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1/18/1900 The evening bulletin.
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J washihgtoh homb j : ' ; ' ; ' , i t j ! &,& ettarassfed Wssnsn. sm &. ram ion a fo rtUrn ,sf w ter oaaagsswnt. sad s boss vvy i Uvt i Use ' o A ' Kmu t -r flM aoOC and Tt atttw. S4 rtu torirr biaag ts . mjUmd U3t4 tw, u Um tkm gn, j )uste m mmsmtm lMM ,ttv Vet all oW j thkt z lmmi7 trratJ M f --cMt-i-MT tg4 r tewdst bt resa -sad Msvs Xss. ASwO. epratso-- and ssoSoM trtJarst a'e txn. a&4 b 4r sarr the w ! sNEh to vt-f t rammtx eare ! the hawffnnoo- Tf tMkC mi tr4m9 ! d ; BasSiUe. Vi 1 Jft .a Irr, ir "ZZSk
1/18/1900 The Wichita daily eagle.
J washihgtoh homb j : ' ; ' ; ' , i t j ! &,& ettarassfed Wssnsn. sm &. ram ion a fo rtUrn ,sf w ter oaaagsswnt. sad s boss vvy i Uvt i Use ' o A ' Kmu t -r flM aoOC and Tt atttw. S4 rtu torirr biaag ts . mjUmd U3t4 tw, u Um tkm gn, j )uste m mmsmtm lMM ,ttv Vet all oW j thkt z lmmi7 trratJ M f --cMt-i-MT tg4 r tewdst bt resa -sad Msvs Xss. ASwO. epratso-- and ssoSoM trtJarst a'e txn. a&4 b 4r sarr the w ! sNEh to vt-f t rammtx eare ! the hawffnnoo- Tf tMkC mi tr4m9 ! d ; BasSiUe. Vi 1 Jft .a Irr, ir "ZZSk
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COMPLETE DESTRUCTION INDUSTRY. OF THE TOWN'S I' r ..J; '. .. ' - ' 1. . , V ."'r ,,r - - r -r.x- r-.v ; , .... -, '?i ( - X . - X . ! , ;i ,-. i- -., -. A . . . V r i 1 i-i'-'V'-.-V.. , (;" : : ',:.?v' y,:v- : ii j i; ,; '-v. ;N - . f ;. .-' tn' .. . " '". . . , '":-. si c V , ,- , ' . ' , . i K ,v "' 'V ' ? ' . ' - -V ' ' ' . ,. ..... .'''.''"' ,., K..' - t- ' ' Vsy i-r ,; n. ;t v- u - '1. s , ?" ' -;t-- - 4j v f i-JiSJ - -IW - f . tJ- . ',fl r ' ! '; - , 1 r- m rzz ' - ' - Ji-; ': . - , - ; iiiS -J - 'iv' -'-V: - v f.'nts. . . ;, i ,J
1/18/1900 Herald and news.
COMPLETE DESTRUCTION INDUSTRY. OF THE TOWN'S I' r ..J; '. .. ' - ' 1. . , V ."'r ,,r - - r -r.x- r-.v ; , .... -, '?i ( - X . - X . ! , ;i ,-. i- -., -. A . . . V r i 1 i-i'-'V'-.-V.. , (;" : : ',:.?v' y,:v- : ii j i; ,; '-v. ;N - . f ;. .-' tn' .. . " '". . . , '":-. si c V , ,- , ' . ' , . i K ,v "' 'V ' ? ' . ' - -V ' ' ' . ,. ..... .'''.''"' ,., K..' - t- ' ' Vsy i-r ,; n. ;t v- u - '1. s , ?" ' -;t-- - 4j v f i-JiSJ - -IW - f . tJ- . ',fl r ' ! '; - , 1 r- m rzz ' - ' - Ji-; ': . - , - ; iiiS -J - 'iv' -'-V: - v f.'nts. . . ;, i ,J
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1/18/1900 The evening times.
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1 ,
1/18/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
1 ,
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1/18/1900 The evening times.
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I I I Itlte I Chevalier Chevaliervalue rnetnno TrentKt TrentKtvahle Trenlancevalue
1/18/1900 The evening times.
I I I Itlte I Chevalier Chevaliervalue rnetnno TrentKt TrentKtvahle Trenlancevalue
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1/18/1900 The evening times.
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ftfIFNfiF HÁll I l 1
1/18/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
ftfIFNfiF HÁll I l 1
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PROF. O. W. OLES, Tba Celebrated Violinist, who will give a concert at tba Opera House, Kooky
1/18/1900 Rocky Ford enterprise.
PROF. O. W. OLES, Tba Celebrated Violinist, who will give a concert at tba Opera House, Kooky
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I could cloth How much food It could do haw Much ttll could meant A million a year The ambition It rtpreMnedl The kale the hopes the crtmtat < A million a year Th menu of a klncdom the con tclence of ten thouvand knave the kearU of huadred fortune iunter Helen Mtrriictuii ngu chleen awrpt out from the court an helrrrH with UnODa year to lento speed o give to ttteet to Waite td boulil Just nil hf chmn And a learned Judga held open her car rhgo donr Ilkt n Mckvy and fell good clear down Into Iis ntiKUst shoes In re celv > a itnllo from her or his courtesy i It wnn not Hint Il wits de Kmcnim mils of queenly younr woman whose eyes flashed notilllty and irncit truth I It wn the iirnle trim n mlillun n I earan Income Ito would be itiml upledWhen lib > rrrlniton cam Into all the Merrinatim money and the Krrtt k iirTiiVxT The MaMprhorn And the rhuckllnic Judge trxlJItd lick Into cour tn niiiuu u tiiii < tf t In a corpjratlon case that meant fat > I I SHE WAS A PRISONER IN A HOUSE OF GOLD I I I She liiul youth mil beauty She hid linrre ami carrtaitet and yachte BbC rt CIIIII I t BhV wa it prlionrr In a hou o cf gold In Ml Tttr foiKrtWVjrnnrtire rmt nOw that ileir old Abel Thurtton via I1l11ul Kin I JV H I iiim i n ng > Arn < < t girt lt waj m grim parndox A young ant benilliful roman 1 oi reng eerythlng In hlwtirllt rnuke hrr happyexrept Impplnrt llerieni of tumor erme to her te > cur fTM l < > n l fnapJ Hfcivi oilier women lo fkki aMshbd i Obtuse of humor S I itar say ahS mused It U very itupld andrxlleuloii nnm lit era ant be lterabrt In eVery malj Irl I UT from peopt who tell 1M how happy key WMld tie to bie lit a hundrrdtn pert of what I poo What shall 1 do when all these a ecu mulnled rtcfle arc mine iMMc thee perplexities when I pose but a tithe rlflIUM 4 Will my heart harden anil will I gIve mictM todkn5 anrl frtMilltyT WUI1 dMpalf of dolnr auHiihut evil with Iii allfl ciJirLjsiir Ani h hfttlbm kIt 1lttTlnc tfofcyB iJartaf Jufjt bt th Iro f kM I Court ra i r4ber from the eilate Tw > lk hr WM tn f onv hir a roUlu avyaaVi i 1 < I > m 4 S S S C I I S Hut 1IIrQ VSF hurt dl4 nell harden Rite wnii Torfe howeVer 10 II MrMke dapMItr In XSK III Zttt IIUI aklMliieet o goo4 < l rooBh would not trust to profeatlonal charltakt U 1 I > vntl herVMty the had converted a rait III ll on tk flM lid teto ikjoiigffi J I I eee lee r CE Under I L S name of Maud Haloey he gave II out that pht had been employed by mom wealthy people to lake charge of thUntw Institution Here both diyWtl t nlfht j were turned S to edueatton Industry and the cultivation or the social nracr < I S
1/18/1900 The evening world.
I could cloth How much food It could do haw Much ttll could meant A million a year The ambition It rtpreMnedl The kale the hopes the crtmtat < A million a year Th menu of a klncdom the con tclence of ten thouvand knave the kearU of huadred fortune iunter Helen Mtrriictuii ngu chleen awrpt out from the court an helrrrH with UnODa year to lento speed o give to ttteet to Waite td boulil Just nil hf chmn And a learned Judga held open her car rhgo donr Ilkt n Mckvy and fell good clear down Into Iis ntiKUst shoes In re celv > a itnllo from her or his courtesy i It wnn not Hint Il wits de Kmcnim mils of queenly younr woman whose eyes flashed notilllty and irncit truth I It wn the iirnle trim n mlillun n I earan Income Ito would be itiml upledWhen lib > rrrlniton cam Into all the Merrinatim money and the Krrtt k iirTiiVxT The MaMprhorn And the rhuckllnic Judge trxlJItd lick Into cour tn niiiuu u tiiii < tf t In a corpjratlon case that meant fat > I I SHE WAS A PRISONER IN A HOUSE OF GOLD I I I She liiul youth mil beauty She hid linrre ami carrtaitet and yachte BbC rt CIIIII I t BhV wa it prlionrr In a hou o cf gold In Ml Tttr foiKrtWVjrnnrtire rmt nOw that ileir old Abel Thurtton via I1l11ul Kin I JV H I iiim i n ng > Arn < < t girt lt waj m grim parndox A young ant benilliful roman 1 oi reng eerythlng In hlwtirllt rnuke hrr happyexrept Impplnrt llerieni of tumor erme to her te > cur fTM l < > n l fnapJ Hfcivi oilier women lo fkki aMshbd i Obtuse of humor S I itar say ahS mused It U very itupld andrxlleuloii nnm lit era ant be lterabrt In eVery malj Irl I UT from peopt who tell 1M how happy key WMld tie to bie lit a hundrrdtn pert of what I poo What shall 1 do when all these a ecu mulnled rtcfle arc mine iMMc thee perplexities when I pose but a tithe rlflIUM 4 Will my heart harden anil will I gIve mictM todkn5 anrl frtMilltyT WUI1 dMpalf of dolnr auHiihut evil with Iii allfl ciJirLjsiir Ani h hfttlbm kIt 1lttTlnc tfofcyB iJartaf Jufjt bt th Iro f kM I Court ra i r4ber from the eilate Tw > lk hr WM tn f onv hir a roUlu avyaaVi i 1 < I > m 4 S S S C I I S Hut 1IIrQ VSF hurt dl4 nell harden Rite wnii Torfe howeVer 10 II MrMke dapMItr In XSK III Zttt IIUI aklMliieet o goo4 < l rooBh would not trust to profeatlonal charltakt U 1 I > vntl herVMty the had converted a rait III ll on tk flM lid teto ikjoiigffi J I I eee lee r CE Under I L S name of Maud Haloey he gave II out that pht had been employed by mom wealthy people to lake charge of thUntw Institution Here both diyWtl t nlfht j were turned S to edueatton Industry and the cultivation or the social nracr < I S
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q$v4$ ... "v."- . I rr "trtrt&Z&l - i&sMMftiM f -rrri irs, JMA4K; -" & -31 4MkMwr'" !rf; n i ' ?niw$mTst khJ? T"rittrwiii,MMJirviar1'' mlft1 - "- vlJr.-..r-JffnSB tfr tjfe" , "il IVrir ii, mi ii ii i' ' "" '' " . ""'""" "JrTjLr ' ...........-.,-..,., ri .. iy-H"n-nritniiiiiiin,riiii(ii(ii.iiJiTii " jjnftflr?
1/18/1900 The evening times.
q$v4$ ... "v."- . I rr "trtrt&Z&l - i&sMMftiM f -rrri irs, JMA4K; -" & -31 4MkMwr'" !rf; n i ' ?niw$mTst khJ? T"rittrwiii,MMJirviar1'' mlft1 - "- vlJr.-..r-JffnSB tfr tjfe" , "il IVrir ii, mi ii ii i' ' "" '' " . ""'""" "JrTjLr ' ...........-.,-..,., ri .. iy-H"n-nritniiiiiiin,riiii(ii(ii.iiJiTii " jjnftflr?
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i m TfiT Mi jMiminiinri FinST NATIONAL DANK.
1/18/1900 The evening bulletin.
i m TfiT Mi jMiminiinri FinST NATIONAL DANK.
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1/18/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
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1/18/1900 Bridgeton pioneer.
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iBv 1vwJBBKkWrFr t stP jstiy I 5 jfwaT IvsisssViQhPKL t1 sevatou ionrn
1/19/1900 The times.
iBv 1vwJBBKkWrFr t stP jstiy I 5 jfwaT IvsisssViQhPKL t1 sevatou ionrn
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1/19/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
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l 1 I I I I DYING 1 HE WROTE WHILE ENTOMBED IN A MINE + s Story of William Galloways Torture Told in I Markings and a Message to His Wife I IXPKUONED MINER KEPT HIS DYING BECOBD
1/19/1900 The evening world.
l 1 I I I I DYING 1 HE WROTE WHILE ENTOMBED IN A MINE + s Story of William Galloways Torture Told in I Markings and a Message to His Wife I IXPKUONED MINER KEPT HIS DYING BECOBD
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HOTEL CAREY. Rates: S2 and $3 Per Day. B, L. I-ATON". j
1/19/1900 The Wichita daily eagle.
HOTEL CAREY. Rates: S2 and $3 Per Day. B, L. I-ATON". j
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1 The Plaza, , r4T at Pan-American Exposition. .... , ... . --Jl5:
1/19/1900 The Newtown bee.
1 The Plaza, , r4T at Pan-American Exposition. .... , ... . --Jl5:
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BRÓVYN50N CAMPU5 i-- - i i -
1/19/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
BRÓVYN50N CAMPU5 i-- - i i -
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mm sg m rlirtnllrr ftnofnmi Trrmaiiii e Tlif c pt r
1/19/1900 The times.
mm sg m rlirtnllrr ftnofnmi Trrmaiiii e Tlif c pt r
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1/19/1900 The Loup City northwestern.
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Tell certainly ftcb h m a An eN aid the tramp with great unction au o wefIII lack et ortctiaUlr for It war tbt fifth time I had gasMd It stun the encounter Say I dot know who firs ans he continued but my noses Jim Mae iatnt1a nr y e most 11It a 1011 a UtUl aet lie kfUt4 s i tIIO waat la Uraaitt a Uss an waUtmt to akara ata wrtmaaia la d etch wkte It M la the Itoaltty = cem er yarftaatr youll moot 1 n > RffiV w i m es ap elIlklet ask was mentally bw AI Mf for hkfeay jathswtagtkeMtkesDreuI 1 tr bad bought him at the feel of Bun I ton nloi might bar and till Iliad something else to wear and bar re tamed the entire nit bY metatnttr Uai 1 stead of In personr bt mused And I what woo woes all his money with the plained Mr Maunder but Mt nat M attract any atentlon well come In dla way bMhlm it de runt They at cenied aa lroj fairway In the alaMhida of a flreriiotpe and n story frowrtha ground they entered a large room ttrtwa with dirty raadlnt tables sad Mill mom dirty chair IJehln J a dirty deek stood a young man with a cast In hit eye or what Mr Maaruder termed a hum lamp Hero Jack registered and paid for a nights lodging If youve tot envy dough with you over M cents ter de boy may demand tn Inldaihuo fee teeing as you are a swell guy wot look like ready aeoney you better leave f tie vail wit dt clerk1 said the tramp So Jack pasted over otne tt u hit mentor suggested received a receipt for sane and then went up another flight ot stairs to a corresponding large room In which were arrange a lot of bunk pn < al J LAY ntMMMiio or I wtnme room MAX otjcuuirNo Wabattr tald Magnider glvln look a nudge His lust In from cllotS hhe Jnins In a little troubl recently and h jams ut for ler nlgnt I wnu to Interduce him to rout Mr Web sttr die Is Verfesser Flnntrty a tine man whose specialty la wart He If the inventor of the Golden Wart Uradicaior Cud It i I St 11Clikes dt HCM IIIIZIarIc II likes at mUch better dan dWarldorfAatotte The prcfesjor grinned and extended L grubby hand which Jack book Th lifelong patron then took the new comer under Ms Wllllr metaphorically speaking Mr Webster he said tak ing up ifagrudtrs wit we Icli com you to the Sumptuous balls of our glided carayanaMarr TAU gent hero he pointed to a stalwart and villainously repulslvelooklnc man with his arm In a sling L the bandages which bound 1M J EST1 member reeking with lodo JST fc liHoiyf Mcainnl having re cent curtained a sertouiilnlury to has right arm which prevents him working nt hit trad bricklaying He has been compelled to rely upon the ohar table donation of a tjantroua public The prtfe tor could lave added that
1/19/1900 The evening world.
Tell certainly ftcb h m a An eN aid the tramp with great unction au o wefIII lack et ortctiaUlr for It war tbt fifth time I had gasMd It stun the encounter Say I dot know who firs ans he continued but my noses Jim Mae iatnt1a nr y e most 11It a 1011 a UtUl aet lie kfUt4 s i tIIO waat la Uraaitt a Uss an waUtmt to akara ata wrtmaaia la d etch wkte It M la the Itoaltty = cem er yarftaatr youll moot 1 n > RffiV w i m es ap elIlklet ask was mentally bw AI Mf for hkfeay jathswtagtkeMtkesDreuI 1 tr bad bought him at the feel of Bun I ton nloi might bar and till Iliad something else to wear and bar re tamed the entire nit bY metatnttr Uai 1 stead of In personr bt mused And I what woo woes all his money with the plained Mr Maunder but Mt nat M attract any atentlon well come In dla way bMhlm it de runt They at cenied aa lroj fairway In the alaMhida of a flreriiotpe and n story frowrtha ground they entered a large room ttrtwa with dirty raadlnt tables sad Mill mom dirty chair IJehln J a dirty deek stood a young man with a cast In hit eye or what Mr Maaruder termed a hum lamp Hero Jack registered and paid for a nights lodging If youve tot envy dough with you over M cents ter de boy may demand tn Inldaihuo fee teeing as you are a swell guy wot look like ready aeoney you better leave f tie vail wit dt clerk1 said the tramp So Jack pasted over otne tt u hit mentor suggested received a receipt for sane and then went up another flight ot stairs to a corresponding large room In which were arrange a lot of bunk pn < al J LAY ntMMMiio or I wtnme room MAX otjcuuirNo Wabattr tald Magnider glvln look a nudge His lust In from cllotS hhe Jnins In a little troubl recently and h jams ut for ler nlgnt I wnu to Interduce him to rout Mr Web sttr die Is Verfesser Flnntrty a tine man whose specialty la wart He If the inventor of the Golden Wart Uradicaior Cud It i I St 11Clikes dt HCM IIIIZIarIc II likes at mUch better dan dWarldorfAatotte The prcfesjor grinned and extended L grubby hand which Jack book Th lifelong patron then took the new comer under Ms Wllllr metaphorically speaking Mr Webster he said tak ing up ifagrudtrs wit we Icli com you to the Sumptuous balls of our glided carayanaMarr TAU gent hero he pointed to a stalwart and villainously repulslvelooklnc man with his arm In a sling L the bandages which bound 1M J EST1 member reeking with lodo JST fc liHoiyf Mcainnl having re cent curtained a sertouiilnlury to has right arm which prevents him working nt hit trad bricklaying He has been compelled to rely upon the ohar table donation of a tjantroua public The prtfe tor could lave added that
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i! 1 I H > 6| ■ ' ? - ! 1 V 1 \ W, ' I m ■ /
1/19/1900 Evening journal.
i! 1 I H > 6| ■ ' ? - ! 1 V 1 \ W, ' I m ■ /
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1/19/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
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Machinery and Transportation.
1/19/1900 The Newtown bee.
Machinery and Transportation.
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1/19/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
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DOLLAR DOLLARCat we will wDllee send you tbs tJaU Ua 3KW 1 O D Dabjett aobjett aal n toexaalaa toezalnatin toexaalaatlao 0 ulaa ulaatlO1Ie frclcht depot depotaad and Ifi Ifiyon It IfYon Tao Tal to s jon 011 seer saw sawsd aa aaIS l Q Qt i non money moaer par tke a frtltat frtltatt rrel rrelt d posI sr r iS4 3450 O zed aadrretcatehxrces a4rif zedCI of tie tin not DCRAB1E DCRAB1EATO From i7omthe the h hd Illustration illmtrsttonIhownahlchiscagTaved Illustrationshown yoncan you can torn foraomeldcaof torntomeldcaof od from olid e quarter quarteraancd quarteraired r raatted I key t keyap slip a1I foil panel pul body 110011f baadsoae deearaUoaa deearaUoaaaad deentloazed u4ii TiEPAItLOR TiEPAItLORGE nii niiGE1IlsG wldeand weighs w wei hsSO hsSOI be5opounds 5SO 5SOpounds DUpa P Dlpw ldpalDaldaa rriadpal rriadpalDalelana dpaJ dpaJIpltJO Treble Cop Coetpltr CoetpltrDiapason r rDiapssoa IToao 1 To Too Swell 8U Brsanatory Hesaaato Hesaaatoqull17 ptpo yap a ataarvfafly 3eets Reeu1SetofSl Reeu1SetofSlt 1 SeL of ST STth Bellow Smooth Smoothest sooUaT Smoothipzoa Prlelpa2 th thCeletnrte4 I fY 111 tb thf hlgb htrbestgradesnetumentaattedwtthnaanoadCoalenad hlgbest Coasters Cc l rsd rsd41X a tJ tJrax etr beaowsof bellows bellowsof bellowsf r and finest finestleather anestleather is 3 3with furnished furnishedwith plated platedpedal platedp Wtardah W WtRnhh I Iraralth Icstne IcstneUtnbccijmMUK kltneU LitreUsn a aliiue by the theterms theterms theterms glTjs out oatrepair ws wsrepair w wrepair and we will willrefund willrefund willrecund aU511ed aU511edofthe < fied 5 5tr6 5tr6of < J6 J6of ORDER ORDERAT ORDERAT OItDEBAT < L lO lOdealt t tthe ORGAN o oer i irailroad as asrallroed i ioneoftholaigest > r op agar agarrusos q qPIllOS 1 Instruments at totrett wholesale whele price prices Write for res resc f Address Sears Sars amok A Go Co are theroc tarocfUy hay JeL2Heft naahia15iutiSEARS rrHitilt 1t JeL2HeftSEARS Tin en enSEARS Fulton DesplaincsaadWajmanSts Deplain = iU1dWaJm3oSb CHICAGO
1/19/1900 The Bourbon news.
DOLLAR DOLLARCat we will wDllee send you tbs tJaU Ua 3KW 1 O D Dabjett aobjett aal n toexaalaa toezalnatin toexaalaatlao 0 ulaa ulaatlO1Ie frclcht depot depotaad and Ifi Ifiyon It IfYon Tao Tal to s jon 011 seer saw sawsd aa aaIS l Q Qt i non money moaer par tke a frtltat frtltatt rrel rrelt d posI sr r iS4 3450 O zed aadrretcatehxrces a4rif zedCI of tie tin not DCRAB1E DCRAB1EATO From i7omthe the h hd Illustration illmtrsttonIhownahlchiscagTaved Illustrationshown yoncan you can torn foraomeldcaof torntomeldcaof od from olid e quarter quarteraancd quarteraired r raatted I key t keyap slip a1I foil panel pul body 110011f baadsoae deearaUoaa deearaUoaaaad deentloazed u4ii TiEPAItLOR TiEPAItLORGE nii niiGE1IlsG wldeand weighs w wei hsSO hsSOI be5opounds 5SO 5SOpounds DUpa P Dlpw ldpalDaldaa rriadpal rriadpalDalelana dpaJ dpaJIpltJO Treble Cop Coetpltr CoetpltrDiapason r rDiapssoa IToao 1 To Too Swell 8U Brsanatory Hesaaato Hesaaatoqull17 ptpo yap a ataarvfafly 3eets Reeu1SetofSl Reeu1SetofSlt 1 SeL of ST STth Bellow Smooth Smoothest sooUaT Smoothipzoa Prlelpa2 th thCeletnrte4 I fY 111 tb thf hlgb htrbestgradesnetumentaattedwtthnaanoadCoalenad hlgbest Coasters Cc l rsd rsd41X a tJ tJrax etr beaowsof bellows bellowsof bellowsf r and finest finestleather anestleather is 3 3with furnished furnishedwith plated platedpedal platedp Wtardah W WtRnhh I Iraralth Icstne IcstneUtnbccijmMUK kltneU LitreUsn a aliiue by the theterms theterms theterms glTjs out oatrepair ws wsrepair w wrepair and we will willrefund willrefund willrecund aU511ed aU511edofthe < fied 5 5tr6 5tr6of < J6 J6of ORDER ORDERAT ORDERAT OItDEBAT < L lO lOdealt t tthe ORGAN o oer i irailroad as asrallroed i ioneoftholaigest > r op agar agarrusos q qPIllOS 1 Instruments at totrett wholesale whele price prices Write for res resc f Address Sears Sars amok A Go Co are theroc tarocfUy hay JeL2Heft naahia15iutiSEARS rrHitilt 1t JeL2HeftSEARS Tin en enSEARS Fulton DesplaincsaadWajmanSts Deplain = iU1dWaJm3oSb CHICAGO
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I - - 4 ' "'" LjfeSr .gafe DOUBLE GATE AND BRIDGE OVER MOAT.
1/19/1900 The San Juan County index.
I - - 4 ' "'" LjfeSr .gafe DOUBLE GATE AND BRIDGE OVER MOAT.
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Horticulture, Graphic Arts and COfTIHtHT iBi
1/19/1900 The Newtown bee.
Horticulture, Graphic Arts and COfTIHtHT iBi
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iStafBKmmummMmiii iu i mt5 frfjr I i I- l 11 - V t n n in mm in ityjyrTi THE REPLY TO HAYNE
1/19/1900 The times.
iStafBKmmummMmiii iu i mt5 frfjr I i I- l 11 - V t n n in mm in ityjyrTi THE REPLY TO HAYNE
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- - TOwMaiiaQiawirMffiii igwu g p 5 Tag S lmp JsF M5W fJ ir - - - J llli i rS ZSlivtvAiL ff2 JL Jots 5t5 - iiiJvo1 j - u VJ 2kSe tWArzffiiMM UhmK icMMTMrWm THE ADDHESS AT BUNKER HILL
1/19/1900 The times.
- - TOwMaiiaQiawirMffiii igwu g p 5 Tag S lmp JsF M5W fJ ir - - - J llli i rS ZSlivtvAiL ff2 JL Jots 5t5 - iiiJvo1 j - u VJ 2kSe tWArzffiiMM UhmK icMMTMrWm THE ADDHESS AT BUNKER HILL
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everv four weeks for six months. Consultation and examina tion FREE to all. f -A mi i. W V. r i i i DR. REft,
1/20/1900 Western Kansas world.
everv four weeks for six months. Consultation and examina tion FREE to all. f -A mi i. W V. r i i i DR. REft,
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Ml, I, ANTHONY, TO TUB IHOHT. tTho Above I'lcturo Wns Taken Whllo Anthony Was a Soldlor on tho Frontier.)
1/20/1900 Carlsbad current.
Ml, I, ANTHONY, TO TUB IHOHT. tTho Above I'lcturo Wns Taken Whllo Anthony Was a Soldlor on tho Frontier.)
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i i i I I i I i f j I I I 3IR3 FHEDEHICA BARSHAW I 1 I I w
1/20/1900 The evening world.
i i i I I i I i f j I I I 3IR3 FHEDEHICA BARSHAW I 1 I I w
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BMXiWt ' "WVfS fagr. - ' -wk .' sr-.&r- 3ferrM. !M' Kfifi&-!'.'4:1 jfV , bissiiiHk: ,- ivvi!tm ; m;;v. .. iiiiiiiKWA ! HON. GEORGE S. FOSTER, A Probable Nominee for Superior Court Judge,
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
BMXiWt ' "WVfS fagr. - ' -wk .' sr-.&r- 3ferrM. !M' Kfifi&-!'.'4:1 jfV , bissiiiHk: ,- ivvi!tm ; m;;v. .. iiiiiiiKWA ! HON. GEORGE S. FOSTER, A Probable Nominee for Superior Court Judge,
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NICARAGUAN NICA AjUAN CANAL COMMISSION I L A n i LiI ldrfraIISLtrd 111I r a > + ir y 11II 11IIThe The canal commission of which Hear Admaa John O Walker Is tho head has ha Just reached Nicaragua and will begin at once the work of oftho examining examiningtho tho various canal routes across the Isthmus The commission consists of o Rear Admiral John 0 WaJker retired Samuel Pasco of Florida Floridaof Alfred Noble Nobleot IIErnst II IIErnt of Chicago George 8 Morrison of New York BrigadierGeneral Brlgadler aeneral hams US U S At A Prof William H Burr of Columbia University Colonel Oswald owawErnst The pirn pit a as outlined > d byItear by byItear oy oyRear Ernst U S A Prof Uwls M t Haupt of Philadelphia and Prof Emory R Johnson of the University of Pennsylvania the ark whkh wh vnicn h is now nowbeing nowbeinG nowbeing Itear Admiral Walker before sailing is as follows Upon arriving at Clreytown we shall proceed across Nicaraguaexamining NlcllJllua cxamlnlng being done by the various engineering parties which have been engaged along the t e line of the route for some time Our trip across Nicaragua win occupy occupyabout occupynbout occupyabout about six weeks Reaching leach In the Pacific side we shall go by steamer down to Panama and pass about a month in coming across nerO the Panama P UlllmUOUto route beforereaching before uetorereaching beforereaching reaching Colon which Is on tho Caribbean side The commission will also examine the work which hlch has been done by the various exploring and v engineer engineerlag mem memIng lneerIng Ing parties which ore now studying otherpossible other possible routes for the theCDnal canal It Is Impossible to say when the report reporlot of tho commission can be made The Thepresent Thepresent iiie iiiepresent present commission is by far the moat mo l important body that has ever been created for the purpose of examining and reporting > g on the canal problem U it wasorganized was wasorganized WI1Sorganized organized following an appropriation of 11000000 which hlch was made in the closing hours of the last Congress The definite object of the commission is 10determine to todetennlne todetermine
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
NICARAGUAN NICA AjUAN CANAL COMMISSION I L A n i LiI ldrfraIISLtrd 111I r a > + ir y 11II 11IIThe The canal commission of which Hear Admaa John O Walker Is tho head has ha Just reached Nicaragua and will begin at once the work of oftho examining examiningtho tho various canal routes across the Isthmus The commission consists of o Rear Admiral John 0 WaJker retired Samuel Pasco of Florida Floridaof Alfred Noble Nobleot IIErnst II IIErnt of Chicago George 8 Morrison of New York BrigadierGeneral Brlgadler aeneral hams US U S At A Prof William H Burr of Columbia University Colonel Oswald owawErnst The pirn pit a as outlined > d byItear by byItear oy oyRear Ernst U S A Prof Uwls M t Haupt of Philadelphia and Prof Emory R Johnson of the University of Pennsylvania the ark whkh wh vnicn h is now nowbeing nowbeinG nowbeing Itear Admiral Walker before sailing is as follows Upon arriving at Clreytown we shall proceed across Nicaraguaexamining NlcllJllua cxamlnlng being done by the various engineering parties which have been engaged along the t e line of the route for some time Our trip across Nicaragua win occupy occupyabout occupynbout occupyabout about six weeks Reaching leach In the Pacific side we shall go by steamer down to Panama and pass about a month in coming across nerO the Panama P UlllmUOUto route beforereaching before uetorereaching beforereaching reaching Colon which Is on tho Caribbean side The commission will also examine the work which hlch has been done by the various exploring and v engineer engineerlag mem memIng lneerIng Ing parties which ore now studying otherpossible other possible routes for the theCDnal canal It Is Impossible to say when the report reporlot of tho commission can be made The Thepresent Thepresent iiie iiiepresent present commission is by far the moat mo l important body that has ever been created for the purpose of examining and reporting > g on the canal problem U it wasorganized was wasorganized WI1Sorganized organized following an appropriation of 11000000 which hlch was made in the closing hours of the last Congress The definite object of the commission is 10determine to todetennlne todetermine
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1 1SENATOR SENATOR SENATORSON SON the 181coa Republican RepublicanlJtlj rt rtxis xis U trU3 to get the f fIylt11 Iylt11 6tata to chow 1 lathy with the 8n by etaatorlal reso resoklyL11 iiij klyL11 lJtlj I t
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
1 1SENATOR SENATOR SENATORSON SON the 181coa Republican RepublicanlJtlj rt rtxis xis U trU3 to get the f fIylt11 Iylt11 6tata to chow 1 lathy with the 8n by etaatorlal reso resoklyL11 iiij klyL11 lJtlj I t
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1/20/1900 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico.
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1 f 1 1i 1 i 1 t f ff fI fI f I I I A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 CONGRESSMAN CONGRESSMANBOUTELLE CONG ESSMAN 0 BOUTELLE DOUTELLE DOUTELLEr r t Although every effort has hube made to keep the true of the Maine representative becoming public it is that he Is In the McLean he hepltal pltal for the Insane at and ho is reported to be In last stages ot Brtghta disease diseaseAAAAA
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
1 f 1 1i 1 i 1 t f ff fI fI f I I I A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 CONGRESSMAN CONGRESSMANBOUTELLE CONG ESSMAN 0 BOUTELLE DOUTELLE DOUTELLEr r t Although every effort has hube made to keep the true of the Maine representative becoming public it is that he Is In the McLean he hepltal pltal for the Insane at and ho is reported to be In last stages ot Brtghta disease diseaseAAAAA
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HON. LORIN C. COLLINS, Ex-8peaker of the House of Representatives Ex Judge of the Circuit Court.
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
HON. LORIN C. COLLINS, Ex-8peaker of the House of Representatives Ex Judge of the Circuit Court.
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Congressman Howard.
1/20/1900 The Guthrie daily leader.
Congressman Howard.
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. v ,, . w. j.. i '.', ' fWf ,3'CH'PBBPsi !i4!-' B MaP --it-:' HON. PETER KIOLBA8SA, Who May Bo Nominated by the Democrats for Congross in the Fifth District.
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
. v ,, . w. j.. i '.', ' fWf ,3'CH'PBBPsi !i4!-' B MaP --it-:' HON. PETER KIOLBA8SA, Who May Bo Nominated by the Democrats for Congross in the Fifth District.
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1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
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m$n y. fSESsI ai fJJM fS2.te. UrE. .. mzMi& r mT&s KWtmi i-Yj i'!M -III i ,' .1 I! MUUi S, 1 . Ml Am s? M! ASS. eW W - ' x?J,'?$r-x .f.A. ' l2rt i ,.-. - - v) ..K.. ,..,-Jf k -1 the I'i- -.!i"u
1/20/1900 The St. Louis Republic.
m$n y. fSESsI ai fJJM fS2.te. UrE. .. mzMi& r mT&s KWtmi i-Yj i'!M -III i ,' .1 I! MUUi S, 1 . Ml Am s? M! ASS. eW W - ' x?J,'?$r-x .f.A. ' l2rt i ,.-. - - v) ..K.. ,..,-Jf k -1 the I'i- -.!i"u
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NE- "": " "'-" ' ('-'' 3 -',. ':mm HailiH jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl 'tirlriikr jiZSu BklkkkklikV'kHHkkkkklhklRiacTkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkS "Mfcv?sciBS!Sr' t3iiiBHkHkVH9lr&?lkkkkkl jj a.-'Ib&.Isk'S' -mP"-- : 'IHkkkkkSkMBKSllHi&kkH ,- mM;- - -wk2w iBBBkKnHkkBkkVkV EaM-,-'"- -MSt i-liS9HkHkkkkkkkk9kV
1/20/1900 Austin's Hawaiian weekly.
NE- "": " "'-" ' ('-'' 3 -',. ':mm HailiH jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl 'tirlriikr jiZSu BklkkkklikV'kHHkkkkklhklRiacTkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkS "Mfcv?sciBS!Sr' t3iiiBHkHkVH9lr&?lkkkkkl jj a.-'Ib&.Isk'S' -mP"-- : 'IHkkkkkSkMBKSllHi&kkH ,- mM;- - -wk2w iBBBkKnHkkBkkVkV EaM-,-'"- -MSt i-liS9HkHkkkkkkkk9kV
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HON. FRED A. BUSSE, The Choice of Cook County Republicans for Slnto Treasurer
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
HON. FRED A. BUSSE, The Choice of Cook County Republicans for Slnto Treasurer
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WRitJfW&v. '.: :&82:- 7w ,jtek. ,:'-. ...(-tT'e ' i mm&SBmm:M . ,m. ' -ili-. "BsSsSsSsSSSSBeBnLi H 4k Jv& V , . vtBfaseseseSKiBWrniFV' SarASeSeSeSejP'VS$h& ..'eSeSeSeVPiY H5 '? r ,a?a,sese?7Ir rw- dTjeBNOsarSRHlr f JKft 'Jot'' HON. ROBERT M. SIMON,
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
WRitJfW&v. '.: :&82:- 7w ,jtek. ,:'-. ...(-tT'e ' i mm&SBmm:M . ,m. ' -ili-. "BsSsSsSsSSSSBeBnLi H 4k Jv& V , . vtBfaseseseSKiBWrniFV' SarASeSeSeSejP'VS$h& ..'eSeSeSeVPiY H5 '? r ,a?a,sese?7Ir rw- dTjeBNOsarSRHlr f JKft 'Jot'' HON. ROBERT M. SIMON,
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1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
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AMBASSADOR CHOATE Our representative In London la s In constant t cable communication with withWashington 1lthWashington withWashington Washington concerning the seizure of American foodstuffs by t British warships warshIPsat at the Cape The British backdown on Ambassador Choates firm reprwj rep enta entaIons nta ntatlons ntaIons Ions was a qualified one and further seizures Izur may at any time reopen the thequestion theqU thequestion
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
AMBASSADOR CHOATE Our representative In London la s In constant t cable communication with withWashington 1lthWashington withWashington Washington concerning the seizure of American foodstuffs by t British warships warshIPsat at the Cape The British backdown on Ambassador Choates firm reprwj rep enta entaIons nta ntatlons ntaIons Ions was a qualified one and further seizures Izur may at any time reopen the thequestion theqU thequestion
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f'VH sLLv,LLLLHr liB;H 1 Wawaw aw PVBbwawawS' Ml "hB' flk' !' Bm BBft ' iA' ..BBBBBBBBBBBf Bl f -v 4,,imB bj BwA ' aBwBwBVBwr Bh BB ,wtt!iSBBBK ISBB BS BBt iWr'wSMBBBv !9BY BB BBm rrJ& Yl?BBBBk eBf BB BBm , Ww$BBBBBv fH HON. ALEXANDER H. REVELL, The Great Merchant, Who Would Make a Fine Governor of ll.inoii.
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
f'VH sLLv,LLLLHr liB;H 1 Wawaw aw PVBbwawawS' Ml "hB' flk' !' Bm BBft ' iA' ..BBBBBBBBBBBf Bl f -v 4,,imB bj BwA ' aBwBwBVBwr Bh BB ,wtt!iSBBBK ISBB BS BBt iWr'wSMBBBv !9BY BB BBm rrJ& Yl?BBBBk eBf BB BBm , Ww$BBBBBv fH HON. ALEXANDER H. REVELL, The Great Merchant, Who Would Make a Fine Governor of ll.inoii.
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feai?SaS UkAs&M
1/20/1900 The St. Louis Republic.
feai?SaS UkAs&M
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7'K Vladimir Teplow. Imperial Consul General of Russia.
1/20/1900 Evening star.
7'K Vladimir Teplow. Imperial Consul General of Russia.
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gftkj mm- rmtWl ' 1 1 J wM 9m.rjr fl H Shi! flM I
1/20/1900 The oasis.
gftkj mm- rmtWl ' 1 1 J wM 9m.rjr fl H Shi! flM I
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1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
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CATARRH A NATIONAL CALAMITY. Prominent membors of Congress that owo thoir health to Pa-ra-na.
1/20/1900 The Guthrie daily leader.
CATARRH A NATIONAL CALAMITY. Prominent membors of Congress that owo thoir health to Pa-ra-na.
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SHOWING THE NEW SLEEVE DRAPERY DRAPERYA U A j fs 4 t f l 4 I IS S P 4 gi giN gii N i 4 44I i 4I 4IA A reaction against sleeveless evening ev nlng gowns has begun Run This Paris Parismado mOlM mOlMmado motitmade mado of cream rnoustellno mou eellne de sole has a scarf of blue panne velvet draped drapedacross drapedacrOl9 drapedacroac across the < ho bust and falling low on the arm This scarf 8C scr < r Is edged with a wide widefrill widefrill wIdetrill frill of lace For arms not aitogetli r perfect this Is a boon as well ell aa a a anovelty 11novelty aiwvclty
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
SHOWING THE NEW SLEEVE DRAPERY DRAPERYA U A j fs 4 t f l 4 I IS S P 4 gi giN gii N i 4 44I i 4I 4IA A reaction against sleeveless evening ev nlng gowns has begun Run This Paris Parismado mOlM mOlMmado motitmade mado of cream rnoustellno mou eellne de sole has a scarf of blue panne velvet draped drapedacross drapedacrOl9 drapedacroac across the < ho bust and falling low on the arm This scarf 8C scr < r Is edged with a wide widefrill widefrill wIdetrill frill of lace For arms not aitogetli r perfect this Is a boon as well ell aa a a anovelty 11novelty aiwvclty
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I I I Imo I I I i I I j I j i I I I MAY I Ilk A IUCND TO YOUT Writer Mr Learord la out but bl will be 1iack In fire minute Will you wait T Think you said Jack I will and ho look a sHi The yoiuii woman continued at her work nnd Jack rlancM around the ale ontly appoInted room From lime to time he let hua pie faI upon the itecnlj young woman In mot cit Mack nh < m taper flncrt flew over her lHHvrtter ken at rie turned out Mr Uaro > il xolumlnoin corrttpmti nee In l1CralfJf thee cluiciu hla iriio pncointrM that of the young woman antI One of these vna a look no tPirrhlnK that loth bluthcd and Jack ctmnrnered I txw your tnrtloor The rutiiesx to mine Mid the young n imin Hut II think I MW you one nlcht on the flowery It MJLI Jackii turn to lx aitontthed Why ho fihl what wtrfvi doIng m the lUnver11 V J f wet tiiucht i > tenAcrat > hr tit the Self n
1/20/1900 The evening world.
I I I Imo I I I i I I j I j i I I I MAY I Ilk A IUCND TO YOUT Writer Mr Learord la out but bl will be 1iack In fire minute Will you wait T Think you said Jack I will and ho look a sHi The yoiuii woman continued at her work nnd Jack rlancM around the ale ontly appoInted room From lime to time he let hua pie faI upon the itecnlj young woman In mot cit Mack nh < m taper flncrt flew over her lHHvrtter ken at rie turned out Mr Uaro > il xolumlnoin corrttpmti nee In l1CralfJf thee cluiciu hla iriio pncointrM that of the young woman antI One of these vna a look no tPirrhlnK that loth bluthcd and Jack ctmnrnered I txw your tnrtloor The rutiiesx to mine Mid the young n imin Hut II think I MW you one nlcht on the flowery It MJLI Jackii turn to lx aitontthed Why ho fihl what wtrfvi doIng m the lUnver11 V J f wet tiiucht i > tenAcrat > hr tit the Self n
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vLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 'aaaaaaaaaaaaV'kaaaaakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HitfkC HiatVLBBBV IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BsK1 aVLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal fAf-ff 'C aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB laaaaW fe aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa V aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV iEfli4iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH .aaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HON. SOL A. LEWINSOHN,
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
vLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 'aaaaaaaaaaaaV'kaaaaakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HitfkC HiatVLBBBV IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BsK1 aVLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal fAf-ff 'C aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB laaaaW fe aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa V aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV iEfli4iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH .aaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HON. SOL A. LEWINSOHN,
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OLD SALT LAKERS ORSON PRATT PRATTAMONG PRATtA PRATPM0 MONO M0 G tho bond o ot stalwarts who took BO fI prominent a part in founding foundingSalt
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
OLD SALT LAKERS ORSON PRATT PRATTAMONG PRATtA PRATPM0 MONO M0 G tho bond o ot stalwarts who took BO fI prominent a part in founding foundingSalt
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s 17 17T 1 1The T > v wi VV VVr paSVwrS 6 > n nv r V VThe < w The Boers around Ladysmlth are gathering for Mother fierce assault on this bravely defended c town White managed to beat them off once but England fears that th the weakened garrison will wllllJe be unable to withstand second se < ond attack which Is about to bo made It Lodysmith falls about 8000 prisoners p oners and a vast ast quantity of stored will como Into tho possession of the Boers
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
s 17 17T 1 1The T > v wi VV VVr paSVwrS 6 > n nv r V VThe < w The Boers around Ladysmlth are gathering for Mother fierce assault on this bravely defended c town White managed to beat them off once but England fears that th the weakened garrison will wllllJe be unable to withstand second se < ond attack which Is about to bo made It Lodysmith falls about 8000 prisoners p oners and a vast ast quantity of stored will como Into tho possession of the Boers
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CHICAGOS 30000000 CANAl L i Itere Is s a photosa lho tat of one of the most Interesting In teres ling sections s lIon of Chicagos dralnaco d canal which has cost over overSO00 oerOOQrOOO overS0o0f00o SO00 OOQrOOO > 00 to construct It la over 40 miles long Part P rt of the canal cana has already been opened and the rest restwill reslwfl restwiU will be opened o ntd in a few days Considerable Interest has been aroused by the action of St Louis In threatening threateningto to restrain by Injunction the working of this canal can 111 on the grounds that thattho tho sewage carried by It from Chicago Chicagowill Chicagow11 Chicagowill
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
CHICAGOS 30000000 CANAl L i Itere Is s a photosa lho tat of one of the most Interesting In teres ling sections s lIon of Chicagos dralnaco d canal which has cost over overSO00 oerOOQrOOO overS0o0f00o SO00 OOQrOOO > 00 to construct It la over 40 miles long Part P rt of the canal cana has already been opened and the rest restwill reslwfl restwiU will be opened o ntd in a few days Considerable Interest has been aroused by the action of St Louis In threatening threateningto to restrain by Injunction the working of this canal can 111 on the grounds that thattho tho sewage carried by It from Chicago Chicagowill Chicagow11 Chicagowill
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FAMOUS PICTURE OF MARK HANNA tANNA WITH A LITTLE LITTLEBUNCH LT LITTLEBUNCH BUNCH OF O WHISKERS ON HIS CHIN CHINTho CIBNC C 4 4Id 4IdLW LW j jir t t S i > i i iJ J i t t tTho Ij tIj t p ir irF F I ITho Tho News publishes publshes today toay for the first frt time tlie In this tiii city el a most Inter Interesting Interestlnl inlcresting ¬ esting estlnl and remaikable mallable photograph of Senator Mark ark Hanna lnnnn from an I 04 04painting od odp3ntlng o opainting
1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
FAMOUS PICTURE OF MARK HANNA tANNA WITH A LITTLE LITTLEBUNCH LT LITTLEBUNCH BUNCH OF O WHISKERS ON HIS CHIN CHINTho CIBNC C 4 4Id 4IdLW LW j jir t t S i > i i iJ J i t t tTho Ij tIj t p ir irF F I ITho Tho News publishes publshes today toay for the first frt time tlie In this tiii city el a most Inter Interesting Interestlnl inlcresting ¬ esting estlnl and remaikable mallable photograph of Senator Mark ark Hanna lnnnn from an I 04 04painting od odp3ntlng o opainting
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1/20/1900 Deseret evening news.
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TO WED MESTAYER T BATarMAf A arv + 7 Aotreu Victory Bateman no e CreeM I about to marry Charles II Mcstayer This Is not a hajihuartl alliance the actress said todity We have been friend for some years and for two have deckled on He will play Juvenile ccmirdy parts so there will be no trice lion In that way anyhow Ills lUlrman Is better known on the stage than her prospective husband
1/20/1900 The evening world.
TO WED MESTAYER T BATarMAf A arv + 7 Aotreu Victory Bateman no e CreeM I about to marry Charles II Mcstayer This Is not a hajihuartl alliance the actress said todity We have been friend for some years and for two have deckled on He will play Juvenile ccmirdy parts so there will be no trice lion In that way anyhow Ills lUlrman Is better known on the stage than her prospective husband
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. y.vT" '.j'TC'.iW'ni'. mv ' jr- v.j l.i'l.. '. ,. ' , i'i-'. ' ",:.; '. A. ....- ; .' &, t -s- zsffm frifrt , M.l IM 't. ' jMfcr,i''i..v '. 5W k1 j. fmL -f " . - . v H r.1 V II' 1 , mT mzrW4 m n;'r(Hi ' w.!m?n2m JJ"N?."'-J.i'.7: Aa . tf. . .-. ...... .-.i- . . . i . HON. JAMES C. IRWIN, President of the County Board.
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
. y.vT" '.j'TC'.iW'ni'. mv ' jr- v.j l.i'l.. '. ,. ' , i'i-'. ' ",:.; '. A. ....- ; .' &, t -s- zsffm frifrt , M.l IM 't. ' jMfcr,i''i..v '. 5W k1 j. fmL -f " . - . v H r.1 V II' 1 , mT mzrW4 m n;'r(Hi ' w.!m?n2m JJ"N?."'-J.i'.7: Aa . tf. . .-. ...... .-.i- . . . i . HON. JAMES C. IRWIN, President of the County Board.
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. i mm " 'ItiftH Hr . ' ' 'WamWK&amww maBBBBBBBBBBBBmJ-'' f"rA WSaBBWamBBBBBBm WM k i SLmmWM ' '-H iKVi v$aam s s HON. DUNLAP SMITH, Leader In Real Estate Circles.
1/20/1900 Chicago eagle.
. i mm " 'ItiftH Hr . ' ' 'WamWK&amww maBBBBBBBBBBBBmJ-'' f"rA WSaBBWamBBBBBBm WM k i SLmmWM ' '-H iKVi v$aam s s HON. DUNLAP SMITH, Leader In Real Estate Circles.
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reader of the " P.-I." who doesn't look at that page to 44 see what's on sale at the Bon tomorrow" —we've beat. The progress of the event is to be told day by day through the columns of the newspaper!, and It will
1/21/1900 The Seattle post-intelligencer.
reader of the " P.-I." who doesn't look at that page to 44 see what's on sale at the Bon tomorrow" —we've beat. The progress of the event is to be told day by day through the columns of the newspaper!, and It will
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1/21/1900 New-York tribune.
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1/21/1900 Omaha daily bee.
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not runs up a rnoun- anil starts for home to say that he has Section * A\viillINK Kiplornflnii. Drills ! ) East Africa contains two t-ectloiiB migrants from blending with that of the primitive
1/21/1900 Omaha daily bee.
not runs up a rnoun- anil starts for home to say that he has Section * A\viillINK Kiplornflnii. Drills ! ) East Africa contains two t-ectloiiB migrants from blending with that of the primitive
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IION \ II CUMMIN'S OK DES MOINES A LEDING SENATORIAL ASI'IIIAN'T I'hoto by Louis H. llostwlck. casting his eye a little further down tbe 'Tho charge was successful , but the vic tory was won at a fearful cost. Our casual- ' - "
1/21/1900 Omaha daily bee.
IION \ II CUMMIN'S OK DES MOINES A LEDING SENATORIAL ASI'IIIAN'T I'hoto by Louis H. llostwlck. casting his eye a little further down tbe 'Tho charge was successful , but the vic tory was won at a fearful cost. Our casual- ' - "
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BRTO-GEN. WILLIAM A. KOBBE, V. ft. ▼• 7 Governor of the Hemp 7 • Phil
1/21/1900 New-York tribune.
BRTO-GEN. WILLIAM A. KOBBE, V. ft. ▼• 7 Governor of the Hemp 7 • Phil
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1/21/1900 Omaha daily bee.
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Kx-Audltor ( Mc < . * iirth > Carroll Wriirht A. B. Cummins. MR. CUMMIN'S AND HIS MANAGE .ti Photo by Louis K. Bostwick. the Kitty-third congress and on the 23d of 18 ! ) 1
1/21/1900 Omaha daily bee.
Kx-Audltor ( Mc < . * iirth > Carroll Wriirht A. B. Cummins. MR. CUMMIN'S AND HIS MANAGE .ti Photo by Louis K. Bostwick. the Kitty-third congress and on the 23d of 18 ! ) 1
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<3O&naa& esuvmtsiTY usrasz.
1/21/1900 New-York tribune.
<3O&naa& esuvmtsiTY usrasz.
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download image view full issue learn about this newspaper cite this , niack. Stratum , Davis. Graff , 1'rescott. Alulx'ern , Hed Oak. lluinUurg. C'larlnda.
1/21/1900 Omaha daily bee. , niack. Stratum , Davis. Graff , 1'rescott. Alulx'ern , Hed Oak. lluinUurg. C'larlnda.
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1/21/1900 New-York tribune.
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1/21/1900 Omaha daily bee.
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VICTOR HERBERT. Conductor of the Pittsburg Orchestra, which Is to play here this -week.
1/21/1900 New-York tribune.
VICTOR HERBERT. Conductor of the Pittsburg Orchestra, which Is to play here this -week.
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1/21/1900 New-York tribune.

Newspaper Navigator is a project by Benjamin Charles Germain Lee as part of the 2020 Innovator in Residence Program at the Library of Congress.