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Mistress Of Greek Embassy In Washington B - ,"- , "t VVi I V ' -, v : v i ? ' , 4 f " 4 : " " ! r t 'j t 4 s J y , t; . f - i - w " ,1 I . ; - ) t . ' ' 5 1 ' V, " I - r $1; J t: it -v. . it e Mme. Joan Gennadlus Is ' latest arrival In the , dlploaiXiJ ' circle of the national capitaL f ia ' Is the wife of the new Greek BLm ' this
1/5/1922 Norwich bulletin.
Mistress Of Greek Embassy In Washington B - ,"- , "t VVi I V ' -, v : v i ? ' , 4 f " 4 : " " ! r t 'j t 4 s J y , t; . f - i - w " ,1 I . ; - ) t . ' ' 5 1 ' V, " I - r $1; J t: it -v. . it e Mme. Joan Gennadlus Is ' latest arrival In the , dlploaiXiJ ' circle of the national capitaL f ia ' Is the wife of the new Greek BLm ' this
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of Greek Church At Episcopal HT. REV. Sir.LITIOS metaxakis, Ecumenical patriarch of the Eaatcrn Orthodox Church, photo graphed In Philadelphia at a reception at St, tieorge** Kplncopal Church. The patriarch, who Ik head of Greek Orthodox Church the over, vraM In thl? country when he elevated to hi* high po*i(l?n, and pre vIoum to hlw elevation he wa* Instru mental In the union of the tireek Episcopal churches.
1/14/1922 Evening star.
of Greek Church At Episcopal HT. REV. Sir.LITIOS metaxakis, Ecumenical patriarch of the Eaatcrn Orthodox Church, photo graphed In Philadelphia at a reception at St, tieorge** Kplncopal Church. The patriarch, who Ik head of Greek Orthodox Church the over, vraM In thl? country when he elevated to hi* high po*i(l?n, and pre vIoum to hlw elevation he wa* Instru mental In the union of the tireek Episcopal churches.
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At the top ia the Gamma Phi lift a sorority hotute, latent a/hi it ion to the University Washington'B group of valuable Greek letter homes. Below it is Phi Delta Theta
1/17/1922 The Seattle star.
At the top ia the Gamma Phi lift a sorority hotute, latent a/hi it ion to the University Washington'B group of valuable Greek letter homes. Below it is Phi Delta Theta
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MUST5PHA KEMAL PASHA New portrait of Mustapha Kema Pasha, executive head of the Turkisl. nationalist government, against whose armies the Greeks are fighting in Asia Minor.
1/18/1922 Palatka daily news.
MUST5PHA KEMAL PASHA New portrait of Mustapha Kema Pasha, executive head of the Turkisl. nationalist government, against whose armies the Greeks are fighting in Asia Minor.
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1 j j Folloving Greek A iH-v --pepi i w;,r ei 1 1 i-poi. lei.t iray lead an exoiting life, but P'h not a .'i xnrloiw one. S- Pea.r-ine f.'i tl.i- i ha;. A I'ulloil, cu t was the Ik M 'on eaiiie he could !: ii.' follow the Creek anr.y on lis path tlii'wt'.gli Asia Minor. He is Jaaic A. i':i.-. av-mate pres coriTspondeiit hi the Gr.-i li-Turk wur. Army in Anatolia i- A. (
1/28/1922 The Bennington evening banner.
1 j j Folloving Greek A iH-v --pepi i w;,r ei 1 1 i-poi. lei.t iray lead an exoiting life, but P'h not a .'i xnrloiw one. S- Pea.r-ine f.'i tl.i- i ha;. A I'ulloil, cu t was the Ik M 'on eaiiie he could !: ii.' follow the Creek anr.y on lis path tlii'wt'.gli Asia Minor. He is Jaaic A. i':i.-. av-mate pres coriTspondeiit hi the Gr.-i li-Turk wur. Army in Anatolia i- A. (
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SOCIALLY FAMOUS FIGURES IN MANY DIVORCE CASES IN 192122 m y fe 1 Five prominent American women figuring in the divorce cases of 1921-22. Left to right, above, Mrs. "Fifi" Potter Stiilman. Mrs. Cordelia Dresel Biddle Duke, and (ianna W'alska. Below, Geraldine Farrar-Tellegen. The sear 1921 saw the names oi many prominent American women prominent in society and artistic circles playing the i WXL principal roie in divorce r- 'fil ings. Some of these cases are still undecided. Heading the cast of "Famous Divorce Cases of 1921-22" are Mrs. "Fifi" Pot ter Stiilman, fighting to refute sensational charges made by her millionaire husband. James A. Stiilman: Gonna Walska, Po'.isr opera star "ho says her Amer ican millionaire husband, Alex ander Smith Cochran, has tired of her; Geraldine Farrar, oper atic star, whose "Greek god" husband, Lou Tellegen, says she locked him out: Mrs. Helen El wood Stokes, who defended her self against W. E. D. Stokes charges, and Cordelia Biddle Duke, who obtained a divorcs from Angier Duke. f
2/6/1922 The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram.
SOCIALLY FAMOUS FIGURES IN MANY DIVORCE CASES IN 192122 m y fe 1 Five prominent American women figuring in the divorce cases of 1921-22. Left to right, above, Mrs. "Fifi" Potter Stiilman. Mrs. Cordelia Dresel Biddle Duke, and (ianna W'alska. Below, Geraldine Farrar-Tellegen. The sear 1921 saw the names oi many prominent American women prominent in society and artistic circles playing the i WXL principal roie in divorce r- 'fil ings. Some of these cases are still undecided. Heading the cast of "Famous Divorce Cases of 1921-22" are Mrs. "Fifi" Pot ter Stiilman, fighting to refute sensational charges made by her millionaire husband. James A. Stiilman: Gonna Walska, Po'.isr opera star "ho says her Amer ican millionaire husband, Alex ander Smith Cochran, has tired of her; Geraldine Farrar, oper atic star, whose "Greek god" husband, Lou Tellegen, says she locked him out: Mrs. Helen El wood Stokes, who defended her self against W. E. D. Stokes charges, and Cordelia Biddle Duke, who obtained a divorcs from Angier Duke. f
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Here's a scene in the first "kitchen Am?ricanisation class." It shows employes of the Shoreham Hotel attending the Am?ricanisation school opened in the hotel jointly by the District of Columbia Am?ricanisation department of the public schools and the hotel management. The class comprises Italians, Greeks, Germans, Irish
2/19/1922 The Washington times.
Here's a scene in the first "kitchen Am?ricanisation class." It shows employes of the Shoreham Hotel attending the Am?ricanisation school opened in the hotel jointly by the District of Columbia Am?ricanisation department of the public schools and the hotel management. The class comprises Italians, Greeks, Germans, Irish
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Remains of Ancient Grandeur This is all that is kit of an old Greek temple, still standing within view o( Athens. Scientists and archaeologists hope to find many such in explorations, now that the Greek government has given its consent to the research work. .
2/26/1922 The Washington herald.
Remains of Ancient Grandeur This is all that is kit of an old Greek temple, still standing within view o( Athens. Scientists and archaeologists hope to find many such in explorations, now that the Greek government has given its consent to the research work. .
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Boiled Down on Mat Show 'S all the dope on to* morrow's big wrestling ; Coliseum, street and Pennsylva avenue. ? First match, 8 prelim: Louis vs. Young Zybszko, ftfteeu-njinute Semi-final: Demon vs. Charlie Metropolous, thirty-minute match: Pete Dal Cleveland, Ohio, vs. Jo? Washington, D. C., two in three. of feature match? Huber, Washington, C. Books Ten Football Contests trames have been scheduled University of Detroit foot team for next season, the Collet;-'. Washington and and Marquette contests HOT STUFF LIKELY WHEN THESE CHAPS CLASH FOR MAT TITLE * ? NAVY ATHLETES TRAVEL MUCH DURING MARCH Middy Trackmen, Wrestlers, Boxers, and Swimmers Due for Trips This Month. Annapolis, March 4.?Base ball practice at the Naral Academy responded to "full steam ahead!" this week, with the releaae of Billy Luah, head coach of the two sports, from duty with the basketball squad. Also, a number of the basketball players turned their attention to the diamond sport. In view of the probable abandon ment of the Intercollegiate boxing tournament, the Naval Academy boxers will probably oppose the University of Pennsylvania -hitmen, the event to take place In Philadel phia on either the 18th or 21th ot March. On the latter date, the Naval Academy will have Ha team In the finals of the Intercollegiate Swim ming Asaoclatlon. to take at Phila delphia, and on the 31st, they will contest In the finals of the Intercol legiate Gymnastic Association, to take place In the gymnasium of Massachusetts Institute of Technol date of the finale of the In tercollegiate Fencing Association Is unsettled, but it will probably be during March, and the Naval Acad emy team will be one of the entriee. PETEDAVCWS DEMON ELLIS JDE"TURNER Dallas, the Greek, and Turner, Washington's wrestling pride, on the right, will settle a row over the world's middleweight cham tomorrow at the Coliseum. Turner is seen chopping wood during outdoor training for the match. Joe split a mess of kin l
3/5/1922 The Washington times.
Boiled Down on Mat Show 'S all the dope on to* morrow's big wrestling ; Coliseum, street and Pennsylva avenue. ? First match, 8 prelim: Louis vs. Young Zybszko, ftfteeu-njinute Semi-final: Demon vs. Charlie Metropolous, thirty-minute match: Pete Dal Cleveland, Ohio, vs. Jo? Washington, D. C., two in three. of feature match? Huber, Washington, C. Books Ten Football Contests trames have been scheduled University of Detroit foot team for next season, the Collet;-'. Washington and and Marquette contests HOT STUFF LIKELY WHEN THESE CHAPS CLASH FOR MAT TITLE * ? NAVY ATHLETES TRAVEL MUCH DURING MARCH Middy Trackmen, Wrestlers, Boxers, and Swimmers Due for Trips This Month. Annapolis, March 4.?Base ball practice at the Naral Academy responded to "full steam ahead!" this week, with the releaae of Billy Luah, head coach of the two sports, from duty with the basketball squad. Also, a number of the basketball players turned their attention to the diamond sport. In view of the probable abandon ment of the Intercollegiate boxing tournament, the Naval Academy boxers will probably oppose the University of Pennsylvania -hitmen, the event to take place In Philadel phia on either the 18th or 21th ot March. On the latter date, the Naval Academy will have Ha team In the finals of the Intercollegiate Swim ming Asaoclatlon. to take at Phila delphia, and on the 31st, they will contest In the finals of the Intercol legiate Gymnastic Association, to take place In the gymnasium of Massachusetts Institute of Technol date of the finale of the In tercollegiate Fencing Association Is unsettled, but it will probably be during March, and the Naval Acad emy team will be one of the entriee. PETEDAVCWS DEMON ELLIS JDE"TURNER Dallas, the Greek, and Turner, Washington's wrestling pride, on the right, will settle a row over the world's middleweight cham tomorrow at the Coliseum. Turner is seen chopping wood during outdoor training for the match. Joe split a mess of kin l
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TWO NATIONS CLAIM IT This ancient work of art, a statua of a Greek goddess, was seized by the French during the war as It was owned by a German then Uving In PsI is. Afterward it was smnggled Intel Switzerland and then taken to Gel+ many. It Is believed the French ma now claim the statue, which is e highly valued.
3/9/1922 The herald.
TWO NATIONS CLAIM IT This ancient work of art, a statua of a Greek goddess, was seized by the French during the war as It was owned by a German then Uving In PsI is. Afterward it was smnggled Intel Switzerland and then taken to Gel+ many. It Is believed the French ma now claim the statue, which is e highly valued.
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j i , I ' ' j ! ; ; J t Greek Cruiser Wreclced by Mines fi : J A Is :'.vKMit:.''::,- n.'"i''irrt:H:MiM-m tWV)iWW WiifclMIiS , 1 t IT"' "-i-,.i',,A'1..,Jj11 .. ! L . tosassa ' II ' :V"..'. IV s r.' .st'i'flV If 'iX '' r-,r" tui ,-. j ffir HHHHr 111 -'- . vl'.n., -,, .Z,i View ot th tlrovk mirocr four aubmaHn ailnoa to tt harbor of r 4 1 av ttoZf II t 1 e -a ' -MaVV:"-; sf.rr Its d "iu'uottiV'Pyt? -'otpttvanoi -of llrsrus. Thirty nun wr klll f ma y - Jaw f
3/17/1922 The Dickson County herald.
j i , I ' ' j ! ; ; J t Greek Cruiser Wreclced by Mines fi : J A Is :'.vKMit:.''::,- n.'"i''irrt:H:MiM-m tWV)iWW WiifclMIiS , 1 t IT"' "-i-,.i',,A'1..,Jj11 .. ! L . tosassa ' II ' :V"..'. IV s r.' .st'i'flV If 'iX '' r-,r" tui ,-. j ffir HHHHr 111 -'- . vl'.n., -,, .Z,i View ot th tlrovk mirocr four aubmaHn ailnoa to tt harbor of r 4 1 av ttoZf II t 1 e -a ' -MaVV:"-; sf.rr Its d "iu'uottiV'Pyt? -'otpttvanoi -of llrsrus. Thirty nun wr klll f ma y - Jaw f
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he was only four year AuYA show wonderfully keen obser of canine anatomy. "I have a studio and a sleep porch!" confides Aurelius, as conducts the visitor along to home. I have some books, Did ever red 'The Re a old. the famous metopes of Belinus, representing almost the highest stage of Greek art. Look at Aurelius' wide variety of sketches, inspired by Ameri can themes. There may be nothing classio about but * -
3/26/1922 The Washington times.
he was only four year AuYA show wonderfully keen obser of canine anatomy. "I have a studio and a sleep porch!" confides Aurelius, as conducts the visitor along to home. I have some books, Did ever red 'The Re a old. the famous metopes of Belinus, representing almost the highest stage of Greek art. Look at Aurelius' wide variety of sketches, inspired by Ameri can themes. There may be nothing classio about but * -
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Danish Heir Will Wed Greek Princess I o "J r , , 'J V v vl f- -, . . . vv -J 1 H0 - i. .! Crown Prince Christian Freder lck of Denmark soon will wed princess Olga, eldest daughter o: Prince Nicholas of Greece. The betrothal has been announced from Copenhagen by King Chrte
3/28/1922 Capital journal.
Danish Heir Will Wed Greek Princess I o "J r , , 'J V v vl f- -, . . . vv -J 1 H0 - i. .! Crown Prince Christian Freder lck of Denmark soon will wed princess Olga, eldest daughter o: Prince Nicholas of Greece. The betrothal has been announced from Copenhagen by King Chrte
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Barnard College "s o Greec Games I To Z?e a Tribute to the Goddess THE Dam roach, symphony conductor, Henry E. Krehbicl, veteran Lyrics am adjudged by Charles Baldwin, Kdward Robinson, and Ledoux, and their reading by Charles Howard, Mrs. Mary and Miss Kdytho Wynno The class which Becures tho rating will tie proclaimed the Greek games. This Is the eleventh annual game contest of Barnard Originally tho affair wan athletio mecet but gradually tho of lyrlo song and dunce has up. Tho custom Is unique to nard. The Sophmoro Chairman for year is 'Helen Latham, and Freshman Chairman, Margaret Helen Archbald Is In chargo of Panathenalc procession, and garet Trusler, '23, and Coffey, '-'2, both former Chairmen, are advisers. Miss Lawson, head of tho Physical Education, Is tho Supervisor and manager of pageant. LEGION ASKS
4/7/1922 The evening world.
Barnard College "s o Greec Games I To Z?e a Tribute to the Goddess THE Dam roach, symphony conductor, Henry E. Krehbicl, veteran Lyrics am adjudged by Charles Baldwin, Kdward Robinson, and Ledoux, and their reading by Charles Howard, Mrs. Mary and Miss Kdytho Wynno The class which Becures tho rating will tie proclaimed the Greek games. This Is the eleventh annual game contest of Barnard Originally tho affair wan athletio mecet but gradually tho of lyrlo song and dunce has up. Tho custom Is unique to nard. The Sophmoro Chairman for year is 'Helen Latham, and Freshman Chairman, Margaret Helen Archbald Is In chargo of Panathenalc procession, and garet Trusler, '23, and Coffey, '-'2, both former Chairmen, are advisers. Miss Lawson, head of tho Physical Education, Is tho Supervisor and manager of pageant. LEGION ASKS
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Greek King ill -*' '-V3 ?*"*''' | ilffij|ff c ' 3sK|s| ;&\ , -: j| t “■■■ • T£ pflK^aryTfafrSiL €w*wßKSx^fiS t y • KING CONSTANTINE. ATHENS, April 14.—King Constantine of Greece is seriously ill. He was seized
4/14/1922 Indiana daily times.
Greek King ill -*' '-V3 ?*"*''' | ilffij|ff c ' 3sK|s| ;&\ , -: j| t “■■■ • T£ pflK^aryTfafrSiL €w*wßKSx^fiS t y • KING CONSTANTINE. ATHENS, April 14.—King Constantine of Greece is seriously ill. He was seized
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- . , , , 1 . FAVORITES APPEARING NEXf WEEK IN OFFERINGS AT LOCAL THEATRES the Icttdl cornel are Clarence Beginning Tomorrow JJIgJJC 1 (Si fjgrmtSLW $ ' Wilbur, Andy Smith, Beatrice Har- WALLACE REID agWjMl?y the Visual Inatructlon Association of lowe, Billy Lynch, Morette Sisters, II ' 1 1 aWiHv 1mmmmW-.& w Vnri.-. the Carnival Trio and a chorus of N "Across The Continent II lltWIPasr 5 w - :iaBIBPl - - ..i- III U wi fj3IVP!iapBWJ i ritrrKJiiON with uwen Moore asi b". i mmWfSZlt (rTHtEvrRea in songs, George I.e Malre At the Dentist's," Daphne Pol- ard, singing comedienne; Kdward B. and his Surprise Party, Paul and his Palais Hoynl and Flanagan and tidwards, IUVliltSlDF. TIIKATRB Kddle In "The Jlln9trel's Delight" head a bill that;also Includes Tom In a playlet, the Portia Mans Dancers nnd Thelma and Mar- White. ALHAMHHA Among the cntcr- will be De Lylo Alda In a mu offering, John B. Hymen In Tom Walker In Dixie," nnd Ituth uerlallBt. COLONIAF-Wlth Van and Schenck the bill will 'bo Alleen Stiin Mr. and Mrs, Jimmy Barry, Guy Frank Gaby and others. KIGHTV-KBtST STREET THEA Tn the vaudeville list will bo Edwards's Song Revue, Clara Howard, Harriet Marlottc and Wll Brothers. The screen will show Dorothy Dalton In "The Crimson HAMILTON. The bill will include Peggy Wood, (Srnco Valentine, "Chic" Sale, Marlon Harris, and Ellnore and Williams. FORDHAM, For tho first halt of tho week there will be Franklyn Ar dell, Qeorglo Hessol, Whlteman's Six Saxophone Serenadcrs, and others Newcomers on Thursday will ie Stella Scwell Sisters, and Hugh Herbert. MOSS'S BROADWAY THEATRE Vada and Gygl, Greek dancers; Martha Pryor In songs, "Indoor Sports," Kane and Grant, Bessie Cllf ford, Gaughlln nnd West, Lew Cooper, Adcllno Dunbar, tho Runaway Four, and tho film play "For the Defense" will be tho leading attractions. MOSS'S COLISEUM. Prominent features tho first half of the week will bs Williams and Wolfus, Stella May hew In songs and stories, nnd Marlon Davles on' the screen In "Beauty' Worth." With tho change of bill on Thursday will ho Leavltt and Lock wood, and the film play "Tho Crimson Challenge," with Dorothy D.ilton as the star. PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE. Starting the weelc will' be Beaumont Sisters, Benny Krucger and Band, Morrtssey and Young, Harry Breen and others. Thursday will bring Faber and Burnett, yalda and tl photoplay, "Beauty's Worth," wl THEATRE On the bllh will bo Mor ris nnd Shaw, Frawlo and Louise, the mi Marlon Davles. FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET THEA TRE Among tho attractions will he Don Fitch's African Opera, Arthur Whltelaw, McFarlane 'and Palace, and "Beauty's Worth." 125TH STREET THEATRE With tho same photoplay will bo Hugh Herbert, Millard and Marlln, Ben Smith, Hatg and Laverc, and Clcm mons and Belling. IJEW'S STATE THEATRE For the first half of, the week the bill will inculdo Luclllo Chnlfont, soprano: Billy Mason, Clayton and Lennle nnd the film play "Tho Green '.lempia. llon." with Betty Compson. Thurs day will hrlng "Bits of Son'? and Dance," Bernard and Scarth, nnd the Chung Hwa Four. New Offerings On the Screen III ALTO Thomas M Ighan will be seen In "The Bachelor D.iddy," writ ten by Edward Peple. The hero ot tho story takes upi him! t the care ot five children whose father Is killed by bandits. Deatrlco Joy plays the sweet a car ELS1 R12.E INT tSIGMT grummo opens with Liszt's "Sixth Hungarian Rhapsody." RIVOL1 Tho" main attraction will boVallaco Reld in ". jross tho Con uneni, uy uyron .Morgan, with a cheap car tho hero wins a long dls tance record and also carries off the gill he loves. Baby Peggy in "The Littlo Rascal," a Post nature picture. called "Tho Voico of Gladness" and tho Rlvoll Pictorial will complete the film programme. e concert num hers will Include Offenbach's "Orpheus In the Underworld." innn n .t't t t.. , m , , . ... World with Burton Holmes" begins an engagement Monday night. A Pre llmlnary showing will be given at the Republic Theatre to-morrow night This series of picture is presented by narry ievey, nnuer the auspices of the Cinema Travel Association and AMUSEMENTS. the Visual Instruction Association of New York. CRITERION With Owen Moore as its star, "Reported Mlsslnff" will be tho chief foature. The story Is one ot adventure on lnnd und sea. Other pic tures Include tho Criterion JlaBazlno CAMEO "Sisters." with Seena Owen, Miftt Moore and Gladys Leslie will continue lt3 successful run. STRAND Norma Talmndgo in Smilln' Through!' will be retained for a. second weelt. The remainder of the programme will be the same, with the exception of tho news reel. CAPITOI-For Its leading feature tho screep will show I.ady Diana Man tiers in "The Glorious Adventure.' The programme will also include con cert numbers and a ballet. WATSON BURLESQUERS AT COLUMBIA THEATRE Billy Watson comes to the Columbia CONCERTS AND MUSIC. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT! BIG STICK CONCERT NINA KOSIIKTZ. ADOLF BOLM. RUTH I'AtlK, Myra Wtlkoxon, I nnlu Marlnorr, Vlndlmlr Heifetz, Jnirnli Chernlarsky. Vladi mir Oraffman, Mnurire Shunrte, Munle neleenfrelnd and Dura Wrlsninn. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENT PARKS OPEN FOR SUMMER I?alisade Amusement Vark,. Star- llglit Amusement Park, in tho Bronx, and Tllyou's Park at Coney Island are now open for the summer. All of these popular resorts olfer new at tractions, including spectacles, rides, games, vaudeville, band concerts. dancing and circus features. AMUSEMENTS. Willi Throdore nobrrtn, Walter Long and .Mary Maclirra. llaby Teggy In "Tho Kittle Rascal." Schumann's "Carneval" Ianco Inter pretatton by Oecard, Kaatman and ilurgBtaller. 'The Voice of Gladness" Post Naturo Picture. Ivan Dneproff, Tenor Offenbach's "Orpheus In the Underworld." Rivoli Concert Orqnestra l'rederlck Stahlberg nnd Ktfianiiel Itner conducting. Tillies LAST TIMES TO-DAY Hquare.l NOON TO J CRITERION "The doves of Pharaoh' Directed by HKNEST LUIHTSCH. BEGINNING SUNDAY RITERI0N THEffltE BROADWAY" AT 44r" STREET Huj?o Rfcaenfcld Manajfin Director--' Aflhiyhm&oJlption 1 Jl Cyclone of Laughtevr1 l Lewi J. Selxnick preaentt ,
4/22/1922 The evening world.
- . , , , 1 . FAVORITES APPEARING NEXf WEEK IN OFFERINGS AT LOCAL THEATRES the Icttdl cornel are Clarence Beginning Tomorrow JJIgJJC 1 (Si fjgrmtSLW $ ' Wilbur, Andy Smith, Beatrice Har- WALLACE REID agWjMl?y the Visual Inatructlon Association of lowe, Billy Lynch, Morette Sisters, II ' 1 1 aWiHv 1mmmmW-.& w Vnri.-. the Carnival Trio and a chorus of N "Across The Continent II lltWIPasr 5 w - :iaBIBPl - - ..i- III U wi fj3IVP!iapBWJ i ritrrKJiiON with uwen Moore asi b". i mmWfSZlt (rTHtEvrRea in songs, George I.e Malre At the Dentist's," Daphne Pol- ard, singing comedienne; Kdward B. and his Surprise Party, Paul and his Palais Hoynl and Flanagan and tidwards, IUVliltSlDF. TIIKATRB Kddle In "The Jlln9trel's Delight" head a bill that;also Includes Tom In a playlet, the Portia Mans Dancers nnd Thelma and Mar- White. ALHAMHHA Among the cntcr- will be De Lylo Alda In a mu offering, John B. Hymen In Tom Walker In Dixie," nnd Ituth uerlallBt. COLONIAF-Wlth Van and Schenck the bill will 'bo Alleen Stiin Mr. and Mrs, Jimmy Barry, Guy Frank Gaby and others. KIGHTV-KBtST STREET THEA Tn the vaudeville list will bo Edwards's Song Revue, Clara Howard, Harriet Marlottc and Wll Brothers. The screen will show Dorothy Dalton In "The Crimson HAMILTON. The bill will include Peggy Wood, (Srnco Valentine, "Chic" Sale, Marlon Harris, and Ellnore and Williams. FORDHAM, For tho first halt of tho week there will be Franklyn Ar dell, Qeorglo Hessol, Whlteman's Six Saxophone Serenadcrs, and others Newcomers on Thursday will ie Stella Scwell Sisters, and Hugh Herbert. MOSS'S BROADWAY THEATRE Vada and Gygl, Greek dancers; Martha Pryor In songs, "Indoor Sports," Kane and Grant, Bessie Cllf ford, Gaughlln nnd West, Lew Cooper, Adcllno Dunbar, tho Runaway Four, and tho film play "For the Defense" will be tho leading attractions. MOSS'S COLISEUM. Prominent features tho first half of the week will bs Williams and Wolfus, Stella May hew In songs and stories, nnd Marlon Davles on' the screen In "Beauty' Worth." With tho change of bill on Thursday will ho Leavltt and Lock wood, and the film play "Tho Crimson Challenge," with Dorothy D.ilton as the star. PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE. Starting the weelc will' be Beaumont Sisters, Benny Krucger and Band, Morrtssey and Young, Harry Breen and others. Thursday will bring Faber and Burnett, yalda and tl photoplay, "Beauty's Worth," wl THEATRE On the bllh will bo Mor ris nnd Shaw, Frawlo and Louise, the mi Marlon Davles. FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET THEA TRE Among tho attractions will he Don Fitch's African Opera, Arthur Whltelaw, McFarlane 'and Palace, and "Beauty's Worth." 125TH STREET THEATRE With tho same photoplay will bo Hugh Herbert, Millard and Marlln, Ben Smith, Hatg and Laverc, and Clcm mons and Belling. IJEW'S STATE THEATRE For the first half of, the week the bill will inculdo Luclllo Chnlfont, soprano: Billy Mason, Clayton and Lennle nnd the film play "Tho Green '.lempia. llon." with Betty Compson. Thurs day will hrlng "Bits of Son'? and Dance," Bernard and Scarth, nnd the Chung Hwa Four. New Offerings On the Screen III ALTO Thomas M Ighan will be seen In "The Bachelor D.iddy," writ ten by Edward Peple. The hero ot tho story takes upi him! t the care ot five children whose father Is killed by bandits. Deatrlco Joy plays the sweet a car ELS1 R12.E INT tSIGMT grummo opens with Liszt's "Sixth Hungarian Rhapsody." RIVOL1 Tho" main attraction will boVallaco Reld in ". jross tho Con uneni, uy uyron .Morgan, with a cheap car tho hero wins a long dls tance record and also carries off the gill he loves. Baby Peggy in "The Littlo Rascal," a Post nature picture. called "Tho Voico of Gladness" and tho Rlvoll Pictorial will complete the film programme. e concert num hers will Include Offenbach's "Orpheus In the Underworld." innn n .t't t t.. , m , , . ... World with Burton Holmes" begins an engagement Monday night. A Pre llmlnary showing will be given at the Republic Theatre to-morrow night This series of picture is presented by narry ievey, nnuer the auspices of the Cinema Travel Association and AMUSEMENTS. the Visual Instruction Association of New York. CRITERION With Owen Moore as its star, "Reported Mlsslnff" will be tho chief foature. The story Is one ot adventure on lnnd und sea. Other pic tures Include tho Criterion JlaBazlno CAMEO "Sisters." with Seena Owen, Miftt Moore and Gladys Leslie will continue lt3 successful run. STRAND Norma Talmndgo in Smilln' Through!' will be retained for a. second weelt. The remainder of the programme will be the same, with the exception of tho news reel. CAPITOI-For Its leading feature tho screep will show I.ady Diana Man tiers in "The Glorious Adventure.' The programme will also include con cert numbers and a ballet. WATSON BURLESQUERS AT COLUMBIA THEATRE Billy Watson comes to the Columbia CONCERTS AND MUSIC. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT! BIG STICK CONCERT NINA KOSIIKTZ. ADOLF BOLM. RUTH I'AtlK, Myra Wtlkoxon, I nnlu Marlnorr, Vlndlmlr Heifetz, Jnirnli Chernlarsky. Vladi mir Oraffman, Mnurire Shunrte, Munle neleenfrelnd and Dura Wrlsninn. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENT PARKS OPEN FOR SUMMER I?alisade Amusement Vark,. Star- llglit Amusement Park, in tho Bronx, and Tllyou's Park at Coney Island are now open for the summer. All of these popular resorts olfer new at tractions, including spectacles, rides, games, vaudeville, band concerts. dancing and circus features. AMUSEMENTS. Willi Throdore nobrrtn, Walter Long and .Mary Maclirra. llaby Teggy In "Tho Kittle Rascal." Schumann's "Carneval" Ianco Inter pretatton by Oecard, Kaatman and ilurgBtaller. 'The Voice of Gladness" Post Naturo Picture. Ivan Dneproff, Tenor Offenbach's "Orpheus In the Underworld." Rivoli Concert Orqnestra l'rederlck Stahlberg nnd Ktfianiiel Itner conducting. Tillies LAST TIMES TO-DAY Hquare.l NOON TO J CRITERION "The doves of Pharaoh' Directed by HKNEST LUIHTSCH. BEGINNING SUNDAY RITERI0N THEffltE BROADWAY" AT 44r" STREET Huj?o Rfcaenfcld Manajfin Director--' Aflhiyhm&oJlption 1 Jl Cyclone of Laughtevr1 l Lewi J. Selxnick preaentt ,
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LADS ROW CENTRAL CREW HERE The St. John's Military Academy crew, of Delafield, Wis, which will oppose the Central Hi*h School championship crew in a race on the Potomac on May 5. Bow, C. E. Nelson; No. 2, H. F. Hagemeister; No. 3, J. C. Badenoch; No. 4. J. K. Peterson; No. 6. F. R. St. Armour; No. 6. J. R. METROS SURE HE WILL MAKE RIGHT WEIGHT Not Trying to Run Out of Match Wits Joe Turner, He Says; Angered at Goesip. Angered by gos*ip t*> the! effect that he Is trying to "crawl out of hto match with Turner," Charlie Metroa, the aturdy Greek (Trappier, scheduled ( to meet the champion it the Capitol Theater Tuesday nijrht, yesterday asserted that he ie be ing made the goat of a flock of scandle mongers and reiterated his declaration that he never has been and never will be afraid of the local mat king. "I asked a postponement of the match In order that I could make 160 pounds, the weight Turner In sists I must make before he will enter the ring with me. I had no Idea of trying to run out of the match. It la a big job for me to get down tp that weight and I have to Cap Anson Saw But Two New Things In Baseball WRAY of St.* Lou If in terviewed "Cap" Arson nome time back and heard this commentary on the na tional pastime: "Young man, in twenty years I have .*een only two new things in base ball, "They are commercialism and the spitball. And bcth have done more harm than good to the game." take my time doing It. otherwise It will weaken me. The trouble was I didn't start soon enough, but I have worked hard the last few days and will be down to 160 by Tuesday." Promoter Jack Garrison has made no changes In the preliminaries. Charles Dewerdt, the Belgian mid dleweight champion, will meet Jack Carson in the semi-final and Toung Brooks, the pride pf Alexandria, and Harry Nixon. t>f Omaha and Denver, will tangle In the first bout. Great Navy Also Crack Th?re are a example* of atbletea a high place in Naval Academy Just J. Gallagher, Jr., Of Olympic oarsmen and swimming team, is a In the graduating class, mates and members of Olympic eight who place being William Ohio, and Alden R. Wisconsin. The second claas members, both of cently been elected who keep actively letics during the yet maintain a standing. William Kanaas, Just elected tain, is also end of team and a member of twelve. William V. New York, boxing squad man In football John B. Pearson, captain of the for two years gymnast of the nastic Association, four in a class of 4114 NAVY SLAMS DELAWARE IN SECOND FRAME Wins Came Then With Ten| Runt, Going Wild With the PARIS GAPE AT UPON Champion Elbow# Through Throng
4/23/1922 The Washington times.
LADS ROW CENTRAL CREW HERE The St. John's Military Academy crew, of Delafield, Wis, which will oppose the Central Hi*h School championship crew in a race on the Potomac on May 5. Bow, C. E. Nelson; No. 2, H. F. Hagemeister; No. 3, J. C. Badenoch; No. 4. J. K. Peterson; No. 6. F. R. St. Armour; No. 6. J. R. METROS SURE HE WILL MAKE RIGHT WEIGHT Not Trying to Run Out of Match Wits Joe Turner, He Says; Angered at Goesip. Angered by gos*ip t*> the! effect that he Is trying to "crawl out of hto match with Turner," Charlie Metroa, the aturdy Greek (Trappier, scheduled ( to meet the champion it the Capitol Theater Tuesday nijrht, yesterday asserted that he ie be ing made the goat of a flock of scandle mongers and reiterated his declaration that he never has been and never will be afraid of the local mat king. "I asked a postponement of the match In order that I could make 160 pounds, the weight Turner In sists I must make before he will enter the ring with me. I had no Idea of trying to run out of the match. It la a big job for me to get down tp that weight and I have to Cap Anson Saw But Two New Things In Baseball WRAY of St.* Lou If in terviewed "Cap" Arson nome time back and heard this commentary on the na tional pastime: "Young man, in twenty years I have .*een only two new things in base ball, "They are commercialism and the spitball. And bcth have done more harm than good to the game." take my time doing It. otherwise It will weaken me. The trouble was I didn't start soon enough, but I have worked hard the last few days and will be down to 160 by Tuesday." Promoter Jack Garrison has made no changes In the preliminaries. Charles Dewerdt, the Belgian mid dleweight champion, will meet Jack Carson in the semi-final and Toung Brooks, the pride pf Alexandria, and Harry Nixon. t>f Omaha and Denver, will tangle In the first bout. Great Navy Also Crack Th?re are a example* of atbletea a high place in Naval Academy Just J. Gallagher, Jr., Of Olympic oarsmen and swimming team, is a In the graduating class, mates and members of Olympic eight who place being William Ohio, and Alden R. Wisconsin. The second claas members, both of cently been elected who keep actively letics during the yet maintain a standing. William Kanaas, Just elected tain, is also end of team and a member of twelve. William V. New York, boxing squad man In football John B. Pearson, captain of the for two years gymnast of the nastic Association, four in a class of 4114 NAVY SLAMS DELAWARE IN SECOND FRAME Wins Came Then With Ten| Runt, Going Wild With the PARIS GAPE AT UPON Champion Elbow# Through Throng
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EX-PREMIER VENIZELOS. % it mr. it ? -i J < ivà r-S », Ex Premier Venlzelos will paeu through Wilmington today at 3.18 o'clock, and will be greeted by a large delegation of local Greeks. and accom I>anled to Philadelphia, where a re > 'W(V-.Y
4/26/1922 Every evening, Wilmington daily commercial.
EX-PREMIER VENIZELOS. % it mr. it ? -i J < ivà r-S », Ex Premier Venlzelos will paeu through Wilmington today at 3.18 o'clock, and will be greeted by a large delegation of local Greeks. and accom I>anled to Philadelphia, where a re > 'W(V-.Y
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'Turks ui-M'Mk- Greeks tec:. . Croc; Serine Tlv :,t.?":-' T force carotin.? over territory abandoned by. tops tcsiCLs the l-ouy of a Creek captive slain to faeiUtsta
5/3/1922 Richmond daily register.
'Turks ui-M'Mk- Greeks tec:. . Croc; Serine Tlv :,t.?":-' T force carotin.? over territory abandoned by. tops tcsiCLs the l-ouy of a Creek captive slain to faeiUtsta
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Find Victim of Turks _ % _ *... ... Greek skirmishing force advane ing over territory abandoned by fleeing Turks stops beside the Updy of a Greek captive slain to facilltale rhe Turkish retreat.
5/12/1922 Perth Amboy evening news.
Find Victim of Turks _ % _ *... ... Greek skirmishing force advane ing over territory abandoned by fleeing Turks stops beside the Updy of a Greek captive slain to facilltale rhe Turkish retreat.
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World's "Cleanest" Wrestler JIM LONDOi* Idol of the Greeks, and one of the six best wrestlers in the heavyweight division in this country, who will meet Jan Brook
5/16/1922 The Washington herald.
World's "Cleanest" Wrestler JIM LONDOi* Idol of the Greeks, and one of the six best wrestlers in the heavyweight division in this country, who will meet Jan Brook
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$rysa;- 'S- , x?-:- . - . 1-atest picture of Princess Ana stasia who Is coming to the United States this summer to "stir senti mcnt for the Greeks." She was for merly Mrs. Wm. B. Leedg.
5/16/1922 South Bend news-times.
$rysa;- 'S- , x?-:- . - . 1-atest picture of Princess Ana stasia who Is coming to the United States this summer to "stir senti mcnt for the Greeks." She was for merly Mrs. Wm. B. Leedg.
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"CONNIE" NOW ASKS DIVORCE Coiutance Taltnadge, movie afar, married September 20, 1921, to John Pialogou, Greek subject and Sew York ciparet manufacturer, ha.« ju*t tued for divorce. She and htr hus band have been $e pa rated tinee April J. Above it Con fiance, a>'d (inset) her husband.
5/18/1922 The Seattle star.
"CONNIE" NOW ASKS DIVORCE Coiutance Taltnadge, movie afar, married September 20, 1921, to John Pialogou, Greek subject and Sew York ciparet manufacturer, ha.« ju*t tued for divorce. She and htr hus band have been $e pa rated tinee April J. Above it Con fiance, a>'d (inset) her husband.
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To Visit U. S, 11111 '"' I"' Latest picture of Prlnces An stasia who Is coming to the United,' States this summer to 'tlr enU-J ment for the Greeks." She wa for merly Mr. Wm. B. Leed. j
5/20/1922 New Britain herald.
To Visit U. S, 11111 '"' I"' Latest picture of Prlnces An stasia who Is coming to the United,' States this summer to 'tlr enU-J ment for the Greeks." She wa for merly Mr. Wm. B. Leed. j
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Suit Is Uncontested By Husband 4 j 1 .J' 1 f ' J "Try. : v . - f , '1? v .-Jot i. J . lxr;cx ' 'i V;r' V--'V.;,.. 1 v CONSTANCE TALMA DOE, movie star, married Sent. 20. 1921, to Pialopou. Greek subject and Nw York clgaret manufacturer, has sued for divorce. She and her husband have been separated since j. Above is Constance, and (inset) her husband, who states through
6/2/1922 South Bend news-times.
Suit Is Uncontested By Husband 4 j 1 .J' 1 f ' J "Try. : v . - f , '1? v .-Jot i. J . lxr;cx ' 'i V;r' V--'V.;,.. 1 v CONSTANCE TALMA DOE, movie star, married Sent. 20. 1921, to Pialopou. Greek subject and Nw York clgaret manufacturer, has sued for divorce. She and her husband have been separated since j. Above is Constance, and (inset) her husband, who states through
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WINS BRONZE MEDAL IN ONE YEAR ■ Gladstone learned Greek at sev enty. Soloman Ba Dabinski, not so widely famed, reached America from Poland a year ago, unable to read or write English, but he hat just won a bronze medal for the best patriotic essay on Washington given by the National Society of Colonial of
6/10/1922 Democratic messenger.
WINS BRONZE MEDAL IN ONE YEAR ■ Gladstone learned Greek at sev enty. Soloman Ba Dabinski, not so widely famed, reached America from Poland a year ago, unable to read or write English, but he hat just won a bronze medal for the best patriotic essay on Washington given by the National Society of Colonial of
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WINS BRONZE MEDAL IN ONE YEAR Gladstone learned Greek at sev enty. Soloman Ba Dabinski, not so widely famed, reached America from Poland a year ago, unable to read or write English, but he has just won a bronze medal for the best patriotic essay on Washington given by the National Society of Colonial Daughters of Washington.
6/15/1922 The herald.
WINS BRONZE MEDAL IN ONE YEAR Gladstone learned Greek at sev enty. Soloman Ba Dabinski, not so widely famed, reached America from Poland a year ago, unable to read or write English, but he has just won a bronze medal for the best patriotic essay on Washington given by the National Society of Colonial Daughters of Washington.
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WINS BRONZE MEDAL IN ONE YEAR 1 1 mmmL Gladstone learned Greek at sev enty. Soloman Ba Dabinski, not so widely famed, reached America from Poland a year ago, unable to read or write English, but he has just won a bronze medal for the best patriotic essay on Washington the National -ri
6/15/1922 The gazette-times.
WINS BRONZE MEDAL IN ONE YEAR 1 1 mmmL Gladstone learned Greek at sev enty. Soloman Ba Dabinski, not so widely famed, reached America from Poland a year ago, unable to read or write English, but he has just won a bronze medal for the best patriotic essay on Washington the National -ri
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The beauties of ancient ami modern Greece. Miss D. Ylasto, a student o* Greek classic dancing in Athens, is shown here before the Parthenon.
7/1/1922 The Cordova daily times.
The beauties of ancient ami modern Greece. Miss D. Ylasto, a student o* Greek classic dancing in Athens, is shown here before the Parthenon.
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' LISAS SEEKS RETURN TILT I I dim Logas, Greek middleweight wrestling champloni who is anxious to meet Ira Dem in a finish contest on j
7/2/1922 The Ogden standard-examiner.
' LISAS SEEKS RETURN TILT I I dim Logas, Greek middleweight wrestling champloni who is anxious to meet Ira Dem in a finish contest on j
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Operatic stars leading the simple life after a strenu season. Left to right: Greek Evans, barytone of the Sc Opera Company; Mario Chainlee and Orville Harr
7/2/1922 The New York herald.
Operatic stars leading the simple life after a strenu season. Left to right: Greek Evans, barytone of the Sc Opera Company; Mario Chainlee and Orville Harr
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7/16/1922 Evening star.
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GREEK PRINCESS SLATED TO WED )v (I f Princess Olga of Greece and Crown Prince I' redenck of Denmark. Dan Cupid hag completed so it is nam anoiner royal romance. This time Crown Prince Frederick " v. .... . -. uvunw vl, limn Princess Olga of Greece. The ,ved- J: Jx ? i . uing uaie la expected to De an nounced soon. ..
7/19/1922 Albuquerque morning journal.
GREEK PRINCESS SLATED TO WED )v (I f Princess Olga of Greece and Crown Prince I' redenck of Denmark. Dan Cupid hag completed so it is nam anoiner royal romance. This time Crown Prince Frederick " v. .... . -. uvunw vl, limn Princess Olga of Greece. The ,ved- J: Jx ? i . uing uaie la expected to De an nounced soon. ..
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' ? British leader, Gen. Charles Har rington,' in charge of English troop movement from the Asiatic side be tween Greeks and Tmrks. This is supposed to bring about a guaran tee of neutrality of Constantinople in the war between the two nations. Capjilf ht bj Underwood * Uadtnroot
8/2/1922 Evening star.
' ? British leader, Gen. Charles Har rington,' in charge of English troop movement from the Asiatic side be tween Greeks and Tmrks. This is supposed to bring about a guaran tee of neutrality of Constantinople in the war between the two nations. Capjilf ht bj Underwood * Uadtnroot
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* * * * * * * * * Plan Big School at Park n<4 ty >TO,<Mk axar Mist Anna Soelberg, Greek flattie dancer, mapped by the
8/7/1922 The Seattle star.
* * * * * * * * * Plan Big School at Park n<4 ty >TO,<Mk axar Mist Anna Soelberg, Greek flattie dancer, mapped by the
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Heads Greek Cabinet f - J ( j . i j i v I awwi view ce m rant A hew pnotorrapn of M. Prbto papadakis, the Greek Premier who heads the Coalition Cabinet. Thl Ministry Rive the fdvernment a stromj backing In Parliament. Pro topapadakis has held a. number of important public post and he 1 looked upon as the ritht man la
8/9/1922 Norwich bulletin.
Heads Greek Cabinet f - J ( j . i j i v I awwi view ce m rant A hew pnotorrapn of M. Prbto papadakis, the Greek Premier who heads the Coalition Cabinet. Thl Ministry Rive the fdvernment a stromj backing In Parliament. Pro topapadakis has held a. number of important public post and he 1 looked upon as the ritht man la
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ALLIES TO LEAVE v CONSTANTINOPLE IF GREEKS COME "I V kJi P Gen. Sir C. Harrington. Allied troops will evacuate Con stantinople if Greek troops ap proach the city, Gen. Sir Harring ton has informed the Turk govern ment. Harrington declares that resistance would be useless. It is said that in this movement Greece would have the passive support d! Great Britain.
8/10/1922 The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram.
ALLIES TO LEAVE v CONSTANTINOPLE IF GREEKS COME "I V kJi P Gen. Sir C. Harrington. Allied troops will evacuate Con stantinople if Greek troops ap proach the city, Gen. Sir Harring ton has informed the Turk govern ment. Harrington declares that resistance would be useless. It is said that in this movement Greece would have the passive support d! Great Britain.
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CoiiHlanlinnple If Greek Come icn, Sir C. Hiirrliigton, Allied troops will (nacunte Con stantlnopln If flrick troops npproai h the city, Oen. Sir Harrington has Infiirmisl th Tuik government
8/20/1922 The Morning Tulsa daily world.
CoiiHlanlinnple If Greek Come icn, Sir C. Hiirrliigton, Allied troops will (nacunte Con stantlnopln If flrick troops npproai h the city, Oen. Sir Harrington has Infiirmisl th Tuik government
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Heads Greeks In Asia Minor r Genera'. G. ainnM waa m, w nasi Kaon Biasdsr-ia-Chief nt ik 1.
9/2/1922 Norwich bulletin.
Heads Greeks In Asia Minor r Genera'. G. ainnM waa m, w nasi Kaon Biasdsr-ia-Chief nt ik 1.
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Vorei&n Trade Has Wade Empires ss , M l I w in I III III V mmm! iiiiif ii 1 1 i pi I 1 1 1 Pi ?!mmm:mmmgMLmmMBttmmp I .r; " v-.- i.mi.j iiiiV ifTn1 1 n IL , i t v TB lyii h a I hi II im m iTTTinnfm-iMlM tor international trade International affairs, and this attl- 1 iffiaBMMWSBMg w ji has played an Important tucle has influenced our policies to- SE&S&BSmmSS&&KmnN By FRANCIS H. 8I8SON, Vice President Guaranty Trust Company of New York. QTOia the beginning of hls- iorj international trade ties played an important part in the prosper! xry and progress of as; great states. The PkiwaiciBsitf 'were rrade.--j with far countries mors than three t'lSOtj.-Bej...-i jesrs .; the Greeks ware Since our earliest days as a na tion, it has been a tradition, carried almost to extreme, that we should maintain a position of aloofness In International affairs, and this atti tude has influenced our policies to wards foregln trade and shipping, as well. We have always had a foreign commerce, but never as a primary Interest, as In Great Britain and Germany, where such WE NOW HAVE A GREAT MERCHANT MARINE TO CARRYOUR INTERNATIONAL TRADE. surplus Would mean serious depression. It is no longer that we can look with tive Indifference upon our of manufactured articles as
9/6/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
Vorei&n Trade Has Wade Empires ss , M l I w in I III III V mmm! iiiiif ii 1 1 i pi I 1 1 1 Pi ?!mmm:mmmgMLmmMBttmmp I .r; " v-.- i.mi.j iiiiV ifTn1 1 n IL , i t v TB lyii h a I hi II im m iTTTinnfm-iMlM tor international trade International affairs, and this attl- 1 iffiaBMMWSBMg w ji has played an Important tucle has influenced our policies to- SE&S&BSmmSS&&KmnN By FRANCIS H. 8I8SON, Vice President Guaranty Trust Company of New York. QTOia the beginning of hls- iorj international trade ties played an important part in the prosper! xry and progress of as; great states. The PkiwaiciBsitf 'were rrade.--j with far countries mors than three t'lSOtj.-Bej...-i jesrs .; the Greeks ware Since our earliest days as a na tion, it has been a tradition, carried almost to extreme, that we should maintain a position of aloofness In International affairs, and this atti tude has influenced our policies to wards foregln trade and shipping, as well. We have always had a foreign commerce, but never as a primary Interest, as In Great Britain and Germany, where such WE NOW HAVE A GREAT MERCHANT MARINE TO CARRYOUR INTERNATIONAL TRADE. surplus Would mean serious depression. It is no longer that we can look with tive Indifference upon our of manufactured articles as
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U, S. Destroyers to Sm yrna \. / / Ta iwm - - - BULMER / ♦ 1 1 „4 p. *.. • - • •A. in ' SIMPSON -Vs. Alt < \ fiVsiJ h ; r i I m LAWRENCE The United States Government has sent these three ships to Smyrna | to protect lives and Interests of American nationals In Asia Minor, [ where the Greek army is in full retreat pursued by Turkish nationalists.
9/9/1922 Evening journal.
U, S. Destroyers to Sm yrna \. / / Ta iwm - - - BULMER / ♦ 1 1 „4 p. *.. • - • •A. in ' SIMPSON -Vs. Alt < \ fiVsiJ h ; r i I m LAWRENCE The United States Government has sent these three ships to Smyrna | to protect lives and Interests of American nationals In Asia Minor, [ where the Greek army is in full retreat pursued by Turkish nationalists.
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r Mustapha Kemal Pasha j Photo by Underwood & Underwood. Victorious leader of Turkish Na tionalists, who has driven Greeks from Asia Minor.
9/9/1922 The New York herald.
r Mustapha Kemal Pasha j Photo by Underwood & Underwood. Victorious leader of Turkish Na tionalists, who has driven Greeks from Asia Minor.
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I *<& >1 iifl -fl^^^^^HBfjHE Fleeing Greek forces menaced ir retreat as Mil staphs Kernels Turk nationalists near Smyrna on twc fronts. This is die Turkish leader') latest photograph, received in thii yelte?ky. I ,
9/9/1922 Evening star.
I *<& >1 iifl -fl^^^^^HBfjHE Fleeing Greek forces menaced ir retreat as Mil staphs Kernels Turk nationalists near Smyrna on twc fronts. This is die Turkish leader') latest photograph, received in thii yelte?ky. I ,
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GREEKS P |l> 1 > : ..^=^.VV"? ?fc? ' V t t ' ' 1 JtoiUs , -?., - ..- ? . ** V* v Lzd^-r a, \S jfeky^-i' y 'JA View of Orrfk encampment oi of the TvrfclMh troop*. ?nd< mnrnKuuin ( ^my-rna. a cry 111 Asia Mlaor If ?rr*ate4 an ai lRE ROUTED FROM ! r - l- ><fm'^ " I '< * .: V * ; " 'v S^HShaMH| ^8Epj ^' ' aa&iggE itafde a Turktah rantle, la Smyrna, pr Kfmal Paaba. who la now royortc ttle doubt cotfcralit the outcome la iniitlce. ^YRNA^ The Greek* are retreating before the id to be within fifteen mile* of the held, and the Greek* promlae to
9/10/1922 Evening star.
GREEKS P |l> 1 > : ..^=^.VV"? ?fc? ' V t t ' ' 1 JtoiUs , -?., - ..- ? . ** V* v Lzd^-r a, \S jfeky^-i' y 'JA View of Orrfk encampment oi of the TvrfclMh troop*. ?nd< mnrnKuuin ( ^my-rna. a cry 111 Asia Mlaor If ?rr*ate4 an ai lRE ROUTED FROM ! r - l- ><fm'^ " I '< * .: V * ; " 'v S^HShaMH| ^8Epj ^' ' aa&iggE itafde a Turktah rantle, la Smyrna, pr Kfmal Paaba. who la now royortc ttle doubt cotfcralit the outcome la iniitlce. ^YRNA^ The Greek* are retreating before the id to be within fifteen mile* of the held, and the Greek* promlae to
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Remnant of Greek Forces Taken Prisoner In Smyrna 'Li , "t 4i r - 1 Greeks, driven out of Asia Minor, government will grant an armistice to r . . ..7- ,r.'.rl ...i. . r.t. ...... . - - - - - w. evacuate Smyrna. Turkish army wipes the Greeks if a request is made, on mm r. out the Greek army. The Angora condition that the Greeks evacuate Mi
9/11/1922 The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram.
Remnant of Greek Forces Taken Prisoner In Smyrna 'Li , "t 4i r - 1 Greeks, driven out of Asia Minor, government will grant an armistice to r . . ..7- ,r.'.rl ...i. . r.t. ...... . - - - - - w. evacuate Smyrna. Turkish army wipes the Greeks if a request is made, on mm r. out the Greek army. The Angora condition that the Greeks evacuate Mi
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Throne Threatened H 'V ' . . I i I, .I,, -ilm. T - --- - 3 - - Defeat of the Greek forces in Asia Minor caused the downfall of the Greek cabinet Returning soldiers axe
9/11/1922 The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram.
Throne Threatened H 'V ' . . I i I, .I,, -ilm. T - --- - 3 - - Defeat of the Greek forces in Asia Minor caused the downfall of the Greek cabinet Returning soldiers axe
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GREEK KING QUITS PALACE AS REVOLT THREATENS JW'r - "" v t ". frrf-EMJi?. ?: KVWgelog t, &!?. W Z? ,i ? 3&S&&V Sfc- PbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP ' Irwi toS"' i w . vSbbbVVSbbbV 1 V JV .- . "rAZ ) - fsiCyJBBr ( HafessBijsA. 4BiMi-iBSW 3V ':& 'SsbbbWv A s-'"",P-Ibb1bbW. k '" mJSsbbbbbbVv mL i y"W SBBBBT SIBBBBBBBbW , BBBBBBBbW. jltlSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBmTi 'M '; -i .,J '?- Jr-jJHsi SsbbbbHsIbbSsbP 7x' PiVvssbbbbJ ' v'ibsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbbbbbbbTPIHibbbbbbbbbbbbI ''VX-SsBBBBBBBslBBBBBBBBiiBPBBBBHsnBBBBBBBBBBBBB! -. ;;. jJHUFHSaRa9iSSSlBBB J BBBBBBBBBBBBbVBSSB JlslBBIBBBBBBK$raWflBBBBBBSBBBBBBl A, . NuouBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. - ..BBBBBBBBBe9Skw3HSE9BBBBBBBBBBBm KBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL'V JSBBBBBBBBBBBS MRJIHIBBBBBbI I LH99NbbbL'': " -,LiaP1i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBKlsSfcW 'OettKii LaBBBBBk Jf j? J ' abbbbbbm!BSb. r sT,JBBBBBBk a Kma&x3&?m&v3il v KtngCorvfftati""-'.
9/12/1922 The Democratic banner.
GREEK KING QUITS PALACE AS REVOLT THREATENS JW'r - "" v t ". frrf-EMJi?. ?: KVWgelog t, &!?. W Z? ,i ? 3&S&&V Sfc- PbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP ' Irwi toS"' i w . vSbbbVVSbbbV 1 V JV .- . "rAZ ) - fsiCyJBBr ( HafessBijsA. 4BiMi-iBSW 3V ':& 'SsbbbWv A s-'"",P-Ibb1bbW. k '" mJSsbbbbbbVv mL i y"W SBBBBT SIBBBBBBBbW , BBBBBBBbW. jltlSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBmTi 'M '; -i .,J '?- Jr-jJHsi SsbbbbHsIbbSsbP 7x' PiVvssbbbbJ ' v'ibsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbbbbbbbTPIHibbbbbbbbbbbbI ''VX-SsBBBBBBBslBBBBBBBBiiBPBBBBHsnBBBBBBBBBBBBB! -. ;;. jJHUFHSaRa9iSSSlBBB J BBBBBBBBBBBBbVBSSB JlslBBIBBBBBBK$raWflBBBBBBSBBBBBBl A, . NuouBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. - ..BBBBBBBBBe9Skw3HSE9BBBBBBBBBBBm KBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL'V JSBBBBBBBBBBBS MRJIHIBBBBBbI I LH99NbbbL'': " -,LiaP1i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBKlsSfcW 'OettKii LaBBBBBk Jf j? J ' abbbbbbm!BSb. r sT,JBBBBBBk a Kma&x3&?m&v3il v KtngCorvfftati""-'.
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Greeks Surrender Smyrna to Allies View of Greek outside
9/12/1922 The Washington herald.
Greeks Surrender Smyrna to Allies View of Greek outside
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Which Defeated Greek Forces. of
9/14/1922 The Washington times.
Which Defeated Greek Forces. of
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Greek King Quits Palace As Revolt Threatens Throne h': ' - ;. Wi kli .V- ,.jJ Paris, Sept. 14. Former Premier Venizelos of Greece for whose return to power, a strong movement is under way In Athens, never will consent to work with King Constantine, his friends here say, according to Kxcelslor. Aa long as Constantine is on the throne, Venizelos will refuse to anything to do with the Greek state, they declare, but he will not refuse his aid In saving the country from what he terms s
9/14/1922 Capital journal.
Greek King Quits Palace As Revolt Threatens Throne h': ' - ;. Wi kli .V- ,.jJ Paris, Sept. 14. Former Premier Venizelos of Greece for whose return to power, a strong movement is under way In Athens, never will consent to work with King Constantine, his friends here say, according to Kxcelslor. Aa long as Constantine is on the throne, Venizelos will refuse to anything to do with the Greek state, they declare, but he will not refuse his aid In saving the country from what he terms s
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Where Marines Landed to Guard Americans' Lives . ; V - - City and harbor of Smyrna, rich Asia Minor seaport center, where Unitod States marines have lar.dea and .i k ; ,rvina ot- ennt tn rrritcrt nur nationals. Turkisli forces are within 20 miles of tho ! city following the disastrous rout cf the Greek army and thousands of refugees are entering the city daily, hrinc!"- famine and pestilence. Insert, Rear Admiral Mark L. Eristol. United States high commissioner at ntantir.ople. In charge cf American interests in the Near East
9/15/1922 South Bend news-times.
Where Marines Landed to Guard Americans' Lives . ; V - - City and harbor of Smyrna, rich Asia Minor seaport center, where Unitod States marines have lar.dea and .i k ; ,rvina ot- ennt tn rrritcrt nur nationals. Turkisli forces are within 20 miles of tho ! city following the disastrous rout cf the Greek army and thousands of refugees are entering the city daily, hrinc!"- famine and pestilence. Insert, Rear Admiral Mark L. Eristol. United States high commissioner at ntantir.ople. In charge cf American interests in the Near East
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Threatened Between Turks and ADies Over Possession of War for the possession of Constantinople is threatened between Turkey Naby Bey, Turkish delegate in Paris, has issued a statement announcing Constantinople. The allied high commissioners not be permitted. The victorious, army of Kemalists now held by allied forces. . notified Mustapha Kemal that invasion " having crushed the Greeks, is reported mm'm 1 At and thei Allies. that Turkey would demand the of the Constantinople neutral eager to advance upon the city,
9/15/1922 The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram.
Threatened Between Turks and ADies Over Possession of War for the possession of Constantinople is threatened between Turkey Naby Bey, Turkish delegate in Paris, has issued a statement announcing Constantinople. The allied high commissioners not be permitted. The victorious, army of Kemalists now held by allied forces. . notified Mustapha Kemal that invasion " having crushed the Greeks, is reported mm'm 1 At and thei Allies. that Turkey would demand the of the Constantinople neutral eager to advance upon the city,
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to I to in is THE'RETREAT OF THE GREEKS IN ASIA MINOR Turh tish infantry in the trenches. A. Greek cavalry retreating.
9/17/1922 The Washington times.
to I to in is THE'RETREAT OF THE GREEKS IN ASIA MINOR Turh tish infantry in the trenches. A. Greek cavalry retreating.
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TURKS DRIVE GREEKS INTO SEA :: This photograph, taivt-n under rtr, shows the Turkish Nationalist troops of Kemal, in open order formation, advancing against a Greek rear
9/18/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
TURKS DRIVE GREEKS INTO SEA :: This photograph, taivt-n under rtr, shows the Turkish Nationalist troops of Kemal, in open order formation, advancing against a Greek rear
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i,. .,..,: rAHb w ifs7irbPiH""" ft ?- j?i&$MtR - ' . i 'i !KSSl' -m BBBBBBBBBBBBB ZT - asir 'sT"saslBBBBBETTWgggM SLWsflBnaB'BggBsKlgggBoBBBBHsfr flSiSS iMiiBilfir'iiriiiiiiiiiMJT' it'fllliiiiiiWT 9mmmrLrMr.cPtft vti sml. gatav LaAJgslBlsgEgFgggggggisBBBBl7BBBBBBBB ggggtikA2iBMLa MslsBMBTg.lJglBBMsCial .i SV?-lTTgjLJIg)gggggggLfSggMggfcglggggggggM BBBBBBHHBWTSLi3BBBsWZVUrVkWt2VJgK WkWm.m .sJTD'HigLBslMasisLLLLgsWMWLlsLLLs im.mMMmwMWWjn0u bhbVIbv . 'smar, t 'glggSCTihgPiggggggSgggflgasBlBgCggggggusgS ItsWwTBTt r fi v-m3 3m t. Ustr xTVsfWBggggglEggggklg2aisBk.aBBBBBBl fi5sw!-r'.f7.. r 'tj r- mFW 1 iirgairgBiggBW mjEF frThtfsffsyM7srgTlTsWsKrfWLt mtmm. KtSMMlm -w jag .mwLint mwm- t jdHsmsBi s"VgMagggflggggggiggBBBggn-lBggWSggSgw mmmmmmmmmmmlmWrm&&Tmmm MmmmmmmmmmmWSaFs. mmmmWJM J MggJBCOTPrVSiC r-' QmTmmwmmMmmtmmmBWKMm mmmTr&mmim-!'1 tivrBJmmmrmmmmmmmMmxmmmmmTiJmmw mmWfrSmmWj, tt'9ZtMmmm!&Vll9lBmmmm:mmmamm; E& -l -'Mm 4 'JsnADvtsMtBHilPBBnf '!'.icLii-. &iSriSBkmmmYrFmlmWmw,WWKk.V CITY AND HARBOR OF SMYRNA, RICH ASIA MINOR SEAPORT CEN WHEife UNITED STATES MARINES HAVE LANDED AND 'WARSHIPS ARE BEING SENT TO PROTECT OUR FORCES ENTERED THE CITY FOLLOWING THE OF THE GREEK ARMY AND THOUSANDS OF' REFUGEES ARE LEAV
9/18/1922 The evening herald.
i,. .,..,: rAHb w ifs7irbPiH""" ft ?- j?i&$MtR - ' . i 'i !KSSl' -m BBBBBBBBBBBBB ZT - asir 'sT"saslBBBBBETTWgggM SLWsflBnaB'BggBsKlgggBoBBBBHsfr flSiSS iMiiBilfir'iiriiiiiiiiiMJT' it'fllliiiiiiWT 9mmmrLrMr.cPtft vti sml. gatav LaAJgslBlsgEgFgggggggisBBBBl7BBBBBBBB ggggtikA2iBMLa MslsBMBTg.lJglBBMsCial .i SV?-lTTgjLJIg)gggggggLfSggMggfcglggggggggM BBBBBBHHBWTSLi3BBBsWZVUrVkWt2VJgK WkWm.m .sJTD'HigLBslMasisLLLLgsWMWLlsLLLs im.mMMmwMWWjn0u bhbVIbv . 'smar, t 'glggSCTihgPiggggggSgggflgasBlBgCggggggusgS ItsWwTBTt r fi v-m3 3m t. Ustr xTVsfWBggggglEggggklg2aisBk.aBBBBBBl fi5sw!-r'.f7.. r 'tj r- mFW 1 iirgairgBiggBW mjEF frThtfsffsyM7srgTlTsWsKrfWLt mtmm. KtSMMlm -w jag .mwLint mwm- t jdHsmsBi s"VgMagggflggggggiggBBBggn-lBggWSggSgw mmmmmmmmmmmlmWrm&&Tmmm MmmmmmmmmmmWSaFs. mmmmWJM J MggJBCOTPrVSiC r-' QmTmmwmmMmmtmmmBWKMm mmmTr&mmim-!'1 tivrBJmmmrmmmmmmmMmxmmmmmTiJmmw mmWfrSmmWj, tt'9ZtMmmm!&Vll9lBmmmm:mmmamm; E& -l -'Mm 4 'JsnADvtsMtBHilPBBnf '!'.icLii-. &iSriSBkmmmYrFmlmWmw,WWKk.V CITY AND HARBOR OF SMYRNA, RICH ASIA MINOR SEAPORT CEN WHEife UNITED STATES MARINES HAVE LANDED AND 'WARSHIPS ARE BEING SENT TO PROTECT OUR FORCES ENTERED THE CITY FOLLOWING THE OF THE GREEK ARMY AND THOUSANDS OF' REFUGEES ARE LEAV
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GREEK SOVEREIGN MAY ABDICATE i. - : vi'vtvivy i j a ' ''A ( J 5 t i 5 A it Cl-r - j. 'j- v'-H x f " , k v ,c4? "t Si-' ' x j j!i 'x 'x ; ' : . t - -?4 II J , ' " w x v x.-". ' King Constantlne and his royal consort. Queen Sophia, who Is a Hohenzollern princess and sister of the deposed Kaiser Wilhelm. On account, of the defeat of the Greeks by the Turks it is rumored that
9/18/1922 The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram.
GREEK SOVEREIGN MAY ABDICATE i. - : vi'vtvivy i j a ' ''A ( J 5 t i 5 A it Cl-r - j. 'j- v'-H x f " , k v ,c4? "t Si-' ' x j j!i 'x 'x ; ' : . t - -?4 II J , ' " w x v x.-". ' King Constantlne and his royal consort. Queen Sophia, who Is a Hohenzollern princess and sister of the deposed Kaiser Wilhelm. On account, of the defeat of the Greeks by the Turks it is rumored that
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Routed In Asia Minor (aCMsgrSgU. P?lpAU,lo-y Generili Papaiilott commanded the Greek forres in Asia Minor
9/19/1922 The Washington times.
Routed In Asia Minor (aCMsgrSgU. P?lpAU,lo-y Generili Papaiilott commanded the Greek forres in Asia Minor
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GREEKS This photograph shows a Greek rear guard cavalry regiment in flight using both the bridge and the river to hasten their retreat. IN FLIGHT BEFORE THE TURKS before the advancing Turks, thr -- Ms;:
9/19/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
GREEKS This photograph shows a Greek rear guard cavalry regiment in flight using both the bridge and the river to hasten their retreat. IN FLIGHT BEFORE THE TURKS before the advancing Turks, thr -- Ms;:
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AMERICAN WpMAN , t ' j. j - v. ; " '. " - , : . ; i - .-. - ' 1- ' ., ' ' . I - v 'V' . . 1 , rf . f : . . , . - . ... - , . Princess Christopher, formerly the multi-millionaire "Tin Plate Queen of Greece, the firat American woman to sit upon a throne, if for Constantino MAY BE GREEK QUEEN Mrs. -William B. Leeds, widow of King" of Amerioa, may become the to abdicate and come to America are
9/20/1922 Capital journal.
AMERICAN WpMAN , t ' j. j - v. ; " '. " - , : . ; i - .-. - ' 1- ' ., ' ' . I - v 'V' . . 1 , rf . f : . . , . - . ... - , . Princess Christopher, formerly the multi-millionaire "Tin Plate Queen of Greece, the firat American woman to sit upon a throne, if for Constantino MAY BE GREEK QUEEN Mrs. -William B. Leeds, widow of King" of Amerioa, may become the to abdicate and come to America are
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diamond, as large as mans fist, is m collection. (Copyrighted, 1922.) GREEKS AND ARMENIANS by thousands pack this famous quay in Smyrna in effort to find vessel on which they can flee destroyed
9/21/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
diamond, as large as mans fist, is m collection. (Copyrighted, 1922.) GREEKS AND ARMENIANS by thousands pack this famous quay in Smyrna in effort to find vessel on which they can flee destroyed
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Kemal Pasha in the Field j 15 v 'u U i A 2 'hi 1 1 First picture of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, victorious Turkish leader, mounted and directing his troops as they drive the Greeks the whole coast of Asia Minor and menace
9/21/1922 Bisbee daily review.
Kemal Pasha in the Field j 15 v 'u U i A 2 'hi 1 1 First picture of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, victorious Turkish leader, mounted and directing his troops as they drive the Greeks the whole coast of Asia Minor and menace
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THOUSANDS DIE; FIRE RAGES UNCHECKED AS NATIONALIST FORCES OCCUPY SMYRNA mtiwP.df View of Smyrna from th aurroundine hill. have been slain ty tne victorious Moslems. A Turkish sergeant is myi"i:i, A;-u Minors historic; I'asha, took possession of the city, has been flubbed the "City city. Thousands of Greeks, Ar of Horror" since the nationalist menlans and others, including Mustanha Kemalsome American are said to have started the conflagra tion in the cltr to cover evi
9/21/1922 Albuquerque morning journal.
THOUSANDS DIE; FIRE RAGES UNCHECKED AS NATIONALIST FORCES OCCUPY SMYRNA mtiwP.df View of Smyrna from th aurroundine hill. have been slain ty tne victorious Moslems. A Turkish sergeant is myi"i:i, A;-u Minors historic; I'asha, took possession of the city, has been flubbed the "City city. Thousands of Greeks, Ar of Horror" since the nationalist menlans and others, including Mustanha Kemalsome American are said to have started the conflagra tion in the cltr to cover evi
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WvV o Mi uTji i (tquau i rescuers descending inn. lue Argonaut mine ai jscasoii. Cui, In which 47 miners were en tombed. 2. Greek encampment at Smyrna, photixrraphed Just before the Turka drove them out. . Children of F. Sumner, -presidential shoemaker." praying outside the White House for the recovery of Mrs. Hurtling.
9/21/1922 The citizen.
WvV o Mi uTji i (tquau i rescuers descending inn. lue Argonaut mine ai jscasoii. Cui, In which 47 miners were en tombed. 2. Greek encampment at Smyrna, photixrraphed Just before the Turka drove them out. . Children of F. Sumner, -presidential shoemaker." praying outside the White House for the recovery of Mrs. Hurtling.
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GREEKS IN ELIGHT BEFORE THE ADVANCING TURKS j: .- V:. *»3 ' V v r r? ■ ' *' 'j ! ^ ' ■ ' >; v • -a .. /t- - •" ' t • ; ■-&W 'If" 1 . .. "oft S: ' , '•> i Gï'c&k v at: This photograph shows a Greek rear guard > ;.valry regiment Greeks using both the bridge and the river to n their retreat. in flight before the. advancing Turks, the
9/22/1922 The Glasgow courier.
GREEKS IN ELIGHT BEFORE THE ADVANCING TURKS j: .- V:. *»3 ' V v r r? ■ ' *' 'j ! ^ ' ■ ' >; v • -a .. /t- - •" ' t • ; ■-&W 'If" 1 . .. "oft S: ' , '•> i Gï'c&k v at: This photograph shows a Greek rear guard > ;.valry regiment Greeks using both the bridge and the river to n their retreat. in flight before the. advancing Turks, the
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I American Queen? Ml HI BBBBBBsi ' 'kBBBBBBsHl The former Mrs. William B. Leeds, widow of the American tin plate king, now the wife of Prince Christopher of Grm'e, may become queen of Greece. King Constan tlne. unpopular because of the Greek defeat by the Turks, may be forced to abdicate In favor of. Prince Christopher, his brother.
9/22/1922 Free trader-journal and Ottawa fair dealer.
I American Queen? Ml HI BBBBBBsi ' 'kBBBBBBsHl The former Mrs. William B. Leeds, widow of the American tin plate king, now the wife of Prince Christopher of Grm'e, may become queen of Greece. King Constan tlne. unpopular because of the Greek defeat by the Turks, may be forced to abdicate In favor of. Prince Christopher, his brother.
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f itv'V a Aw lfFFiW?'1v' gpmmmKmH MvwnmmwmMmmmmmm nf - V : Op fcZ. - - I A 7 .U EVA v r;.X tS -i : -UE a. :.vr" :m. 1. Squad of rescuers descending into tne Argonaut mine at jucKSon, Cal., In which 47 miners wiere en tombed. 2. Greek encampment at Smyrna, photographed Just before the Turks drove them out. 3. Children of F. Sumner, "presidential shoemaker," praying outside' the White House for the recovery of Mrs. Harding.
9/22/1922 The Owosso times.
f itv'V a Aw lfFFiW?'1v' gpmmmKmH MvwnmmwmMmmmmmm nf - V : Op fcZ. - - I A 7 .U EVA v r;.X tS -i : -UE a. :.vr" :m. 1. Squad of rescuers descending into tne Argonaut mine at jucKSon, Cal., In which 47 miners wiere en tombed. 2. Greek encampment at Smyrna, photographed Just before the Turks drove them out. 3. Children of F. Sumner, "presidential shoemaker," praying outside' the White House for the recovery of Mrs. Harding.
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, ; I ' j 1 I I KEMAL PASHA IN THE FIELD First picture of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, victorious Turk ish leader, mounted and directing his troops as they drive the Greeks the u hole coast -4#ia Minor and menace Con ; ; i '
9/22/1922 The Seattle star.
, ; I ' j 1 I I KEMAL PASHA IN THE FIELD First picture of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, victorious Turk ish leader, mounted and directing his troops as they drive the Greeks the u hole coast -4#ia Minor and menace Con ; ; i '
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MUSTAPHA KEMAL Mustapha Kemal Pasha, the Turk ish leader who administered an over whelming defeat to the Greeks In Asia Minor.
9/22/1922 Cottonwood chronicle.
MUSTAPHA KEMAL Mustapha Kemal Pasha, the Turk ish leader who administered an over whelming defeat to the Greeks In Asia Minor.
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IN THE WAKE OF THE GREEK RETREAT Remnants of the scattered Greek Army, wounded men waiting to be transferred to hospitals, or to fall into the hands of the murderous Turks, following their defeat by Turkish troops In the Battle of Gildiz, Asia Minor,
9/22/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
IN THE WAKE OF THE GREEK RETREAT Remnants of the scattered Greek Army, wounded men waiting to be transferred to hospitals, or to fall into the hands of the murderous Turks, following their defeat by Turkish troops In the Battle of Gildiz, Asia Minor,
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GREEK The rout of the Greek armies in Asia Minor by tbo Turkish Nationalist forces, under ROUT IN ASIA MINOR COMPLETE
9/23/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
GREEK The rout of the Greek armies in Asia Minor by tbo Turkish Nationalist forces, under ROUT IN ASIA MINOR COMPLETE
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MAN A T SMYRNA ON DA V THE GREEKS TOOK OVER CITY; SA W900 PERSONS KILLED . N. E. A. Phnto On the quays of Smyrna, shown here, thousands of refugees perished, caught, between the sea and a wall flames as Smyrna burned after its occupation by the Turkish army. American and allied destroyers were unable to give aid, being already crammed with refugees. The number of dead has been placed at 120,000, accurate figures are not available.
9/23/1922 New Britain herald.
MAN A T SMYRNA ON DA V THE GREEKS TOOK OVER CITY; SA W900 PERSONS KILLED . N. E. A. Phnto On the quays of Smyrna, shown here, thousands of refugees perished, caught, between the sea and a wall flames as Smyrna burned after its occupation by the Turkish army. American and allied destroyers were unable to give aid, being already crammed with refugees. The number of dead has been placed at 120,000, accurate figures are not available.
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The war in Asia Minor?Turkish infan try firmly entrenched in the battle area shortly before the Greek retreat.
9/24/1922 The New York herald.
The war in Asia Minor?Turkish infan try firmly entrenched in the battle area shortly before the Greek retreat.
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The Conprress of Priests, called for the purpose of establishing the new Church of Soviet Russia. It will he known as the New Livinpr Church, and will supplant the Greek Catholic Church, of which the Czar was the head, international.
9/24/1922 The New York herald.
The Conprress of Priests, called for the purpose of establishing the new Church of Soviet Russia. It will he known as the New Livinpr Church, and will supplant the Greek Catholic Church, of which the Czar was the head, international.
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gem rall.i ample Where M arines Landecf to Guard Americans' Lives L 1) ' l . ' ' w"Ke - mm-r-...r-' -W.V r -fv J i-'l- v City nd hrbor of Smv-rn. r.. h A.U M.nor Kat4.1t center, where t"ni;rd ftato Kivc landed and hr Amricjn wrh:ps art beirf sent to pioteci i.( Tuiki.-h force are :t-.. n 10 mdcn of tfc city followinc th diJtrou rout of th Greek rm. nd thousands c" rH.g,x arc ..ii:s the e:ty iiiiy. briririnr fair:n and r'tine. Inrt, Kfr Admiral M.-jk L. UristeU UciteJ :u;cs h: ;h tcmaus.cncr at Cc"ti2cr!, IB c of AniMiia lateittu in l:.c Near E-L
9/25/1922 East Oregonian : E.O.
gem rall.i ample Where M arines Landecf to Guard Americans' Lives L 1) ' l . ' ' w"Ke - mm-r-...r-' -W.V r -fv J i-'l- v City nd hrbor of Smv-rn. r.. h A.U M.nor Kat4.1t center, where t"ni;rd ftato Kivc landed and hr Amricjn wrh:ps art beirf sent to pioteci i.( Tuiki.-h force are :t-.. n 10 mdcn of tfc city followinc th diJtrou rout of th Greek rm. nd thousands c" rH.g,x arc ..ii:s the e:ty iiiiy. briririnr fair:n and r'tine. Inrt, Kfr Admiral M.-jk L. UristeU UciteJ :u;cs h: ;h tcmaus.cncr at Cc"ti2cr!, IB c of AniMiia lateittu in l:.c Near E-L
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Smyrna Refugees Arrive Safely at Salonika • r-. * fL % ' -ir ^ ■» .. v . f t\ »1 First picture of Smyrna refugees to reach America, snapped as they disembarked at Saloniki Notice having fled from the blaze that razed Smyrna after the city had been taken by the Turks, the different national types Indicated by costume—Greeks, Armenians«, Turks and Kurds.
9/25/1922 Evening journal.
Smyrna Refugees Arrive Safely at Salonika • r-. * fL % ' -ir ^ ■» .. v . f t\ »1 First picture of Smyrna refugees to reach America, snapped as they disembarked at Saloniki Notice having fled from the blaze that razed Smyrna after the city had been taken by the Turks, the different national types Indicated by costume—Greeks, Armenians«, Turks and Kurds.
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OFF THRONE King Constantine Queen Sophia of forced to abdicate because widespread discontent the Greek people due their troops' defeat by
9/27/1922 The Seattle star.
OFF THRONE King Constantine Queen Sophia of forced to abdicate because widespread discontent the Greek people due their troops' defeat by
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...Americans on Turkish Front... wLv ii j fir H w3x&SuiiW$v3S HiiL - 'Amm. jBf 1 R ws? v .Pa uuW i , jbvw ' jHt-H B-'i:K9flllK -i' B ALtH W, A I $ BfflFiR m Wm H I iIl jaw Wm 5m Wm - 99 vLftrS H!!-Hk jfl Wwr :1-EmH !& j i j rv A-roHrTe n. l'c-3"1 snake a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greeks and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representatives are at work to report developments and help in relief work. The photo shows Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one of the stations stabhslicd by the Near East Relief Committee, near Constantinople.
9/29/1922 The Punta Gorda herald.
...Americans on Turkish Front... wLv ii j fir H w3x&SuiiW$v3S HiiL - 'Amm. jBf 1 R ws? v .Pa uuW i , jbvw ' jHt-H B-'i:K9flllK -i' B ALtH W, A I $ BfflFiR m Wm H I iIl jaw Wm 5m Wm - 99 vLftrS H!!-Hk jfl Wwr :1-EmH !& j i j rv A-roHrTe n. l'c-3"1 snake a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greeks and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representatives are at work to report developments and help in relief work. The photo shows Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one of the stations stabhslicd by the Near East Relief Committee, near Constantinople.
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AMERICANS ON f&& 'v' 1 s"v- Amy' K i . Uncle Sam shakes a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greek and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representative! are at work to report development and help in relief work. The photo shows. Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with hi wife, and Davi C Arnold, the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one of the stations established by the Near East Relief Committee, near Constantinople. TURKISH FRONT -Au-rocAcreaL.
9/29/1922 The Big Sandy news.
AMERICANS ON f&& 'v' 1 s"v- Amy' K i . Uncle Sam shakes a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greek and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representative! are at work to report development and help in relief work. The photo shows. Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with hi wife, and Davi C Arnold, the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one of the stations established by the Near East Relief Committee, near Constantinople. TURKISH FRONT -Au-rocAcreaL.
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Demonstration Greets Turk Cavalry As It'Enters Smynra 1 T 1 [ Jn It 1 1/ i * * ♦ art I i fi 1 l f •<» W '■'.'ft * r* r \ Turkish cavalry rides Into the streets of Smyrna, Asia Minor commercial center, as the remnants of the Greek forces fl«*© ln ships. The Turkish horsemen carrying banners are almost hidden by the throng of Turkish residents of Smyrna, who rush ln front of the troops to cele brate their arrival. Left Is another group applauding. Right are Turkish cavalry liorses tethered.
9/29/1922 Evening journal.
Demonstration Greets Turk Cavalry As It'Enters Smynra 1 T 1 [ Jn It 1 1/ i * * ♦ art I i fi 1 l f •<» W '■'.'ft * r* r \ Turkish cavalry rides Into the streets of Smyrna, Asia Minor commercial center, as the remnants of the Greek forces fl«*© ln ships. The Turkish horsemen carrying banners are almost hidden by the throng of Turkish residents of Smyrna, who rush ln front of the troops to cele brate their arrival. Left Is another group applauding. Right are Turkish cavalry liorses tethered.
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Takes Oath as New Greek Ruler 1 (ieorgea I. New King nf Greece 1 Aaaaiau ttm I'AUIH. Hept. !!. Tlie r.r-k Pr.nee Imlny tik the wth aa king the presence nf the ininlati-ra of Trtniitnflllaiiiia rnlilnet aiturding tn Huvhh leeNileh from Athena. Ho name of I.
9/29/1922 Amarillo daily news.
Takes Oath as New Greek Ruler 1 (ieorgea I. New King nf Greece 1 Aaaaiau ttm I'AUIH. Hept. !!. Tlie r.r-k Pr.nee Imlny tik the wth aa king the presence nf the ininlati-ra of Trtniitnflllaiiiia rnlilnet aiturding tn Huvhh leeNileh from Athena. Ho name of I.
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AMERICANS ON TURKISH FRONT S - 1 mm dOl . f ' I Í' - Vic. y If' : fcnw.i.mnr-1 fr -r ' i ri ml i ill iiMiininitf ' - 1 '" ,st' :-:c-:-iteA;y-;":.v Uncle Sm hakes a positivt head and ay we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victonei over the Greeki an4 the maisacre at Smyrna. .However. American representatives are al work to report development and help in relief work. The photo anowa Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold. 0 Dirtciot! the Near-. Eátt RVIkf. inspecting one ! the, tatip. taWihed by the Near East 'Relief- Comiwttw, iar Contfr.OW'P
9/30/1922 The Spanish American.
AMERICANS ON TURKISH FRONT S - 1 mm dOl . f ' I Í' - Vic. y If' : fcnw.i.mnr-1 fr -r ' i ri ml i ill iiMiininitf ' - 1 '" ,st' :-:c-:-iteA;y-;":.v Uncle Sm hakes a positivt head and ay we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victonei over the Greeki an4 the maisacre at Smyrna. .However. American representatives are al work to report development and help in relief work. The photo anowa Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold. 0 Dirtciot! the Near-. Eátt RVIkf. inspecting one ! the, tatip. taWihed by the Near East 'Relief- Comiwttw, iar Contfr.OW'P
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9/30/1922 Albuquerque morning journal.
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GREEKS IN FLIGHT BEFORE THE TURKS 5 - , ' ' - k ! 11 1 1 1 ' t ,4. 1 f rr v. ss.-'' A v This photograph shows a Greek rear guard cavalry regiment in flight before the advancing Turks,
9/30/1922 Capital journal.
GREEKS IN FLIGHT BEFORE THE TURKS 5 - , ' ' - k ! 11 1 1 1 ' t ,4. 1 f rr v. ss.-'' A v This photograph shows a Greek rear guard cavalry regiment in flight before the advancing Turks,
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mmmmm X MSmmmtmmSm MMaWBOBiI? First picture to be received in this country showing battlefield action in the Turko Oreek conflict. The Greek is shown in action, shelled the Turks.
10/1/1922 The Washington times.
mmmmm X MSmmmtmmSm MMaWBOBiI? First picture to be received in this country showing battlefield action in the Turko Oreek conflict. The Greek is shown in action, shelled the Turks.
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Smyrna Refugees Arrive Safely at Saloniki First picture of Smyrna refugees to reach America, snapped as they disembarked at Saloniki after having fled from tha blaze that razed Smyrna after the city had been taken by the Turks. Notice tha different national types Indicated by costume Greeks, Armenians, Turks and Kurds.
10/1/1922 The Pensacola journal.
Smyrna Refugees Arrive Safely at Saloniki First picture of Smyrna refugees to reach America, snapped as they disembarked at Saloniki after having fled from tha blaze that razed Smyrna after the city had been taken by the Turks. Notice tha different national types Indicated by costume Greeks, Armenians, Turks and Kurds.
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^<_ | | I i ~--\ ^HH||Jnn|UB <" 9 John Vassos of Washington, who has three nations to become a citizen of the United States. Of Greek descent, but born in Smyrna, he has, through the changes taking place in the late war, been a citizen of Turkey, Greece
10/1/1922 Evening star.
^<_ | | I i ~--\ ^HH||Jnn|UB <" 9 John Vassos of Washington, who has three nations to become a citizen of the United States. Of Greek descent, but born in Smyrna, he has, through the changes taking place in the late war, been a citizen of Turkey, Greece
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Greek General Staff Watches Defeat staff of Greek army in Asia Minor just before they fled before Turks. An actual battlefield scene
10/2/1922 The Washington herald.
Greek General Staff Watches Defeat staff of Greek army in Asia Minor just before they fled before Turks. An actual battlefield scene
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Greek Queen Princess Elizabeth hie become queen of Greece through the acces sion of her consort, Prince George, who mounted the throne when King1 Constantino abdicated. She Is of Rumanian birth.
10/2/1922 Perth Amboy evening news.
Greek Queen Princess Elizabeth hie become queen of Greece through the acces sion of her consort, Prince George, who mounted the throne when King1 Constantino abdicated. She Is of Rumanian birth.
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Greek Queen I'rincess KU'iabelh has become l Creece through the accession of jonsorl. I'rince lieorge, who the throne when King Constantino dicated. She is ol Kuiuaiuun o.l m.
10/2/1922 The Daily Ardmoreite.
Greek Queen I'rincess KU'iabelh has become l Creece through the accession of jonsorl. I'rince lieorge, who the throne when King Constantino dicated. She is ol Kuiuaiuun o.l m.
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In Command of Turk Army * ???JU?iMiMia??n -ii i HI , KEMAL PASIIA.l shown here. Is commander ol] the Turkish army which drove! the Greek forces from Asia Minor! 1
10/3/1922 The independent.
In Command of Turk Army * ???JU?iMiMia??n -ii i HI , KEMAL PASIIA.l shown here. Is commander ol] the Turkish army which drove! the Greek forces from Asia Minor! 1
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. - FIR: ? ! Greek troops J i 1 ST PHOTOGRAPH St flee in confusion in front of the Turkt SiiPr," %" "v" ' n> * ^ > : * " " '^C"' - 'I f>v - ; ' S> - . Jf&fJ'Jz* rs-SJ , i, > 'I >.? >.. V* : . *<' i *-f ;. :. ^ -V'i <% -: .i/-/:%\ ^t'&v ::' ' suburb o i, burn'ng villages cn their passage. F SMYRNA IN FLAP Here is the outlying suburbs of Smy -M ' 'V- ..'V>A < *1ES. rrna in flames. j 1 l v.; >/.-,;i j Ji
10/3/1922 Yorkville enquirer.
. - FIR: ? ! Greek troops J i 1 ST PHOTOGRAPH St flee in confusion in front of the Turkt SiiPr," %" "v" ' n> * ^ > : * " " '^C"' - 'I f>v - ; ' S> - . Jf&fJ'Jz* rs-SJ , i, > 'I >.? >.. V* : . *<' i *-f ;. :. ^ -V'i <% -: .i/-/:%\ ^t'&v ::' ' suburb o i, burn'ng villages cn their passage. F SMYRNA IN FLAP Here is the outlying suburbs of Smy -M ' 'V- ..'V>A < *1ES. rrna in flames. j 1 l v.; >/.-,;i j Ji
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New Greek Queen r " 'h-... v . J- ; --" . -i .; , f. jS J., i 1 ; . . - m'-A t , It ''oh' ill y . a .; , Jb.;.' Princes Klizaheth has become lu.n of Greece throuch the accts- of her consort. Prince Ceorge.
10/3/1922 South Bend news-times.
New Greek Queen r " 'h-... v . J- ; --" . -i .; , f. jS J., i 1 ; . . - m'-A t , It ''oh' ill y . a .; , Jb.;.' Princes Klizaheth has become lu.n of Greece throuch the accts- of her consort. Prince Ceorge.
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RUSSIAN PRIESTS UNDER DEATH SENTENCE tv,l o,! Ata." J,enJa,n" and the Russian Pontiff, Patriarch the Old Greek Orthodox Church, which formerly was recognized as Russia are under sentence of death for urging resistance to the aim aiieuuJiing 10 prevent t'.ie confiscation of Church property.
10/3/1922 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer.
RUSSIAN PRIESTS UNDER DEATH SENTENCE tv,l o,! Ata." J,enJa,n" and the Russian Pontiff, Patriarch the Old Greek Orthodox Church, which formerly was recognized as Russia are under sentence of death for urging resistance to the aim aiieuuJiing 10 prevent t'.ie confiscation of Church property.
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When Greeks Evacuated Smyrna Wt . .. M AMI - t f;'k J$& mm i! Im I f U Greek troops in Smyrna, apparently, was in, holiday attire when the Creek . I JTA I ' Man ' W"1 .'If 1 I Smyrna preparing to embark before the soldiers paraded through the streets military bands blared Turkish occupation. the windows to witness the depar ture of the Greeks, who left
10/3/1922 Albuquerque morning journal.
When Greeks Evacuated Smyrna Wt . .. M AMI - t f;'k J$& mm i! Im I f U Greek troops in Smyrna, apparently, was in, holiday attire when the Creek . I JTA I ' Man ' W"1 .'If 1 I Smyrna preparing to embark before the soldiers paraded through the streets military bands blared Turkish occupation. the windows to witness the depar ture of the Greeks, who left
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Greek Cavalry Retreating Before Victorious (Turks iW tfW k " jj Greek cavalry are here seen retreating before the .victorious troops of Mustapliu Keniul l'nslia wlilcb Asia
10/4/1922 Ashland weekly tidings.
Greek Cavalry Retreating Before Victorious (Turks iW tfW k " jj Greek cavalry are here seen retreating before the .victorious troops of Mustapliu Keniul l'nslia wlilcb Asia
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The Man Of The Hour In. Greece :- V. , t ' -? ' V i I i iiYimi im m. aiw rata Jtx-Premier Eleutheries Veni seles. who is looked upon as the only man who can lead his country back to pre-war prosperity. The Greek leader has made two un compromising conditions on which he Will return. One Is the abdica tion of King Constantine, And tbs other the resignation of Triantfllla kos and his cabinet. The former premier hopes to make the Greek nation tA "America Of Europe." Since his visit here, his admiration
10/5/1922 Norwich bulletin.
The Man Of The Hour In. Greece :- V. , t ' -? ' V i I i iiYimi im m. aiw rata Jtx-Premier Eleutheries Veni seles. who is looked upon as the only man who can lead his country back to pre-war prosperity. The Greek leader has made two un compromising conditions on which he Will return. One Is the abdica tion of King Constantine, And tbs other the resignation of Triantfllla kos and his cabinet. The former premier hopes to make the Greek nation tA "America Of Europe." Since his visit here, his admiration
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AMERICANS ON TURKISH FRONT 1 7o J&ilM -Au-toOtTrfn. A Uncle Sam shakes a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greeks and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representatives are at work to report developments and help in relief work. The photo shows Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold, the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one of ' the station established by the Near East Relief Committee, near Constantinople,
10/5/1922 Lincoln County leader.
AMERICANS ON TURKISH FRONT 1 7o J&ilM -Au-toOtTrfn. A Uncle Sam shakes a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greeks and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representatives are at work to report developments and help in relief work. The photo shows Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold, the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one of ' the station established by the Near East Relief Committee, near Constantinople,
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AMERICANS ON TURKISH FRONT cn- I , f f- Jaw ijczssvru .... :s. t J K t ' ,V AUTO CAST V Uncle Sam shakes a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greeks and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representatives are at work to report developments and help in relief work. The photo shows Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold, the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one ot Jthe stations East Relief near
10/5/1922 The gazette-times.
AMERICANS ON TURKISH FRONT cn- I , f f- Jaw ijczssvru .... :s. t J K t ' ,V AUTO CAST V Uncle Sam shakes a positive head and says we will not be drawn into the European tangle caused by Turk victories over the Greeks and the massacre at Smyrna. However, American representatives are at work to report developments and help in relief work. The photo shows Admiral Mark L. Bristol, with his wife, and Davis C. Arnold, the Director of the Near East Relief, inspecting one ot Jthe stations East Relief near
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GREEKS MAKE DESPERATE STAND Greek rear guard, Howiy pursued /»(/ the forces of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, turns and at tacks its pursuers in on effort to hold them %chile the main body of the Greek army retreats to safety. In foreground Greek soldiers are seen rushing on the enemy. In the rear smoke clemd* arise from bursting shells and bombs.
10/5/1922 The Seattle star.
GREEKS MAKE DESPERATE STAND Greek rear guard, Howiy pursued /»(/ the forces of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, turns and at tacks its pursuers in on effort to hold them %chile the main body of the Greek army retreats to safety. In foreground Greek soldiers are seen rushing on the enemy. In the rear smoke clemd* arise from bursting shells and bombs.
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c < ( 1 < Greek Queen Princess Elisabeth has become jueen of Greece through" the ac? session of her consort, Prince 3eorge, who 'mounted. the throne vhen' King Constantino She Is of Rumanian birth. .
10/6/1922 The Fairmont West Virginian.
c < ( 1 < Greek Queen Princess Elisabeth has become jueen of Greece through" the ac? session of her consort, Prince 3eorge, who 'mounted. the throne vhen' King Constantino She Is of Rumanian birth. .

Newspaper Navigator is a project by Benjamin Charles Germain Lee as part of the 2020 Innovator in Residence Program at the Library of Congress.