are very interested in tne oaiioon ana cneerca u - -
2/3/1919 The Chattanooga news.
1 r -vis vwetH 7 0r T v t ! r- kH 1 k' 'OF i AMERICAN DIRIGIBLE MAKES LONG FLIGHT The CI. America'. Urgest Blimp type, snapped a. it gyT- "S!! on its last leg of a journey from Far Rockaway. N. Y, to Key WJ beach are very interested in tne oaiioon ana cneerca u - -
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V- 1 X !' Mil i.r , AMERICAN DIRIGIBLE MAKES LONG FLIGHT The C-l, America's largest Blimp type, snapped as it passed over the bathing beach at Miami, Fla. It is on its last leg of a journey from Far Rockaway, N. Y., to Key West, Fla. The society frolicing at the famous beach are very interested in the balloon and cheered the crew as it passed on.
2/5/1919 The Daily Ardmoreite.
V- 1 X !' Mil i.r , AMERICAN DIRIGIBLE MAKES LONG FLIGHT The C-l, America's largest Blimp type, snapped as it passed over the bathing beach at Miami, Fla. It is on its last leg of a journey from Far Rockaway, N. Y., to Key West, Fla. The society frolicing at the famous beach are very interested in the balloon and cheered the crew as it passed on.
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. r ti iIS : .A- is1 4.s v ' AMERICAN DIRIGIBLE MAKES LONG FLIGHT The C-l, America's largest Blimp type, snapped as it passed over the bathing beach at Miami, Fla. It is on its last leg of a journey from Far Rockaway, N. Y., to Key West, Fla. The society frolicing at the famous beach are very interested in the balloon and cheered the crew as it passed on.
2/26/1919 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
. r ti iIS : .A- is1 4.s v ' AMERICAN DIRIGIBLE MAKES LONG FLIGHT The C-l, America's largest Blimp type, snapped as it passed over the bathing beach at Miami, Fla. It is on its last leg of a journey from Far Rockaway, N. Y., to Key West, Fla. The society frolicing at the famous beach are very interested in the balloon and cheered the crew as it passed on.
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U. S. "BLIMP'S" FAILED TO GET A START cj . n?lZ?;;ii' .t,vW 'S'Jg 3 The giant navy dirigible C-5 was an in the race to cross the At in the air, but broke away from and was damaged at The bag of the C-5 is 160 feet long I built, she could carry enough gasoline and has a capacity of 180,000 cubic I l supply her motors on an overseas feet of gas. She is capable of making close to miles an hour under flight, but her capacity was enlarged. She has made several long trips along
5/17/1919 The Topeka state journal.
U. S. "BLIMP'S" FAILED TO GET A START cj . n?lZ?;;ii' .t,vW 'S'Jg 3 The giant navy dirigible C-5 was an in the race to cross the At in the air, but broke away from and was damaged at The bag of the C-5 is 160 feet long I built, she could carry enough gasoline and has a capacity of 180,000 cubic I l supply her motors on an overseas feet of gas. She is capable of making close to miles an hour under flight, but her capacity was enlarged. She has made several long trips along
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Lost: A Blimp. Finder please notify U. S. Navy. fcH CVi HP K(MaaL a.. a a j l'liuliirrHili nf tin1 N.inl 1'irii'il If CV mIm.Ii l.r 'kf lnm Ii.t m rtnu 'I'll 11 r- Lty .
5/17/1919 The evening herald.
Lost: A Blimp. Finder please notify U. S. Navy. fcH CVi HP K(MaaL a.. a a j l'liuliirrHili nf tin1 N.inl 1'irii'il If CV mIm.Ii l.r 'kf lnm Ii.t m rtnu 'I'll 11 r- Lty .
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s. A 1 V Giant "Blimp" Lost at Sea t ' . i . I hi M I 'l , 5" A 4l fc urn i " .... T-- v- -.,-- -x T - ! !l III -1 - - ' r i J . A . . '"-J X i The r- raw dirigible which established a reccrd by making a continuous tlight of more than 1,000 -ji . v., ill...... :.. . i -w . . "P- T-, . . .. r? - miles a few dajs ago. was reportea lest, a; sea aner u xiau u.mi tn. i. i:uvu5 i V ' - -, ' -: V ;" ";""- ' v '. .. . . , V v-. a,. .. '-s. ' J0 : 1 tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmim m ' i i i j
5/18/1919 South Bend news-times.
s. A 1 V Giant "Blimp" Lost at Sea t ' . i . I hi M I 'l , 5" A 4l fc urn i " .... T-- v- -.,-- -x T - ! !l III -1 - - ' r i J . A . . '"-J X i The r- raw dirigible which established a reccrd by making a continuous tlight of more than 1,000 -ji . v., ill...... :.. . i -w . . "P- T-, . . .. r? - miles a few dajs ago. was reportea lest, a; sea aner u xiau u.mi tn. i. i:uvu5 i V ' - -, ' -: V ;" ";""- ' v '. .. . . , V v-. a,. .. '-s. ' J0 : 1 tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmim m ' i i i j
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Big Naval Dirigible That Was Lost Off New Foundland C-5 m 'v-jvS. Here Is the "C-5 hie naval balloon i.tmui 'vim v.'.j i.k.i vi'.'i Inn met out to seu, where she was lost. No one f .- ' ...... .... .:rfivvrii?s!rs. a r- : - Iff IF CXyA iStet" SttUJt&" M..7. I which was scheduled to make the l disaster when she broke h moorings at was uhoard when the blimp escaped 0 H (C) rndorwnnd tans .ir.muc mk h .nong u St. Johns, N. last week und
5/20/1919 The Daily Ardmoreite.
Big Naval Dirigible That Was Lost Off New Foundland C-5 m 'v-jvS. Here Is the "C-5 hie naval balloon i.tmui 'vim v.'.j i.k.i vi'.'i Inn met out to seu, where she was lost. No one f .- ' ...... .... .:rfivvrii?s!rs. a r- : - Iff IF CXyA iStet" SttUJt&" M..7. I which was scheduled to make the l disaster when she broke h moorings at was uhoard when the blimp escaped 0 H (C) rndorwnnd tans .ir.muc mk h .nong u St. Johns, N. last week und
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Here's U. S. Blimp Crew, in Atlantic This is the C-5, the
5/21/1919 The Seattle star.
Here's U. S. Blimp Crew, in Atlantic This is the C-5, the
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A MID-WECk' rODCCAST Or COMING Sian hope AT Mjr.fcriTffs nm trcr* Ji\vianTfjrbn HleCommc/e" LUCK" A?W riMVINtj GAX KICK ? /Ej{er :( && w ) *fett rS'* 1 'ffuson in <j of fhejSou! xJuneJi///(Sere 7%e-toveft*>/e/i colors/* / iocby / ifh/(//ad * O *a**k? l*4/7< 7ltJ/ome . 1 Town Old* PAL AC* raoAy Aes/% 7T/jj At/venture-uuiocn Concerning the New Plays By EARLE DORSEY The theatrical output of the current week has yielded at least one of permanent value and distinction. That is Eugene Walters' I conception, "Poor Little Sheep," which bids fair to become the sensation on Broadway next year. It also serves to bring Dinehart, already an actor of distinction, to the very peak of career and to lay theatrical Manhattan, figuratively speaking, at feet. Notwithstanding the distinct triumph that Walters' play has at the Belasco, the playhouses of the city continue to enjoy spring business with three productions which are meritorious in ways to make them attractive. The Garrick, with Henri De Vries, in "Luck," offers a play which, all, contrives to put over its story. When a play accomplishes one major feat, whatever technical shortcomings it may possess not controlling. Poli's offers George Broadhurst's "The Crimson a lively enough thriller with enough of the mystery of crime attract thither a good week's business. "Billeted," the Margaret vehicle at the National, while not new, is one of those little comedies which always have their following. Next week's outlook, while not including so many new plays, to Washington two old favorites which are both musical and I * 1 MsZ./JtOVA * /n ^ The Red Lantern " ff/ALTO 3UHOAV Lost "Blimp" C-5, June Elvidge Stars
5/22/1919 The Washington herald.
A MID-WECk' rODCCAST Or COMING Sian hope AT Mjr.fcriTffs nm trcr* Ji\vianTfjrbn HleCommc/e" LUCK" A?W riMVINtj GAX KICK ? /Ej{er :( && w ) *fett rS'* 1 'ffuson in <j of fhejSou! xJuneJi///(Sere 7%e-toveft*>/e/i colors/* / iocby / ifh/(//ad * O *a**k? l*4/7< 7ltJ/ome . 1 Town Old* PAL AC* raoAy Aes/% 7T/jj At/venture-uuiocn Concerning the New Plays By EARLE DORSEY The theatrical output of the current week has yielded at least one of permanent value and distinction. That is Eugene Walters' I conception, "Poor Little Sheep," which bids fair to become the sensation on Broadway next year. It also serves to bring Dinehart, already an actor of distinction, to the very peak of career and to lay theatrical Manhattan, figuratively speaking, at feet. Notwithstanding the distinct triumph that Walters' play has at the Belasco, the playhouses of the city continue to enjoy spring business with three productions which are meritorious in ways to make them attractive. The Garrick, with Henri De Vries, in "Luck," offers a play which, all, contrives to put over its story. When a play accomplishes one major feat, whatever technical shortcomings it may possess not controlling. Poli's offers George Broadhurst's "The Crimson a lively enough thriller with enough of the mystery of crime attract thither a good week's business. "Billeted," the Margaret vehicle at the National, while not new, is one of those little comedies which always have their following. Next week's outlook, while not including so many new plays, to Washington two old favorites which are both musical and I * 1 MsZ./JtOVA * /n ^ The Red Lantern " ff/ALTO 3UHOAV Lost "Blimp" C-5, June Elvidge Stars
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. .4- m 1 VTC"-" UkJ Ml 'A- - .; .... m a A view of the "basket" of' C-s, the navy "blimp," on May 14 started for the pos of attempting the flight along with seaplanes. Photo Internatlonul Kllm Service. EL 45SI 4t' pi is The C-s in flight. She is the newest of the navy dirigibles, xga feet in length and forty-two in diameter, with a normal cruising radius of 3,000 miles at a speed fifty miles an hour. She is run by two engines of 135 horse-power each. Photo by Internntlonal Kllm. jiyi 1 m The crew of the C-5. Left to right, Com mander E. W. Coil, Lieut. J. V. Lawrence, Ensign M. H. Esterly, Lieut. D. P. Campbell, Chief Machinist's Mate T. L. Morrman and Chief Machinist's Mate S. H. Blackburn. In circle, Patrick J. Haiti gan, regular reading clerk of the House of Representatives, who was chosen to read Presi dent Wilson's message to Congress. I'hotn by International Kllm. Copyright Harris & Bwlnic, from Paul Thompnon, PV, si. ril asm 4...... , " r-iw
5/25/1919 The sun.
. .4- m 1 VTC"-" UkJ Ml 'A- - .; .... m a A view of the "basket" of' C-s, the navy "blimp," on May 14 started for the pos of attempting the flight along with seaplanes. Photo Internatlonul Kllm Service. EL 45SI 4t' pi is The C-s in flight. She is the newest of the navy dirigibles, xga feet in length and forty-two in diameter, with a normal cruising radius of 3,000 miles at a speed fifty miles an hour. She is run by two engines of 135 horse-power each. Photo by Internntlonal Kllm. jiyi 1 m The crew of the C-5. Left to right, Com mander E. W. Coil, Lieut. J. V. Lawrence, Ensign M. H. Esterly, Lieut. D. P. Campbell, Chief Machinist's Mate T. L. Morrman and Chief Machinist's Mate S. H. Blackburn. In circle, Patrick J. Haiti gan, regular reading clerk of the House of Representatives, who was chosen to read Presi dent Wilson's message to Congress. I'hotn by International Kllm. Copyright Harris & Bwlnic, from Paul Thompnon, PV, si. ril asm 4...... , " r-iw
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. .4- m 1 VTC"-" UkJ Ml 'A- - .; .... m a A view of the "basket" of' the C-s, the navy "blimp," which on May 14 started for NewfoundlancTwith the pos sibility of attempting the
5/25/1919 The sun.
. .4- m 1 VTC"-" UkJ Ml 'A- - .; .... m a A view of the "basket" of' the C-s, the navy "blimp," which on May 14 started for NewfoundlancTwith the pos sibility of attempting the
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U. S. "Blimp" Lost After Flight -.. Ui W - -'(eaaaaaaal ''ll'flBliW - HHt ' iJT" mMmt i A fn&SeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHsSBPBH ' ' HHBggB9Sn69lB Tbt great navy dirigibi C-k
5/28/1919 The news scimitar.
U. S. "Blimp" Lost After Flight -.. Ui W - -'(eaaaaaaal ''ll'flBliW - HHt ' iJT" mMmt i A fn&SeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHsSBPBH ' ' HHBggB9Sn69lB Tbt great navy dirigibi C-k
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r VVw .- iff f A 'J r V- 3. ' ' t WrkV":--: J & 'S' SXMi. . vv A remarkable photograph taken of the U. S. naval blimp, C-5. as it was breaking from its moorings, New .yy.'.:.,:!.'A'.v'.vm Fi ' " to'' 4 'jr imJrtui'v;v foundland. The dirigible drifted un manned to sea never to be again. v ' "
5/31/1919 New Britain herald.
r VVw .- iff f A 'J r V- 3. ' ' t WrkV":--: J & 'S' SXMi. . vv A remarkable photograph taken of the U. S. naval blimp, C-5. as it was breaking from its moorings, New .yy.'.:.,:!.'A'.v'.vm Fi ' " to'' 4 'jr imJrtui'v;v foundland. The dirigible drifted un manned to sea never to be again. v ' "
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t ' ' ' ' . . J4tj :-' &f . ' ' " " ' ' . " Almost the last that was ever seen of the C-5, the navy "blimp" that made a successful trip rff" r- 0? fSjrT --fil. Newfoundland from Long Island and then broke frcm her moorings in a gale. This remark-jjr Ti Copyright Vmit-rnoon g s3' "7 ' la'c P'cture shows the big dirigible two minutes after she got away. She was to have attempted -0 eS"" Jv. ') Jne transatlantic flight. A British steamship sighted her later at sea but could not salvage her, k .C, jS
6/1/1919 The sun.
t ' ' ' ' . . J4tj :-' &f . ' ' " " ' ' . " Almost the last that was ever seen of the C-5, the navy "blimp" that made a successful trip rff" r- 0? fSjrT --fil. Newfoundland from Long Island and then broke frcm her moorings in a gale. This remark-jjr Ti Copyright Vmit-rnoon g s3' "7 ' la'c P'cture shows the big dirigible two minutes after she got away. She was to have attempted -0 eS"" Jv. ') Jne transatlantic flight. A British steamship sighted her later at sea but could not salvage her, k .C, jS
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C-5 EREAKING FROM HER MOORINGS AT ST. JOHNS ; . $r- ':'':. : : '.. ' ; ' -: . ' : : n ; ,'; , ; ', O.- J. . ;r ' ; . : i tiEM- : ; t l !J (.') Fmlerwood & V'ndewood. A remarkable photogru!)h tak' n of the I" S. naval "blimp" C 3 us it was breaking from lis mourito-'s. Ntwfoundiaud. Tlie dirigible United unmanned to never to be sighted utfuia.
6/4/1919 The Daily Ardmoreite.
C-5 EREAKING FROM HER MOORINGS AT ST. JOHNS ; . $r- ':'':. : : '.. ' ; ' -: . ' : : n ; ,'; , ; ', O.- J. . ;r ' ; . : i tiEM- : ; t l !J (.') Fmlerwood & V'ndewood. A remarkable photogru!)h tak' n of the I" S. naval "blimp" C 3 us it was breaking from lis mourito-'s. Ntwfoundiaud. Tlie dirigible United unmanned to never to be sighted utfuia.
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GIANT BRITISH BLIMP WHICH IS SPEEDING ACROSS ATLANTIC 3Bt933BBBBttKEm2 vftwKMiiumiii i 1 ivy asH m1' SaB9H9 .giSHasssassaaaseiBiaiaa -, - ''"BSSSJjBJBJBjBjBBSjBJpSJB Critish dirigible R-34, which will attempt trans-Atlantic flight.. Close-up of bag, and Lieut. Col. Luccas, upper, ami Major Fuller, who are in New of dirigible. The R-34 is the largest rigid dirig ible in the world. From nose to stern she measures 534 feet, her greatest diameter is 78.9 fe-t. From The ship cai-ri s three boats below the gas bag. Her total gas capacity is 12,000,000 cubic feet. The craft is one of three "pondolas" hung undri York arranging for arrival in U. S 21.21 cris. Her power is supplied hnrroncn'D, nrf riviniT four
7/2/1919 The Topeka state journal.
GIANT BRITISH BLIMP WHICH IS SPEEDING ACROSS ATLANTIC 3Bt933BBBBttKEm2 vftwKMiiumiii i 1 ivy asH m1' SaB9H9 .giSHasssassaaaseiBiaiaa -, - ''"BSSSJjBJBJBjBjBBSjBJpSJB Critish dirigible R-34, which will attempt trans-Atlantic flight.. Close-up of bag, and Lieut. Col. Luccas, upper, ami Major Fuller, who are in New of dirigible. The R-34 is the largest rigid dirig ible in the world. From nose to stern she measures 534 feet, her greatest diameter is 78.9 fe-t. From The ship cai-ri s three boats below the gas bag. Her total gas capacity is 12,000,000 cubic feet. The craft is one of three "pondolas" hung undri York arranging for arrival in U. S 21.21 cris. Her power is supplied hnrroncn'D, nrf riviniT four
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Returning ,. ' ' ; -. - j is- : -r - ; ; ; q I : . ' : si l: V I I I I U I ' 1 H ' v. , . ! . v.v..;ii y., , ti',, i.-r' : ,j v-T! -I t . - , .... - . - " . : .. -v ' - . .-.... .. 4 I i j I J "IJ Trar.JPot ZcPocXitv rGtttrrvs -wttlv N" C CommAe The l,i- fnited States trnnspor Zeppelin, as she steamed up New York hay on June 27. boarinff Lieut. Commander Albert C. H",m1 and his comrades of the victorious NC-J. An aerial rl'.ot pretfd the transport as she ir-ached the harbor and hovered oer the Zeppdin ;us fhe made her way up the river to her pier. Note the 1 d'-r army blimp over the .lern of th transport.
7/2/1919 South Bend news-times.
Returning ,. ' ' ; -. - j is- : -r - ; ; ; q I : . ' : si l: V I I I I U I ' 1 H ' v. , . ! . v.v..;ii y., , ti',, i.-r' : ,j v-T! -I t . - , .... - . - " . : .. -v ' - . .-.... .. 4 I i j I J "IJ Trar.JPot ZcPocXitv rGtttrrvs -wttlv N" C CommAe The l,i- fnited States trnnspor Zeppelin, as she steamed up New York hay on June 27. boarinff Lieut. Commander Albert C. H",m1 and his comrades of the victorious NC-J. An aerial rl'.ot pretfd the transport as she ir-ached the harbor and hovered oer the Zeppdin ;us fhe made her way up the river to her pier. Note the 1 d'-r army blimp over the .lern of th transport.
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PialwJHBVBHB Above Is the K-31, the first blimp to ISclow Is one of the gondolas whlrli airship attempt the transatlantic flight. swing from the underside of the
7/2/1919 Evening public ledger.
PialwJHBVBHB Above Is the K-31, the first blimp to ISclow Is one of the gondolas whlrli airship attempt the transatlantic flight. swing from the underside of the
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7/2/1919 The Guthrie daily leader.
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British Blimp and Three of Those sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHisLsssssssssHsss A X' 1 W$s:-S, -Bb 4kimtm - $ -.- BeZj&IB3&3&mrtWidBlta&lS?A K&iiwiitiSwSSiLSB9SkSfSSB'9t & f& sssssssssssLsflt . 4!" HsW u-u3KifrA!-i3l&. 5S The big British dirigible R-34, which is flying to the United States, an dher officers, Major G. H. Scott, Royal Air Force, commander of the R-34 (right insert); Major Pritchard, Royal Air Force, and Lieut. Commander Zachary Lans downe, U. S. N. (left insert). The officers are shown looking out of a -window of the R-34's car. The R-34 is of the latest type of rigid dirigible Making Flight rived from balloonets inflated with hydrogen placed inside the outer envelope. She has been compared with the steamship Adriatic and is closely like that great vessel in length. From nose to tail she measures 639 feet. Her greatest diameter is 79 feet, and from the bottom of her amidships gondola to the highest point of the ship is a reach of 92 feet. Her total weight is
7/3/1919 The Washington times.
British Blimp and Three of Those sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHisLsssssssssHsss A X' 1 W$s:-S, -Bb 4kimtm - $ -.- BeZj&IB3&3&mrtWidBlta&lS?A K&iiwiitiSwSSiLSB9SkSfSSB'9t & f& sssssssssssLsflt . 4!" HsW u-u3KifrA!-i3l&. 5S The big British dirigible R-34, which is flying to the United States, an dher officers, Major G. H. Scott, Royal Air Force, commander of the R-34 (right insert); Major Pritchard, Royal Air Force, and Lieut. Commander Zachary Lans downe, U. S. N. (left insert). The officers are shown looking out of a -window of the R-34's car. The R-34 is of the latest type of rigid dirigible Making Flight rived from balloonets inflated with hydrogen placed inside the outer envelope. She has been compared with the steamship Adriatic and is closely like that great vessel in length. From nose to tail she measures 639 feet. Her greatest diameter is 79 feet, and from the bottom of her amidships gondola to the highest point of the ship is a reach of 92 feet. Her total weight is
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Looking from an airplane upon the flying field at Mim?la, Long Island, which is to be the landing placeo? the British transoceanic dirigible, the R-34. The great blimp, the largest in the world, n ioon to start on its aerial transatlantic as passengers several British
7/6/1919 New-York tribune.
Looking from an airplane upon the flying field at Mim?la, Long Island, which is to be the landing placeo? the British transoceanic dirigible, the R-34. The great blimp, the largest in the world, n ioon to start on its aerial transatlantic as passengers several British
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Looking from an airplane upon the flying field at Mim?la, Long Island, which is to be the landing placeo? the British transoceanic dirigible, the R-34. The great blimp, the largest in the world, n ioon to start on its aerial as several British
7/6/1919 New-York tribune.
Looking from an airplane upon the flying field at Mim?la, Long Island, which is to be the landing placeo? the British transoceanic dirigible, the R-34. The great blimp, the largest in the world, n ioon to start on its aerial as several British
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Blimp Commander Goes Home I'oinniander II II Sentt of the Krltl-h Itlitnp home afier hi ua. eneful riik'ht from Sroliind I ,VI. p,ioKr 'ti he m !,i,r,..;, i phej it Ii I .leut.-n j,B,wiie. I' S N.. ehortlv after the .urn n , I .letl tenu i.l I .a iimI lie loa de I h top I! 3 1. I now i Miueoiii ful l. In a nl l ' .in in. noli i l. i I f th.. I.l: anehlp I.; lit. p. in'
7/11/1919 The Morning Tulsa daily world.
Blimp Commander Goes Home I'oinniander II II Sentt of the Krltl-h Itlitnp home afier hi ua. eneful riik'ht from Sroliind I ,VI. p,ioKr 'ti he m !,i,r,..;, i phej it Ii I .leut.-n j,B,wiie. I' S N.. ehortlv after the .urn n , I .letl tenu i.l I .a iimI lie loa de I h top I! 3 1. I now i Miueoiii ful l. In a nl l ' .in in. noli i l. i I f th.. I.l: anehlp I.; lit. p. in'
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miles from Scotland to New York against severe weather conditions in exactly 4J/_ days. On right, in marked contrast, curious crowds gather to inspect Roy Knabenshue's tiny one-man blimp, after its "marvellous" two-mile flight over New York fourteen years ago next month. first dirigible had a lifting capacity of but 455 lbs., while the R-34 lifts over 112,000 lbs., includ? ing a crew of thirty. "ti?JSSSt r
7/13/1919 New-York tribune.
miles from Scotland to New York against severe weather conditions in exactly 4J/_ days. On right, in marked contrast, curious crowds gather to inspect Roy Knabenshue's tiny one-man blimp, after its "marvellous" two-mile flight over New York fourteen years ago next month. first dirigible had a lifting capacity of but 455 lbs., while the R-34 lifts over 112,000 lbs., includ? ing a crew of thirty. "ti?JSSSt r
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covering miles from Scotland to New York against severe weather conditions in exactly 4J/_ days. On right, in marked contrast, curious crowds gather to inspect Roy Knabenshue's tiny one-man blimp, after its "marvellous" two-mile flight over New York fourteen years ago next month. first dirigible had a lifting capacity of but 455 lbs., while the R-34 lifts over 112,000 lbs., ing a crew of thirty. "ti?JSSSt r
7/13/1919 New-York tribune.
covering miles from Scotland to New York against severe weather conditions in exactly 4J/_ days. On right, in marked contrast, curious crowds gather to inspect Roy Knabenshue's tiny one-man blimp, after its "marvellous" two-mile flight over New York fourteen years ago next month. first dirigible had a lifting capacity of but 455 lbs., while the R-34 lifts over 112,000 lbs., ing a crew of thirty. "ti?JSSSt r
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THE R-34 ANCHORED AT MINEOLA. After her triumphant voyage across the Atlantic the giant Britiah blimp reata easily at her anchorage. This picture ia thirty one and a half inches wide, and aome idea of the dirigible'a size may be had when it ia realized that ahe ia 945 times aa long aa ahe ia shown here. Not only ia ahe the first lighter than air vessel to cross the ocean, but ahe ia the first air craft of any sort to make the journey from Europe to America. Pnnta m- mrr rhotnrnphr. : . SUM
7/13/1919 The sun.
THE R-34 ANCHORED AT MINEOLA. After her triumphant voyage across the Atlantic the giant Britiah blimp reata easily at her anchorage. This picture ia thirty one and a half inches wide, and aome idea of the dirigible'a size may be had when it ia realized that ahe ia 945 times aa long aa ahe ia shown here. Not only ia ahe the first lighter than air vessel to cross the ocean, but ahe ia the first air craft of any sort to make the journey from Europe to America. Pnnta m- mrr rhotnrnphr. : . SUM
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The R-34 leaving at night on the return trip to England. The photograph shows the blimp, with Army
7/20/1919 Evening star.
The R-34 leaving at night on the return trip to England. The photograph shows the blimp, with Army
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too " Chicago Bank Wrecked When Blimp Crashed Through ifclsHsflr .'ssBsssBMsMMbmS HssssB. .'JsfLJsssHsssssssssHsHHHsVrs ' IssssS 'sHsssVllllllcltlilill. rssBsilsBBHsWB5wSsstt BOUGHT THROUGH WHICH TAe OlRIGIBLE CRASHED riK-s.mic.ri fti wukkv ana crib, or DEAD It I WTO Tx RA.NW SMOWlMft LYING - ON 6o ROOF.
7/23/1919 The evening world.
too " Chicago Bank Wrecked When Blimp Crashed Through ifclsHsflr .'ssBsssBMsMMbmS HssssB. .'JsfLJsssHsssssssssHsHHHsVrs ' IssssS 'sHsssVllllllcltlilill. rssBsilsBBHsWB5wSsstt BOUGHT THROUGH WHICH TAe OlRIGIBLE CRASHED riK-s.mic.ri fti wukkv ana crib, or DEAD It I WTO Tx RA.NW SMOWlMft LYING - ON 6o ROOF.
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WHERE FLAMING BLIMP CRASHED THROUGH BANK ROOF. 1 X i. 4LT 'v " ' r -', J-? k i . v- - ' - v , - - - 1 r , ,"'f ' xSJn - v0V ' - , ' ' ' .;::' ..'::: Wi...-lc?-:.j&:xi;. A '' - . C - 4 , V Vi o K XX 4 51 4- - , . x- .v N V , ' S ' - wmm CHICAGO. Just after the big Goodyear. Rubber company dirigible, "Win Foot Express. crashed In flames through a skylght of the Illinois. Trust and Savings Bank. Chicago, causing ten deaths and injury of 25, this picture on the roof Was taken. Smoke and flame Is rising from the burning fragments and one of the victims has just been drawn to the roof through a hole and efforts are lelng madeto revive him. The airship was 186 feet Ion 50 feet wide and was carrying five men when it fell in flames. .Below the picture of the
7/26/1919 The Pensacola journal.
WHERE FLAMING BLIMP CRASHED THROUGH BANK ROOF. 1 X i. 4LT 'v " ' r -', J-? k i . v- - ' - v , - - - 1 r , ,"'f ' xSJn - v0V ' - , ' ' ' .;::' ..'::: Wi...-lc?-:.j&:xi;. A '' - . C - 4 , V Vi o K XX 4 51 4- - , . x- .v N V , ' S ' - wmm CHICAGO. Just after the big Goodyear. Rubber company dirigible, "Win Foot Express. crashed In flames through a skylght of the Illinois. Trust and Savings Bank. Chicago, causing ten deaths and injury of 25, this picture on the roof Was taken. Smoke and flame Is rising from the burning fragments and one of the victims has just been drawn to the roof through a hole and efforts are lelng madeto revive him. The airship was 186 feet Ion 50 feet wide and was carrying five men when it fell in flames. .Below the picture of the
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THE DIRIGIBLE GETS A BLOWING UP. I ft " s N r J Cleveland.-Supine in the public square, like a fat porker, this bis army dirigible Ues till it has been with gas and then it tugs at the ropes till permitted to rise over the skyscrapers that surround, IU In the pic ture it is but partially inflated. The blimp is being used in recruiting for the air service.
7/28/1919 The Pensacola journal.
THE DIRIGIBLE GETS A BLOWING UP. I ft " s N r J Cleveland.-Supine in the public square, like a fat porker, this bis army dirigible Ues till it has been with gas and then it tugs at the ropes till permitted to rise over the skyscrapers that surround, IU In the pic ture it is but partially inflated. The blimp is being used in recruiting for the air service.
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REMARKABLE NIGHT PICTURE OF SUPER-DIRIGIBLE *+■*' DEPARTURES, of k(ve- R"^54- +■+■<> photo. (y so ssLi-ivAio, n.y.h. *> -*• Major Scott gave the all clear signal and the great blimp rose majestically la the air. True to hi* "oa • n
7/30/1919 The Alaska daily empire.
REMARKABLE NIGHT PICTURE OF SUPER-DIRIGIBLE *+■*' DEPARTURES, of k(ve- R"^54- +■+■<> photo. (y so ssLi-ivAio, n.y.h. *> -*• Major Scott gave the all clear signal and the great blimp rose majestically la the air. True to hi* "oa • n
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Fighting Fire in Chicago Bank Building After Blazing Blimp Crashed Through Skylight, Resulting in Death of Twelve Persons II t'" K hJ , J K.'JK-.v.v.v..v.-.;.. ai,',v:..::vi:..i:;:-f.:;v: :: :- :. - ... v '.ffi This photograph shows the smoke rising from the ruined -Interior of the Illinois Trust and Pavings P.ank build ing in Chicago after the flood year Tire and Rubber Company's dirigible Wing Foot Exp ess So irit .-thr0,,Kh th Kky'iBht- Th accident caused ihe death of twelve an I t e in of
7/30/1919 Albuquerque morning journal.
Fighting Fire in Chicago Bank Building After Blazing Blimp Crashed Through Skylight, Resulting in Death of Twelve Persons II t'" K hJ , J K.'JK-.v.v.v..v.-.;.. ai,',v:..::vi:..i:;:-f.:;v: :: :- :. - ... v '.ffi This photograph shows the smoke rising from the ruined -Interior of the Illinois Trust and Pavings P.ank build ing in Chicago after the flood year Tire and Rubber Company's dirigible Wing Foot Exp ess So irit .-thr0,,Kh th Kky'iBht- Th accident caused ihe death of twelve an I t e in of
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BJMHSSvrWjM i mS "aoVssasasasasal . mi,,,,. lot ii- , uitti .u iiij-iiid whtn a ti-rtgibie balloon uwueil by the Coodyeur Tire und Hub- her 'impiin.v cmulit tire aboe the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of tho Illinois Trust mid Suving bank. Ten-of tho victims were employees of the bank und three were members of tho crew. Ths Illustration shows jhe scene Inside the TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN bunk lifter the disaster. CHICAGO -
7/31/1919 The citizen.
BJMHSSvrWjM i mS "aoVssasasasasal . mi,,,,. lot ii- , uitti .u iiij-iiid whtn a ti-rtgibie balloon uwueil by the Coodyeur Tire und Hub- her 'impiin.v cmulit tire aboe the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of tho Illinois Trust mid Suving bank. Ten-of tho victims were employees of the bank und three were members of tho crew. Ths Illustration shows jhe scene Inside the TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN bunk lifter the disaster. CHICAGO -
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TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO mim :■** ' v 'V i>\ > 'm i m % • [+ Mm '4L f. % » *> -> ÿ I ~VV ^ I 7 4 ♦ . V. m % « .srj ? 2S| $ <f>b k B £ A* «*• * / J ? > t -ch' *4 > r j k 4Â, r-, w??)m » K .r <Läf j. « *ti4 <1 M injured when a dirigible balloon owned by the Goodyear Tire and Hub ilstrlct of Chicago and crashed through the roof of tht Illinois Trust Ten of the victims wi re employees of the bunk and three were members of the crew. The scene inside the hunk after the disaster. Thirteen persons were killed her company caught tin* above the loop and Havings hunk. Illustration allows die
7/31/1919 The Filer record.
TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO mim :■** ' v 'V i>\ > 'm i m % • [+ Mm '4L f. % » *> -> ÿ I ~VV ^ I 7 4 ♦ . V. m % « .srj ? 2S| $ <f>b k B £ A* «*• * / J ? > t -ch' *4 > r j k 4Â, r-, w??)m » K .r <Läf j. « *ti4 <1 M injured when a dirigible balloon owned by the Goodyear Tire and Hub ilstrlct of Chicago and crashed through the roof of tht Illinois Trust Ten of the victims wi re employees of the bunk and three were members of the crew. The scene inside the hunk after the disaster. Thirteen persons were killed her company caught tin* above the loop and Havings hunk. Illustration allows die
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DIRIGIBLE EXPLODES; THIRTEEN KILLED k 'h'Vft ' " '- """'."ii" r-"fm- SS&ftHQBKj liciow, the Goodyear blimp, which exploded ulime Hie hhi district of Chicago nnd fell Into n bnnk, .killing ten bank employee nnil three members of the crew. Above, the skylight of the bank building through which the blimp crashed.
7/31/1919 The citizen.
DIRIGIBLE EXPLODES; THIRTEEN KILLED k 'h'Vft ' " '- """'."ii" r-"fm- SS&ftHQBKj liciow, the Goodyear blimp, which exploded ulime Hie hhi district of Chicago nnd fell Into n bnnk, .killing ten bank employee nnil three members of the crew. Above, the skylight of the bank building through which the blimp crashed.
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Trnnim r m " TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO iL sf j& tj j v rs cA War $ 3 Thirteen persons were killed iitnl 20 injured when u dirigible bulimia owned by the tioodvwir Tire und Rub ber company citught Are above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of thfe Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bauk and three were members of the crew. The illustration shows the scene inside the bunk after the disaster.
8/1/1919 The Pioche record.
Trnnim r m " TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO iL sf j& tj j v rs cA War $ 3 Thirteen persons were killed iitnl 20 injured when u dirigible bulimia owned by the tioodvwir Tire und Rub ber company citught Are above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of thfe Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bauk and three were members of the crew. The illustration shows the scene inside the bunk after the disaster.
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DIRIGIBLE EXPLODES; THIRTEEN KILLED Below, the Uoodyear blimp, which exploded above the loop district of Chicago and fell Into a bank, killing ten bank employees and three members of the crew. Above, the skylight of the bank which
8/1/1919 The Southern herald.
DIRIGIBLE EXPLODES; THIRTEEN KILLED Below, the Uoodyear blimp, which exploded above the loop district of Chicago and fell Into a bank, killing ten bank employees and three members of the crew. Above, the skylight of the bank which
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ir 1 " s.-- 7, . r b - - ff 9 i-l X 4 t 0-4-: Jo & A I -. s S& h I H Thirteen persons were killed and 'M injured when a dirigible balloon owned by the Goodyear Tire and Rub ber company caught fire above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bank and three were members of the crew. Tha Illustration shows the scene inside the bank after the disaster. TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO
8/1/1919 The Aberdeen weekly.
ir 1 " s.-- 7, . r b - - ff 9 i-l X 4 t 0-4-: Jo & A I -. s S& h I H Thirteen persons were killed and 'M injured when a dirigible balloon owned by the Goodyear Tire and Rub ber company caught fire above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bank and three were members of the crew. Tha Illustration shows the scene inside the bank after the disaster. TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO
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TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO - '" -.- , .-- )W -. ,..,, . ... , fl , .. Thirteen persons Mere killed and -0 injured when n dirigible bnlloou nuneil by the (loodyenr Tiro and Hub coinpmiy caught flrn above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through tho roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims wero employees of tho bank nnd three were members of tho crow. Tho
8/2/1919 The Garland City globe.
TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO - '" -.- , .-- )W -. ,..,, . ... , fl , .. Thirteen persons Mere killed and -0 injured when n dirigible bnlloou nuneil by the (loodyenr Tiro and Hub coinpmiy caught flrn above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through tho roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims wero employees of tho bank nnd three were members of tho crow. Tho
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BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBftBBBBBBBBBBBHSBBBBPH " ' ' . iBBBBBBk IBBBBBBBW 1 . r-- Hi' f WV BBk B I An illustration of the size of the big British dirigibles. A band in twelve men is shown playing on board the R-33 during the big Blimp's trip on the British Isles in the Interests of the "Joy Loan."
8/3/1919 The sun.
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBftBBBBBBBBBBBHSBBBBPH " ' ' . iBBBBBBk IBBBBBBBW 1 . r-- Hi' f WV BBk B I An illustration of the size of the big British dirigibles. A band in twelve men is shown playing on board the R-33 during the big Blimp's trip on the British Isles in the Interests of the "Joy Loan."
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Blimp Loss Witness. L ft ' S All C f w J H D CHICAGO Kraft is engineer of the Goodyear company and therefore an witness in any action that may out of the burning of the dirigible, i Wing Foot Express, in Chi cago, resulting in 13 deaths.
8/3/1919 Bisbee daily review.
Blimp Loss Witness. L ft ' S All C f w J H D CHICAGO Kraft is engineer of the Goodyear company and therefore an witness in any action that may out of the burning of the dirigible, i Wing Foot Express, in Chi cago, resulting in 13 deaths.
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TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO hi f*A > * Fil* S» Hlf* y Thirteen persons were killed and 20 Injured when n dirigible balloon owned by the Goodyear Tire and Rub ber company caught lire above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bank nnd three were members of the crew. The illustration shows the scene inside the bank after the disaster.
8/9/1919 Vernon Parish Democrat.
TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO hi f*A > * Fil* S» Hlf* y Thirteen persons were killed and 20 Injured when n dirigible balloon owned by the Goodyear Tire and Rub ber company caught lire above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bank nnd three were members of the crew. The illustration shows the scene inside the bank after the disaster.
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-£-’ *' . Jfe^llsS®itt! :> v - - ; sx w . , V:- <*£*■■ -o^k*& Jtmf^<£r% —**■ - —— > ' r ßffl®£ii£ A.-W iJfejS Thirteen persons were kiiled iiuu Vo injured when a dirigible balloon wued by the Goodyear Tire und Uub ber company caught fire above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bank and three were members of the crew. Th# Illustration shows the scene Inside the bank after the disaster. TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO
8/15/1919 Wauwatosa news.
-£-’ *' . Jfe^llsS®itt! :> v - - ; sx w . , V:- <*£*■■ -o^k*& Jtmf^<£r% —**■ - —— > ' r ßffl®£ii£ A.-W iJfejS Thirteen persons were kiiled iiuu Vo injured when a dirigible balloon wued by the Goodyear Tire und Uub ber company caught fire above the loop district of Chicago and crashed through the roof of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank. Ten of the victims were employees of the bank and three were members of the crew. Th# Illustration shows the scene Inside the bank after the disaster. TERRIBLE BLIMP DISASTER IN CHICAGO
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DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIPS (BLIMPS) AT PENS ACOLA, FLA. Every Convoy Was Guarded by One or More of These "Ships" and Many Eun
11/7/1919 El Paso herald.
DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIPS (BLIMPS) AT PENS ACOLA, FLA. Every Convoy Was Guarded by One or More of These "Ships" and Many Eun
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- LARGEST PLANE AND BLIMP Zeppelin "Bordensee," largest in the world and in foreground photo of largest plane in the world wafused mthe last raid over Paris. "Fletcher World" machine is one hundred and thuty feet in width
12/13/1919 The star-progress.
- LARGEST PLANE AND BLIMP Zeppelin "Bordensee," largest in the world and in foreground photo of largest plane in the world wafused mthe last raid over Paris. "Fletcher World" machine is one hundred and thuty feet in width
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WsBBBBaHBfcBMBBBHBBBBBBMBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBSBBBaSatB & $' Os xl4c&& x vv t$ ?' " ? LARGEST PLANE AND BLIMP. Passenger Zeppelin Bordonsee, largest In the world, and In foreground poto of largest plane la which was used in the last raid over Paris. "Fletcher World" machine is 130 feet in width
12/20/1919 Kentucky Irish American.
WsBBBBaHBfcBMBBBHBBBBBBMBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBSBBBaSatB & $' Os xl4c&& x vv t$ ?' " ? LARGEST PLANE AND BLIMP. Passenger Zeppelin Bordonsee, largest In the world, and In foreground poto of largest plane la which was used in the last raid over Paris. "Fletcher World" machine is 130 feet in width
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Landing u flying bnnt on tlio ii-p instead of in the water is a delicate tusk accomplished by Pilot .Music of the Acro innrine Plane and .Motor Company of Keyport, N. J. Luxurious interior of v i 1 1 e Wriifht V aerial coupe, latest product of the Pav y x':- T:,rfr77 ton Wright Company This Tliomas-.Morse transcontinental, which carried 1,500 pounds of mail GOO miles without a stop despite win try weather, will be a feature at the Aircraft Show in the Seventy-first Regiment Armory. 4? 'if., 3 558 y' D T Building the freijiht carrying airplane at the L. W. F. Goodyear pony blimp, first commercial civilian dirigible ever built, about to fly to the Air craft Show. E23S One of the most wonderful and beautiful airplane pic tures ever taken: A squadron of Bristol fighters of the British R. A. F. in flight over the Alps on its wav to Italy.
2/29/1920 The Sun and the New York herald.
Landing u flying bnnt on tlio ii-p instead of in the water is a delicate tusk accomplished by Pilot .Music of the Acro innrine Plane and .Motor Company of Keyport, N. J. Luxurious interior of v i 1 1 e Wriifht V aerial coupe, latest product of the Pav y x':- T:,rfr77 ton Wright Company This Tliomas-.Morse transcontinental, which carried 1,500 pounds of mail GOO miles without a stop despite win try weather, will be a feature at the Aircraft Show in the Seventy-first Regiment Armory. 4? 'if., 3 558 y' D T Building the freijiht carrying airplane at the L. W. F. Goodyear pony blimp, first commercial civilian dirigible ever built, about to fly to the Air craft Show. E23S One of the most wonderful and beautiful airplane pic tures ever taken: A squadron of Bristol fighters of the British R. A. F. in flight over the Alps on its wav to Italy.
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_??^-.- J Perhaps this is what inspired the slogan of the Fakers' Ball at the Biltmore last Friday night A navy blimp goes on a photographing voyage ?"Tie your camel outside and come on in." Spring must be here, 'cause the Barnum &
3/28/1920 New-York tribune.
_??^-.- J Perhaps this is what inspired the slogan of the Fakers' Ball at the Biltmore last Friday night A navy blimp goes on a photographing voyage ?"Tie your camel outside and come on in." Spring must be here, 'cause the Barnum &
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_??^-.- J Perhaps this is what inspired the slogan of the Fakers' Ball at the Biltmore last Friday night A navy blimp goes on a photographing voyage ?"Tie your camel outside and come on in." Spring must be here, 'cause the Barnum & York, and here's Bros, circus is at
3/28/1920 New-York tribune.
_??^-.- J Perhaps this is what inspired the slogan of the Fakers' Ball at the Biltmore last Friday night A navy blimp goes on a photographing voyage ?"Tie your camel outside and come on in." Spring must be here, 'cause the Barnum & York, and here's Bros, circus is at
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First "Blimp" mmum, IaRRRRRflsSKcH "3 J'4ftSBBBBBBBBBH9 . .''x PHOTOGRAPHS of tie first "blimp," the C-l, of the TJni ted States army, to fly over El Paso or any portion of southwest. The flight was made Tuesday, as told in yesterday's Herald, and exated mnch attention from people of El Paso and surrounding conn try who saw it. This big "blimp" will fly next week as a part of the tary carnival to be staged at Fort BHss by Brig. Gen. R. L. Howie and his officers and men. The two officers in the pact are are Lieut John W. Shoptaw, commanding the Eighth airship company, at the top, and Lieut Don. Ever To Fly Si " -4 Over El
9/29/1920 El Paso herald.
First "Blimp" mmum, IaRRRRRflsSKcH "3 J'4ftSBBBBBBBBBH9 . .''x PHOTOGRAPHS of tie first "blimp," the C-l, of the TJni ted States army, to fly over El Paso or any portion of southwest. The flight was made Tuesday, as told in yesterday's Herald, and exated mnch attention from people of El Paso and surrounding conn try who saw it. This big "blimp" will fly next week as a part of the tary carnival to be staged at Fort BHss by Brig. Gen. R. L. Howie and his officers and men. The two officers in the pact are are Lieut John W. Shoptaw, commanding the Eighth airship company, at the top, and Lieut Don. Ever To Fly Si " -4 Over El
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November 14, I 920 v "ALL ABOARD CATALINA'" The Rubber Com? inaugurates Amer? first dirigible pas? service ? week? trips between Lo and Catalina off the coast ?if California, an voyage of hu* a hour's duration. photo shows the blimp alighting on watet ?arid it's the A TR TI. Y SENSA? TIONAL SNAP. Why football the most popular of all college sports is in this Los Aneel?*-*-. photo of Andy Teelen. end of the V. of South? ern California's eleven stopped in mid-air dur ing one of his runs wit*h a tackle by Halfback Rob prts. of Occidental Cn\ lor?". f*trcr?i?f-??inl Left ? YOURS FOR
11/14/1920 New-York tribune.
November 14, I 920 v "ALL ABOARD CATALINA'" The Rubber Com? inaugurates Amer? first dirigible pas? service ? week? trips between Lo and Catalina off the coast ?if California, an voyage of hu* a hour's duration. photo shows the blimp alighting on watet ?arid it's the A TR TI. Y SENSA? TIONAL SNAP. Why football the most popular of all college sports is in this Los Aneel?*-*-. photo of Andy Teelen. end of the V. of South? ern California's eleven stopped in mid-air dur ing one of his runs wit*h a tackle by Halfback Rob prts. of Occidental Cn\ lor?". f*trcr?i?f-??inl Left ? YOURS FOR
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WILD SEAS DONT ANNOY THESE PASSENGERS <ioodyear Tire and Kubber Company started regular week-end blimp trip h between mainland and the Catalina Island*. Photo shown the dirigible alighting on the ocean Catalina mean# of a water ballast denee and passengers ashore in a motor boat.
11/26/1920 The Seattle star.
WILD SEAS DONT ANNOY THESE PASSENGERS <ioodyear Tire and Kubber Company started regular week-end blimp trip h between mainland and the Catalina Island*. Photo shown the dirigible alighting on the ocean Catalina mean# of a water ballast denee and passengers ashore in a motor boat.
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A '. GREETINCfS FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT HARDING. The nuval blimp C-I5 an airplane encirclinp the Pastores as the liner arrived at Old Point Comfert,
12/8/1920 Evening public ledger.
A '. GREETINCfS FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT HARDING. The nuval blimp C-I5 an airplane encirclinp the Pastores as the liner arrived at Old Point Comfert,
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p sea Craft in ^r '' * > ' * JK .. ': \5,*'s. ^i fv -,' graphed from airplane during reviei REVIEW - & \ r \-' - ' - ! ^'y, * " '> (Copyright. I adermood a?d Uiderwood I k of fleet by President Harding AIR AN ... . < ?^ vqI||^^^H Battleship and blimp photo in Roads
4/29/1921 The Washington herald.
p sea Craft in ^r '' * > ' * JK .. ': \5,*'s. ^i fv -,' graphed from airplane during reviei REVIEW - & \ r \-' - ' - ! ^'y, * " '> (Copyright. I adermood a?d Uiderwood I k of fleet by President Harding AIR AN ... . < ?^ vqI||^^^H Battleship and blimp photo in Roads
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/ \l & & photograph allow a navy blimp pawing a superdreadnought the great Hampton review. & t'nderwood.
5/8/1921 The New York herald.
/ \l & & photograph allow a navy blimp pawing a superdreadnought the great Hampton review. & t'nderwood.
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President Harding standing beneath the monster guns of the battleship Pennsylvania just before he reviewed the Atlantic fleet on April 28, and addressed the officers in a memorable speech on America's place in the world. International. Funeral of the former Kaiser in of Germany?one of the beat pictures of the occasion to reach the E lrnited States. The cortege leaving the Wihlpsrk station, Potsdam, for the Hohen/ollern Mausoleum t Note the Ivaiserin's sons in th*' old German uniforms marching at the right of the hearse. The ex-Crown I Prince was not present. Keystone view. L The old junkers out in force at the fiiiktmI of the former Kaiserin. Note Hindenburjr (carrying haton) with luidendortf at his left and Tirpitz. father of the ruthless submarine war. at extreme left of the pho Out1 >? inn 11 hit of the fleet in ! 111 mi | >f 1111 liotids just before the review In Presi dent 11 a rt I i 11 jr. t lie first forma! survey lie lias made siuee lie took oilier. Photograph lakeu from the deek of the flajrdiip Peonsylvaiiitl. Inn rnuiionjil. / \l & & I Aerial photograph allow ing a navy blimp pawing over a superdreadnought at the great Hampton Roads review. Underwood & t'nderwood. 0 The student corps of Potsdam on its way to the Wildpark chapel to attend the funeral of the former Kaiserin. They appeared in all their pre-war regalia and carrying the banners they have treasured for
5/8/1921 The New York herald.
President Harding standing beneath the monster guns of the battleship Pennsylvania just before he reviewed the Atlantic fleet on April 28, and addressed the officers in a memorable speech on America's place in the world. International. Funeral of the former Kaiser in of Germany?one of the beat pictures of the occasion to reach the E lrnited States. The cortege leaving the Wihlpsrk station, Potsdam, for the Hohen/ollern Mausoleum t Note the Ivaiserin's sons in th*' old German uniforms marching at the right of the hearse. The ex-Crown I Prince was not present. Keystone view. L The old junkers out in force at the fiiiktmI of the former Kaiserin. Note Hindenburjr (carrying haton) with luidendortf at his left and Tirpitz. father of the ruthless submarine war. at extreme left of the pho Out1 >? inn 11 hit of the fleet in ! 111 mi | >f 1111 liotids just before the review In Presi dent 11 a rt I i 11 jr. t lie first forma! survey lie lias made siuee lie took oilier. Photograph lakeu from the deek of the flajrdiip Peonsylvaiiitl. Inn rnuiionjil. / \l & & I Aerial photograph allow ing a navy blimp pawing over a superdreadnought at the great Hampton Roads review. Underwood & t'nderwood. 0 The student corps of Potsdam on its way to the Wildpark chapel to attend the funeral of the former Kaiserin. They appeared in all their pre-war regalia and carrying the banners they have treasured for
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Death Dealer Used By (he Polish Army to Slay Enemy Soldiers Wounded in Fight ' , I Lieutenant l.nwe, of Din HrllWh "A. I'. l llispi tlnir ,1 I'l.llnh Tot In the iil. h .1, -p. inli ..r "Undid i the Blimp pi'inns mi iln Ii. n lull at t I)own at La C ha nolle, plebiscite mUslon, with a hl.lejji r," will, ll the I'nli M tiae lei niiiiiM in the Hie nl.i Htthtiim .ti In d to tin i ml nl the weapon FIELD T
6/28/1921 The Morning Tulsa daily world.
Death Dealer Used By (he Polish Army to Slay Enemy Soldiers Wounded in Fight ' , I Lieutenant l.nwe, of Din HrllWh "A. I'. l llispi tlnir ,1 I'l.llnh Tot In the iil. h .1, -p. inli ..r "Undid i the Blimp pi'inns mi iln Ii. n lull at t I)own at La C ha nolle, plebiscite mUslon, with a hl.lejji r," will, ll the I'nli M tiae lei niiiiiM in the Hie nl.i Htthtiim .ti In d to tin i ml nl the weapon FIELD T
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I SEF PAGES 4 AND 5 FOR PICTURES OF THE DEMPSEY-CARPENTIER FIGHT July 10, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT. G. Harbord assumed this 1 when General Pershing be? staff. General Harbord, who , Pershing in France, rose i in which he enlisted as a pri- I A BLIMP LOCATES THE IOWA, the old battleship of Spanish , War days, which, without a soul on board and controlled by radio j from the distant U. S. S. Ohio, served as a target for twenty-five I ?lanes one day last week some ninety miles northeast of Cape I [enry in the most spectacular bombing practice at sea ever held. 1 But two hits were scored by the eighty concrete bombs dropped, i 1 Levick. *. 1 -_ * I UNCLE SAM'S t thoughtful mood. An V of Andrew W. Mellon, \ ury, as he appears I responsibility for our i \ task of sufficient I \ genial Of men
7/10/1921 New-York tribune.
I SEF PAGES 4 AND 5 FOR PICTURES OF THE DEMPSEY-CARPENTIER FIGHT July 10, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT. G. Harbord assumed this 1 when General Pershing be? staff. General Harbord, who , Pershing in France, rose i in which he enlisted as a pri- I A BLIMP LOCATES THE IOWA, the old battleship of Spanish , War days, which, without a soul on board and controlled by radio j from the distant U. S. S. Ohio, served as a target for twenty-five I ?lanes one day last week some ninety miles northeast of Cape I [enry in the most spectacular bombing practice at sea ever held. 1 But two hits were scored by the eighty concrete bombs dropped, i 1 Levick. *. 1 -_ * I UNCLE SAM'S t thoughtful mood. An V of Andrew W. Mellon, \ ury, as he appears I responsibility for our i \ task of sufficient I \ genial Of men
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Naval Blimp Makes a Forced and Lucky Landing , tied on it. '
8/13/1921 The Concordia sentinel.
Naval Blimp Makes a Forced and Lucky Landing , tied on it. '
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A- vi A K T5fMb?v- 5k fKv - 7 f r ' if- ( 11 s . . -.jy I- : .t I'' "N. ' r ; , I.I I . . .1 I' " di;l! Nt' j r I net Ion i?i wiiieli lie i:-ril a blimp to tlirvct the film. iM-Mi ;i f lir-ilii- :it tin' rluk-tmt 1 1 ( v :- :-; -: j X..h :..;v--:--.:: W 1 ! I i j
12/11/1921 South Bend news-times.
A- vi A K T5fMb?v- 5k fKv - 7 f r ' if- ( 11 s . . -.jy I- : .t I'' "N. ' r ; , I.I I . . .1 I' " di;l! Nt' j r I net Ion i?i wiiieli lie i:-ril a blimp to tlirvct the film. iM-Mi ;i f lir-ilii- :it tin' rluk-tmt 1 1 ( v :- :-; -: j X..h :..;v--:--.:: W 1 ! I i j
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No Danger of Explosion I v . lw V' - - r y. . Zv At - f ' - ' V f . ' " J ' Tbe V. S. J.'avy blimp. C-7. arrlv 'is in WashinKton from Norfolk or. the first trip in which a balloon wai fi led with helium. The blimp Is e'luippt'l wi'' ,w0 125-h. p. enslncs -nd travels mile ft minute. Lieut Com. It. F. Vvood, altitude pilot of the C-7. U. fi. Kavy blimp is In no danger cf causing an cxplo tion, for the eas bait JuH over head Is fdlcd with bUium whlci la nof inflammable.
12/13/1921 East Oregonian : E.O.
No Danger of Explosion I v . lw V' - - r y. . Zv At - f ' - ' V f . ' " J ' Tbe V. S. J.'avy blimp. C-7. arrlv 'is in WashinKton from Norfolk or. the first trip in which a balloon wai fi led with helium. The blimp Is e'luippt'l wi'' ,w0 125-h. p. enslncs -nd travels mile ft minute. Lieut Com. It. F. Vvood, altitude pilot of the C-7. U. fi. Kavy blimp is In no danger cf causing an cxplo tion, for the eas bait JuH over head Is fdlcd with bUium whlci la nof inflammable.
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BLIMP MAKES SUCCESSFUL FLIGHT WITH NEW GAS urn m nnther victory. During The geniuses of the United "ered a non-explosive gas called Helium. latter Part. of the war the Navy I'L ,,ml Z the Navy's new Blimp C-7 with success, e the new alsco"r7,,r ,rm Hampton Roads, Va, to Boiling Field. Washington, U. U., wunour, veRscl making the trip i"u - . .,,,. at t,vin, sixty miles an hour. The nt'ni. i" ' ... . sri.iii lit the Insert ts ueuinani--viiuuuD , - . .... hifmn arriving at Boiling field. IB tne ins-ri . ,.- . rnitol. . days was in command of the plane, anc u. v-.
12/15/1921 Capital journal.
BLIMP MAKES SUCCESSFUL FLIGHT WITH NEW GAS urn m nnther victory. During The geniuses of the United "ered a non-explosive gas called Helium. latter Part. of the war the Navy I'L ,,ml Z the Navy's new Blimp C-7 with success, e the new alsco"r7,,r ,rm Hampton Roads, Va, to Boiling Field. Washington, U. U., wunour, veRscl making the trip i"u - . .,,,. at t,vin, sixty miles an hour. The nt'ni. i" ' ... . sri.iii lit the Insert ts ueuinani--viiuuuD , - . .... hifmn arriving at Boiling field. IB tne ins-ri . ,.- . rnitol. . days was in command of the plane, anc u. v-.
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Blimp Makes Successful Flight i'm wv i muss jiiaiiiiiiuwifc.ww.. , ,t.m juKum., .- i. i,..v-u-r r , . i w, . j i " t v 1 ft- - '''' ' Tho Kcnlunes of tho I'nlted Slates rnM nf l, .1 u. ...v n..r tun int., ini.u iiii.-nt discovery wns tested for tho first tlm . ...... itiiiiituu .. " - - uiscovcrcu u nonexpiosivo gns called llellurn. Bovernl days tho now on tho navy's llllmp C-7 with success, the air vessel making the trip WithNew Gas ........
12/16/1921 The Morning Tulsa daily world.
Blimp Makes Successful Flight i'm wv i muss jiiaiiiiiiuwifc.ww.. , ,t.m juKum., .- i. i,..v-u-r r , . i w, . j i " t v 1 ft- - '''' ' Tho Kcnlunes of tho I'nlted Slates rnM nf l, .1 u. ...v n..r tun int., ini.u iiii.-nt discovery wns tested for tho first tlm . ...... itiiiiituu .. " - - uiscovcrcu u nonexpiosivo gns called llellurn. Bovernl days tho now on tho navy's llllmp C-7 with success, the air vessel making the trip WithNew Gas ........
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Cockpit of Our New Helium Dirigible Balloon w f'MIWw.'iWlSBwi3Nii iMBalmfc fcAi - i.. .'!. ... . r . frfmSjX-! p-Ztj-Yfi, &-f-ui3r Cockpit, of the new United States navy blimp, tho C-7, lirst in tho world to Uco helium., after Its nrrlval In lngton, from Norfolk. Lieutenant Commander II. F. Wojod, altitude pilot, 13 thown Bmoklng within n few feet we nuge gas uog wmi uusoiuie Kniciy. laeuienaui sewau is standing in cue cocKpit. xnc v-t is capable ox I ir. it-- t i - - ! - lug iw miies uu iiour. uvu ixo nurse power engines urs) usj
12/20/1921 The Democratic banner.
Cockpit of Our New Helium Dirigible Balloon w f'MIWw.'iWlSBwi3Nii iMBalmfc fcAi - i.. .'!. ... . r . frfmSjX-! p-Ztj-Yfi, &-f-ui3r Cockpit, of the new United States navy blimp, tho C-7, lirst in tho world to Uco helium., after Its nrrlval In lngton, from Norfolk. Lieutenant Commander II. F. Wojod, altitude pilot, 13 thown Bmoklng within n few feet we nuge gas uog wmi uusoiuie Kniciy. laeuienaui sewau is standing in cue cocKpit. xnc v-t is capable ox I ir. it-- t i - - ! - lug iw miies uu iiour. uvu ixo nurse power engines urs) usj
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Cockpit of Our New Helium Dirigible Balloon , Cockpit Of the new United States navy blimp, the C-7. first in the world to use helium, after Its arrival in ington from Norfolk. Lieutenant Commander B. F. Wood, altitude pilot. Is shown smoking within a few Lieutenant Sewall Is In the cockpit. The C-7 is capable of
12/29/1921 Mexico weekly ledger.
Cockpit of Our New Helium Dirigible Balloon , Cockpit Of the new United States navy blimp, the C-7. first in the world to use helium, after Its arrival in ington from Norfolk. Lieutenant Commander B. F. Wood, altitude pilot. Is shown smoking within a few Lieutenant Sewall Is In the cockpit. The C-7 is capable of
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Cockpit of OuiNew Helium Dirigible Balloon ey" rfcMr Cockpit of the new United States navy blimp, the C-7, tlrst In Ui world to use helium, after Its arrival In Wash ington, from Norfolk. Lieutenant Commander It. F, Wood, altitude pilot. Is shown smoking within a few feet the huge gas bng with absolute safety. Lieutenant Sewall Is standing In the cockpit The C-7 la capable of mak ing CO miles an hour. Two 125 horse power engines are used.
2/3/1922 The L'Anse sentinel.
Cockpit of OuiNew Helium Dirigible Balloon ey" rfcMr Cockpit of the new United States navy blimp, the C-7, tlrst In Ui world to use helium, after Its arrival In Wash ington, from Norfolk. Lieutenant Commander It. F, Wood, altitude pilot. Is shown smoking within a few feet the huge gas bng with absolute safety. Lieutenant Sewall Is standing In the cockpit The C-7 la capable of mak ing CO miles an hour. Two 125 horse power engines are used.
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Army Banks on New U. S. Balloon To Clear Blimp's Name l v c) Ni:V A FI.M V BAI.I.OOX AVHIC II IIXPERTS IlOri WTIL. SAVE
3/26/1922 South Bend news-times.
Army Banks on New U. S. Balloon To Clear Blimp's Name l v c) Ni:V A FI.M V BAI.I.OOX AVHIC II IIXPERTS IlOri WTIL. SAVE
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To Test Roma's1 Successor ,.:(r,,wp " ga "eaKajgJ BHHfgggP m4MMM tit" i m Oovernment aMatora at Hampton Roada, Va., will test with helium gas this new American-made blimp, constructed at Dayton. 0.. to replace the Horoa- 1
7/7/1922 Free trader-journal and Ottawa fair dealer.
To Test Roma's1 Successor ,.:(r,,wp " ga "eaKajgJ BHHfgggP m4MMM tit" i m Oovernment aMatora at Hampton Roada, Va., will test with helium gas this new American-made blimp, constructed at Dayton. 0.. to replace the Horoa- 1
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GREW THAT SAVED ARMY DIRIGIBLE C-2 Here are the memtfers of the crew of the Army Blimp C-2, which wrecked in a thunderstorm while making a record-breaking night flight betweeffiwashington and New York. The men are, left Captain W. E. Kner, who commanded; Lieutenant E. S. Moon, and Sergeant AsAcht, the engineer. The big dirigible left
7/31/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
GREW THAT SAVED ARMY DIRIGIBLE C-2 Here are the memtfers of the crew of the Army Blimp C-2, which wrecked in a thunderstorm while making a record-breaking night flight betweeffiwashington and New York. The men are, left Captain W. E. Kner, who commanded; Lieutenant E. S. Moon, and Sergeant AsAcht, the engineer. The big dirigible left
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ARMY BLIMP TO FLY ACROSS UNITED STATES Vi. i i v :..Ma .W-; tt1i!It--- c;: This Is the army blimp C-2, which will endeavor to fly from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. If suc cessful it will establish a world's record for a non-rigid motor propelled baloon. The start will be made ' III v- At H A ' X 'M . X .' -i-JM;- ' ZJ ill ' I -111 ' --Z . VI ill it,y B" a.. H f:!l I ri at n XSfPW V. i(' !l -- I
8/3/1922 Capital journal.
ARMY BLIMP TO FLY ACROSS UNITED STATES Vi. i i v :..Ma .W-; tt1i!It--- c;: This Is the army blimp C-2, which will endeavor to fly from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. If suc cessful it will establish a world's record for a non-rigid motor propelled baloon. The start will be made ' III v- At H A ' X 'M . X .' -i-JM;- ' ZJ ill ' I -111 ' --Z . VI ill it,y B" a.. H f:!l I ri at n XSfPW V. i(' !l -- I
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ill Uiu hislury of 8l(l at MtCook fit-Id, , , ' I .oft to rijlit, Llmrit's t flirVlVOr.S of till' IiOllia disaster; Normail 0. Walled, Ainurican survivor of the ZR- and Henrv Wuckcr , -'"-,ll"ul ;'lllwv"1 U1 l,,L jU - 0., MirVIVOr Of Hie blimp thai exploded OVer Survivors' of Greatest AifMishaps ' Blt- vd&Wf&S&J- ltigaisk yWii liil KWRlMwsriif.W . v&mir Mi'ii(tA "$4aaTsrl HjjHiteYiiliXIJjJvjr judfifh WHA ft. j TlmK'2 Mfe ' &! P7..- lAtJ'l'' !. ""PfaH"' saP I IIic.o four meiLliavo tur'. votl the Ihrce n'caU'St air avialiuu. And here they're Djyton, 0 ready to ' ' . j N. uworack and Kay Hur-
8/12/1922 The evening herald.
ill Uiu hislury of 8l(l at MtCook fit-Id, , , ' I .oft to rijlit, Llmrit's t flirVlVOr.S of till' IiOllia disaster; Normail 0. Walled, Ainurican survivor of the ZR- and Henrv Wuckcr , -'"-,ll"ul ;'lllwv"1 U1 l,,L jU - 0., MirVIVOr Of Hie blimp thai exploded OVer Survivors' of Greatest AifMishaps ' Blt- vd&Wf&S&J- ltigaisk yWii liil KWRlMwsriif.W . v&mir Mi'ii(tA "$4aaTsrl HjjHiteYiiliXIJjJvjr judfifh WHA ft. j TlmK'2 Mfe ' &! P7..- lAtJ'l'' !. ""PfaH"' saP I IIic.o four meiLliavo tur'. votl the Ihrce n'caU'St air avialiuu. And here they're Djyton, 0 ready to ' ' . j N. uworack and Kay Hur-
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i ; i ; ! i i j J j : ARMY BLIMP Si gjHKsrs < B ill 0.1 ' . . ri 1 ::|S ; j) ' * | : - IHSiBllHlilBSB The army dirigible C-2. whi Grounds at Aberdeen, Md., on So] Ross Field, Arcadia, Cab, about the airship to return by the saint and it i3 expected that the flight i stops are scheduled, however, tw will take more than a week. CHEDULED FOR CROSS-C Xs J <? t*; : f m "A <*" - : , I M w.. v..- .V:r.L:. ch is scheduled for a transcontinental ptember 1. The C-2 will head across i eighteen miles frpm Los Angeles. Al 5 route. The C-2 has a cruising speed vf 11 be made in about sixty-five hours o of them probably for forty-eight Lou :OUNTRY FLIGHT. -.m* i - I ^ . ' I ^ I ^. iV..^ ?V . .:. .. flight, will start from the Proving the continent, ending her flight at 'tcr a brief stay it is planned for of about forty-five miles an hour actual flying time. A number of rs, and it is believed that the flight
8/22/1922 Yorkville enquirer.
i ; i ; ! i i j J j : ARMY BLIMP Si gjHKsrs < B ill 0.1 ' . . ri 1 ::|S ; j) ' * | : - IHSiBllHlilBSB The army dirigible C-2. whi Grounds at Aberdeen, Md., on So] Ross Field, Arcadia, Cab, about the airship to return by the saint and it i3 expected that the flight i stops are scheduled, however, tw will take more than a week. CHEDULED FOR CROSS-C Xs J <? t*; : f m "A <*" - : , I M w.. v..- .V:r.L:. ch is scheduled for a transcontinental ptember 1. The C-2 will head across i eighteen miles frpm Los Angeles. Al 5 route. The C-2 has a cruising speed vf 11 be made in about sixty-five hours o of them probably for forty-eight Lou :OUNTRY FLIGHT. -.m* i - I ^ . ' I ^ I ^. iV..^ ?V . .:. .. flight, will start from the Proving the continent, ending her flight at 'tcr a brief stay it is planned for of about forty-five miles an hour actual flying time. A number of rs, and it is believed that the flight
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T Army Blimp in Transcontinental Flight ■I ' MJ, : »»«? m * f-*> * (* M '• # wh* " ' -MÏ '&% * * [ f ? V-'«®* y ' ■S.ARM y - -v . . A. , ' > ■ / iM riMagykjfc « j A I \ 5* -MaaNf v uy > « ■ t ?<■ .r YÉ \ \ * I-, ft 1 * if •<»> P|v Srf-i \ 4F >.? || i. t i ^Ui * v m V, »? V— V. The C-2, one of the latest army in llghter-than-air craft, fit her worth in a flight the continent, from Newport Va., to San Francisco. will test thoroughly her cruls ability and no attempt will bei The made to set speed records, the crew, left to right, Master Ser geant William F. Fitch, Staff Ser geant A. D. Albrecht, Captain George W. McEntlre. Major H. A. Strauss. Lieutenant Don L. Hutchins, and Lieutenant O. H. Anderson. At 12.35 a. m.. today the 'Tony Below, Blimp" left Langley Field at New port Newa with Its first scheduled stop Scott Field, Bellvllle, Ills, earlier stop may be made at Akron, O., it was stated. The C-2 carried six men. Including Major H. A. Strauss in command. An
9/14/1922 Evening journal.
T Army Blimp in Transcontinental Flight ■I ' MJ, : »»«? m * f-*> * (* M '• # wh* " ' -MÏ '&% * * [ f ? V-'«®* y ' ■S.ARM y - -v . . A. , ' > ■ / iM riMagykjfc « j A I \ 5* -MaaNf v uy > « ■ t ?<■ .r YÉ \ \ * I-, ft 1 * if •<»> P|v Srf-i \ 4F >.? || i. t i ^Ui * v m V, »? V— V. The C-2, one of the latest army in llghter-than-air craft, fit her worth in a flight the continent, from Newport Va., to San Francisco. will test thoroughly her cruls ability and no attempt will bei The made to set speed records, the crew, left to right, Master Ser geant William F. Fitch, Staff Ser geant A. D. Albrecht, Captain George W. McEntlre. Major H. A. Strauss. Lieutenant Don L. Hutchins, and Lieutenant O. H. Anderson. At 12.35 a. m.. today the 'Tony Below, Blimp" left Langley Field at New port Newa with Its first scheduled stop Scott Field, Bellvllle, Ills, earlier stop may be made at Akron, O., it was stated. The C-2 carried six men. Including Major H. A. Strauss in command. An
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The IT. S. Army airship C-2 leavinp Lanplev Field, Virginia, on its transcontinental flight to Field California. On the rieht is the crew which will handle the blimp on its journey. Left right ? Master Serjeant William E. Fitch, Staff Serjeant A. D. Albrecht, Capt. Georpe A. Major H. A. Strauss (commander), Lieut. Don L. Hutchins and Lieut. O. A. Anderson. Pacific and Atlantic.
9/24/1922 The New York herald.
The IT. S. Army airship C-2 leavinp Lanplev Field, Virginia, on its transcontinental flight to Field California. On the rieht is the crew which will handle the blimp on its journey. Left right ? Master Serjeant William E. Fitch, Staff Serjeant A. D. Albrecht, Capt. Georpe A. Major H. A. Strauss (commander), Lieut. Don L. Hutchins and Lieut. O. A. Anderson. Pacific and Atlantic.
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AIRSHIPS ATTACK ATLANTIC FLEET IN WAR GAME B • , l :'V■**.' ttv :> •> ' ma y m WÊaSm W il m». m m m m m Mm m «JR m -, | ' ^pfKlffT Twenty airplanes took part in raid tests on the Atlantic fleet off Virginia coast. Photo shows anti aircraft gun on the Arkansas getting the range on the blimp C-7.
10/6/1922 Great Falls tribune.
AIRSHIPS ATTACK ATLANTIC FLEET IN WAR GAME B • , l :'V■**.' ttv :> •> ' ma y m WÊaSm W il m». m m m m m Mm m «JR m -, | ' ^pfKlffT Twenty airplanes took part in raid tests on the Atlantic fleet off Virginia coast. Photo shows anti aircraft gun on the Arkansas getting the range on the blimp C-7.
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' i ! ( ! j j j j i J Baby Blimps For Joyriding ' " "' 1 ' "I in in i mi' ILL' ' i . Ii I ii I in!)
10/8/1922 South Bend news-times.
' i ! ( ! j j j j i J Baby Blimps For Joyriding ' " "' 1 ' "I in in i mi' ILL' ' i . Ii I ii I in!)
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( . AKRON. O.. Ocf. 7. "Vest poc dirieib'es! A baby blimp, fhown in the pic above, N being manufactured capable of a cruising radius of miits. Onct.' it i in the air, it takes no more gasoline to run It than an ordl nary car. It carries three rafsengers in "chummy" basket. The lower picture shows of the manufacturers preparing a flight in the blimp.
10/8/1922 South Bend news-times.
( . AKRON. O.. Ocf. 7. "Vest poc dirieib'es! A baby blimp, fhown in the pic above, N being manufactured capable of a cruising radius of miits. Onct.' it i in the air, it takes no more gasoline to run It than an ordl nary car. It carries three rafsengers in "chummy" basket. The lower picture shows of the manufacturers preparing a flight in the blimp.
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Blimp Crosses Continent U&ARMY , " ' rsra- - - & ' ".Vi; ; . XNV . - - " ' '- ' ' s...7i tK v2 lid The Here la blimp made the completion of the army's transcontinental with a dirigible, the C Z landing at Ross Field, 30S5-mUe flight from Langley Kiel (I, lrginu, vvunoui nusnap. ii eucc.siuny u.w the trail for an ocean-to ocean airway.
10/9/1922 The Daily Ardmoreite.
Blimp Crosses Continent U&ARMY , " ' rsra- - - & ' ".Vi; ; . XNV . - - " ' '- ' ' s...7i tK v2 lid The Here la blimp made the completion of the army's transcontinental with a dirigible, the C Z landing at Ross Field, 30S5-mUe flight from Langley Kiel (I, lrginu, vvunoui nusnap. ii eucc.siuny u.w the trail for an ocean-to ocean airway.
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Here is the completion of the army'* tranHeontinintnl with a dirigible, the C-Z fowling Kvss Field, Cal. The big blimp made the 3,085-mik flight from Langley Field, Va., with out mishap. It tuccensfully biased the trail for an oeean-to-orran airway. It i« now on BUMP CROSSES CONTINENT
10/11/1922 The Seattle star.
Here is the completion of the army'* tranHeontinintnl with a dirigible, the C-Z fowling Kvss Field, Cal. The big blimp made the 3,085-mik flight from Langley Field, Va., with out mishap. It tuccensfully biased the trail for an oeean-to-orran airway. It i« now on BUMP CROSSES CONTINENT
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Destroyed By 7 Photograph shows the U. S. Army blimp C-2, a 192-foot dirigible, the first to cross the American continent, hovering over the Presidio, San Francisco, at completion of flight, which- it made from Washington in sixty-two hours. Fire Today ,isM:' :''. . & : mi Dirigible' 'C-2.'
10/17/1922 Capital journal.
Destroyed By 7 Photograph shows the U. S. Army blimp C-2, a 192-foot dirigible, the first to cross the American continent, hovering over the Presidio, San Francisco, at completion of flight, which- it made from Washington in sixty-two hours. Fire Today ,isM:' :''. . & : mi Dirigible' 'C-2.'
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Big Army Blimp Is Destroyed by Fire 3- rif JPj fe T?ie giant army dirigible, C-2, and members of her crew.
10/17/1922 The Topeka state journal.
Big Army Blimp Is Destroyed by Fire 3- rif JPj fe T?ie giant army dirigible, C-2, and members of her crew.
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tmtmmmmssWSSka taWHMH?reWMK. ?TT^c. -_?*? __? a. ..T. . .._t_tt_??.. ..?UT ~*^^ ? he m my dirigimi: ? ?_ ?ralea nas mad. many (lights over Wasmngton is a tangled mass Of.' as a result of a fire in Texas today. (Below) the crew of the ill fated blimp. Major Strauss, com is among Injured. (Left to rich' standing) Lieut. Don L. Hutchins, Major H. A.
10/17/1922 The Washington times.
tmtmmmmssWSSka taWHMH?reWMK. ?TT^c. -_?*? __? a. ..T. . .._t_tt_??.. ..?UT ~*^^ ? he m my dirigimi: ? ?_ ?ralea nas mad. many (lights over Wasmngton is a tangled mass Of.' as a result of a fire in Texas today. (Below) the crew of the ill fated blimp. Major Strauss, com is among Injured. (Left to rich' standing) Lieut. Don L. Hutchins, Major H. A.
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Army's Best Blimp, Now Twisted Mass xiuuiU) vyuyiuu' jLiwjiViui iritfiii v vtv fi$ . i -. t v ... , .- X !t..- 5 T I ' ! - V M X
10/18/1922 South Bend news-times.
Army's Best Blimp, Now Twisted Mass xiuuiU) vyuyiuu' jLiwjiViui iritfiii v vtv fi$ . i -. t v ... , .- X !t..- 5 T I ' ! - V M X
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Hall-Mills Murder Scene? ,y-::v- to. . . . . 77-v . i it ... . tV- - - : f ,- -v- v i" i. I - .v: .- r--. i . '' . - '"' -c-f'V-' V ; I.. I ; i.'.o."1""- - ...... .." . '. . S ' - . ;;;r ,x - - j .' - ' i ' ' " )Y, 1 : . ' . yf.i '' ' :Y''U-:-vi T .-til "T ,:o'; A ;" v .-i; c v . r t xy': 'yz- Tr' V. I i .1! New reaching New Drur.s'.vic'.; ,N. J ) authentic- lifs then: .to believe the murder cf the Rev. Edward Wlu der Hall ad Mrs Reinhardt Mills tock j)!ace In a 3c5trtd Fchoc!h"u.? four miles ivoin where the bodies were foyrid. Above, cxtcricr cf the .ThcolhouK'-; Ld'v.', Its interior, whore victims may Lav. lun i-v.rrirond., Mrs .Charles Miller, who heard screams near the rchool n the ni?ht cf thi murder. When C-2 Blimp Blew Up
10/23/1922 South Bend news-times.
Hall-Mills Murder Scene? ,y-::v- to. . . . . 77-v . i it ... . tV- - - : f ,- -v- v i" i. I - .v: .- r--. i . '' . - '"' -c-f'V-' V ; I.. I ; i.'.o."1""- - ...... .." . '. . S ' - . ;;;r ,x - - j .' - ' i ' ' " )Y, 1 : . ' . yf.i '' ' :Y''U-:-vi T .-til "T ,:o'; A ;" v .-i; c v . r t xy': 'yz- Tr' V. I i .1! New reaching New Drur.s'.vic'.; ,N. J ) authentic- lifs then: .to believe the murder cf the Rev. Edward Wlu der Hall ad Mrs Reinhardt Mills tock j)!ace In a 3c5trtd Fchoc!h"u.? four miles ivoin where the bodies were foyrid. Above, cxtcricr cf the .ThcolhouK'-; Ld'v.', Its interior, whore victims may Lav. lun i-v.rrirond., Mrs .Charles Miller, who heard screams near the rchool n the ni?ht cf thi murder. When C-2 Blimp Blew Up
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( j j , t ! IN BLIMP FIRE ii far "4 I Major JI. A. Strauss (ubove) and Ser geant A. I. Albrecht, of the crew of ! the army diiglbli. (.' J, w hic h crosse I the continent, sustained minor injuries 'whrii the glnnt blimp was destroyed by i fire at San Antonio. r L at mi uc"'
10/23/1922 The Daily Ardmoreite.
( j j , t ! IN BLIMP FIRE ii far "4 I Major JI. A. Strauss (ubove) and Ser geant A. I. Albrecht, of the crew of ! the army diiglbli. (.' J, w hic h crosse I the continent, sustained minor injuries 'whrii the glnnt blimp was destroyed by i fire at San Antonio. r L at mi uc"'
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'. ' " 5 i . v i. - i. r nip-in-. :x s These pictures graphically tell. the 5 story of the de struction of the army semi-dirigible blimp C-2 at San Antonio, Tex. Upper picture shows the crew leaping to safety as the giant gas bag was ripped, glong through the hangar door. Middle picture shows the explosion of Inset is H. A.
10/25/1922 The Pensacola journal.
'. ' " 5 i . v i. - i. r nip-in-. :x s These pictures graphically tell. the 5 story of the de struction of the army semi-dirigible blimp C-2 at San Antonio, Tex. Upper picture shows the crew leaping to safety as the giant gas bag was ripped, glong through the hangar door. Middle picture shows the explosion of Inset is H. A.
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Will Irish Stop "Human Blimp?" rW' ', ',?"A 4 : ,- ' r' ' :lT-A IN f. vA'X t?- ;.-:' 2 XV-A-A: "V-- A. "''V . :: ." A -A.'.-.;V.-?V..: ,-,,, J .l-I!.Tt.i;,'h. UIK' of th" -t;i:-.- ( f t ', ' iM'H.'i i v., s : . !l ...... i .r.i aa.i low:-., x- i: I.t!:i" Wl.'i i-.llt." SAtUni.1V. ;j .vriil (. v.v r-- : !:!! il- il. whilo hostil" h.uvis v w 'n. in fo s.iy, Ko-krif's ?tin will x rt t-vvy Afo;-t (... :i--.'k 1i!m r.a.v;;r:t in' artivltit s. Tills p:-;ur of th "ll;rn:i:i T:: 1 :ti v. i-. t.i'K'-n at :h- pi.n" J'-"'-n i ... w .1,1 .,'.i t.-,.- A.iy. M;hl:e IS to 0.
10/27/1922 South Bend news-times.
Will Irish Stop "Human Blimp?" rW' ', ',?"A 4 : ,- ' r' ' :lT-A IN f. vA'X t?- ;.-:' 2 XV-A-A: "V-- A. "''V . :: ." A -A.'.-.;V.-?V..: ,-,,, J .l-I!.Tt.i;,'h. UIK' of th" -t;i:-.- ( f t ', ' iM'H.'i i v., s : . !l ...... i .r.i aa.i low:-., x- i: I.t!:i" Wl.'i i-.llt." SAtUni.1V. ;j .vriil (. v.v r-- : !:!! il- il. whilo hostil" h.uvis v w 'n. in fo s.iy, Ko-krif's ?tin will x rt t-vvy Afo;-t (... :i--.'k 1i!m r.a.v;;r:t in' artivltit s. Tills p:-;ur of th "ll;rn:i:i T:: 1 :ti v. i-. t.i'K'-n at :h- pi.n" J'-"'-n i ... w .1,1 .,'.i t.-,.- A.iy. M;hl:e IS to 0.
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/M Li* \ fl _ ^ * jfc Mrs. William Steele Gray, .Jr., the former Miss A. Margaret Diinlop, in j her bridal costume after the c e r ejn o n y at St. Thomas's Church. Underwood St Underwood. f L 1 I i The end of the army's bisT^ei ^ "blimp." A striking photo of the C' in flames, after an explosion at Brook 7 Field, San Antonio. Seven of the off ' oers and men aboard her barely escape with their lives. Kadel * Herbert. Jk^ ^ jLJj ffi> w^^mrnl^B # A^f^EKi v fwfiflpri jWrtW__iLffli' SSrr ^ ; .*r. r ^TWT Y I ii ylfllk i I kUbKL' m2 '% iiCT^IkL^ .-... a b* -? ' V M j^BIUIJMBWI Jt R E JBE ;:&f * - ^Ht'
10/29/1922 The New York herald.
/M Li* \ fl _ ^ * jfc Mrs. William Steele Gray, .Jr., the former Miss A. Margaret Diinlop, in j her bridal costume after the c e r ejn o n y at St. Thomas's Church. Underwood St Underwood. f L 1 I i The end of the army's bisT^ei ^ "blimp." A striking photo of the C' in flames, after an explosion at Brook 7 Field, San Antonio. Seven of the off ' oers and men aboard her barely escape with their lives. Kadel * Herbert. Jk^ ^ jLJj ffi> w^^mrnl^B # A^f^EKi v fwfiflpri jWrtW__iLffli' SSrr ^ ; .*r. r ^TWT Y I ii ylfllk i I kUbKL' m2 '% iiCT^IkL^ .-... a b* -? ' V M j^BIUIJMBWI Jt R E JBE ;:&f * - ^Ht'

Newspaper Navigator is a project by Benjamin Charles Germain Lee as part of the 2020 Innovator in Residence Program at the Library of Congress.